Alcoholic Beverages

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious. <ref> Only Sith Deal in Absolutes!</ref>

  • Ardees - An alcoholic drink made by the Ardees Beverage Company (Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Databank). See Jawa Juice.
  • Arkanian sweet milk - An incredibly potent but creamy mead (Yoda: Dark Rendezvous).
  • Bespin Port - A sweet, fortified wine from the planet Bespin (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Bespin Sparkle - A sparkling wine originating from the planet Bespin (Dark Nest: The Joiner King).
  • Bloodsour - A cocktail favored by the Barabel species (Dark Nest: The Joiner King).
  • Blue Tonic - A liquor used as one part of the hallucinogenic Reactor Core (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Cassandran Brandy - An exquisite liquor distilled by the Cassandrans (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Cassandran Choholl - A fine liquor considered superior to even the Cassandran Brandy. The Grada brand of Cassandran Choholl sells for more than 500 credits a bottle and is sought galaxywide (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Cassandra Sunrise - An intoxicating beverage that eclipses even the Tatooine Sunrise in potency. It is rumored that the Cassandra Sunrise makes a remarkably effective sunburn salve for species with exceptionally thick skin (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Corellian Ale - A hoppy alcoholic beverage. See Corellian noale (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Corellian noale - A presumably non-alcoholic version of Corellian ale (Outbound Flight).
  • Corellian Spiced Ale - A spicy version of the previous, it is one of Han Solo's preferred inebriants (The Courtship of Princess Leia, Dark Apprentice).
  • Corellian Whisky - An alcoholic drink reserved for only the most special occasions outside the Corellian system, due its high cost of import (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Coruscant Cooler - A fruity juice and wine mixture from Coruscant (MedStar I: Battle Sugeons).
  • Crème D'Infame - One of the most coveted wines in the galaxy (Yoda: Dark Rendezvous).
  • Cortyg Brandy - A very potent alcoholic drink from Kashyyyk. The Wookiees make a milder, smoother version suitable for consumption by other species and a harder version for themselves (Darth Bane: Path of Destruction).
  • Daranu - Made from Terrberries and select spicy nuts on Parein II 4 in the Sarin sector, it is fermented in Sweetgreen Fruit hardnut shells. The taste is very soothing and refreshing... until the alcohol hits like a blaster bolt 30 standard minutes later (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Dark Side Daiquiri - A popular iced cocktail (Medstar II: Jedi Healer).
  • Deltron Spice Wine - A spicy wine (Marvel Comics).
  • Desert Bloom - An alcoholic beverage, perhaps a cocktail, served at the Tatooine-themed Bantha Traxxx nightclub on Lianna (Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy).
  • Dressellian Beer - A cheap, noxious-smelling inebriant made by the prune-faced Dressellians (Episode I: Insider's Guide).
  • Ebla beer - An ale brewed from Ebla grain on the planet Bonadan (Han Solo's Revenge). Note that this beer is often mistakenly referred to as Elba beer (A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, 2nd Edition).
  • Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud - A mixed drink the effect of which has been described as similar to the sonic boom produced by a passing starfighter, capable of knocking the drinker out of his or her seat. The beverage was named a thundercloud because a chemical reaction within the drink creates a miniature "cloud" of ionized gas above the glass. To complete the effect, many bars serve the drink in a container that shoots tiny microshocks into this cloud (Galaxy Guide 9). See also Pink Lizard Thunderbolt.
  • Endorian Brandy - A spirit originating from Endor (Dark Nest: The Joiner King).
  • Endorian Port - A very sweet class of wine originating from Endor (New Jedi Order: Star by Star).
  • Endrolian Ground-Apple Juice - A fruit drink that isn't intended to be alcoholic, but which often ferments while in storage (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Fizzbrew - A heavily carbonated intoxicant (Balance Point).
  • Flameout - An extremely intoxicating beverage that, when mixed correctly, scalds the tongue yet freezes the throat (A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Han Solo's Revenge).
  • Fox Beer - An intoxicant with possible vulpine origins, though this may only be the brand name. Its taste is supposedly "not as bad as it sounds" (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Fozbeer - A popular brew (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Geillian Ale - A type of ale served at the HyperDrive Cantina (Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy).
  • Gizer Ale - An ale distinct for its blue hue (The New Rebellion, Ylesia ebook).
  • Gizer Pale Blue Ale - A light version of the previous (I, Jedi).
  • Jawa Beer - An intoxicant locally brewed by Jawas on Tatooine (Star Wars miniatures, Movie Trilogy Sourcebook). See Local Rocket-Fuel and Jawa Juice.
  • Jawa Juice - It's likely that this is slang for or an imported version of Jawa Beer. It is served at the Tatooine-themed Bantha Traxxx nightclub on Lianna (Attack of the Clones, WEG Star Wars miniatures, Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy). In an earlier draft of Episode II, this drink was referred to as Ardees.
  • Jet Juicer - Slang for an alcoholic (Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe 1st Edition).
  • Juri Juice - An intoxicating substance. The fluid was generally sold in jars of various shapes and sizes, which were oft-collected (Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina, Star Wars Gamer #9).
  • Ky-Lessian Fruit Distillate - An alcoholic beverage from the planet Ky-Lessia (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Likstro - A brand of beer available just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, it was served on tap (Outbound Flight).
  • Local Rocket-Fuel - Slang for any home-brewed alcoholic beverage (Labyrinth of Evil).
  • Lum - A powerful beverage, popular in Corellian space, it's frequently used in "lumguzzling" drinking competitions. This is at least partly due to the fact that while an individual feels the common effects of alcohol when drinking lum, it's impossible to overdose on it. This beverage has led to engendered the description "lum-soaked-drunk" (Galaxy Guide 9, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction).
  • Mandallian Narcolethe - A liquid intoxicant made in the Mandalore system by the Mandallian Giants (Galaxy Guide 9, Star Wars Insider #80: "History of the Mandalorians").
  • Mandolorian Wine - A wine made by the Mandalorians (Star Wars Galaxies).
  • Meltdown - A reputedly more "sophisticated" version of the Reactor Core, this drink instead mixes Spice Liqueur with Lum to the same hallucinogenic effect. The Meltdown is also more expensive (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Membrosia - A widely popular, sweet smelling spirit produced by the insectile Killik race. It begins as a liquid that oozes out of the abdomens of Bantha-sized Killiks called Membrosia givers. This liquid is then collected into wax balls and processed into a clear, amber syrup (Dark Nest: The Joiner King).
  • Merenzane Gold - An expensive liquor (Tales From the Mos Eisely Cantina).
  • Nectarwine - A fermented beverage from the fabled fields of Nepoy (Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady Swings).
  • Norvanian Grog - A strong alcoholic beverage (Star Wars Adventure Journal).
  • Old Janx Spirit - A strong distilled liquor (MedStar II: Jedi Healer). Note that the appearance of this beverage is an homage to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
  • Orryxian Catsblood - An intoxicant with a possibly feline origin (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Ottegan Mead - An fermented beverage from the Ottega system (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Pink Lizard Thunderbolt - A more powerful variation on the Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud, named in honor of the inventor who concocted it on Elshandruu Pica, a small, reptiloid of unknown origin (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Quanya - A liquor traditionally served in a glass ("Kessel Run," Tales Vol. 4).
  • Randoni Yellow Plague - A powerful liquid intoxicant best served chilled (Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy).
  • Reactor Core - A mixed drink that produces hallucinations due to the narcotic agents released by combining Spice Liqueur and Blue Tonic (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Renan Irongut - A harsh, intoxicating potion that can supposedly double as a rust remover (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Renan Wine - A wine from the planet Renan (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Rodian Ale - A drink fermented on Rodia (Wizards of the Coast website).
  • Ryll Beer - A brewed beverage that uses the Twi'leki spice ryll, a powerful and addictive mind-altering substance (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Rylothan yurp - An alcoholic drink made from ingredients on Ryloth (New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy).
  • Savareen Brandy - Along with its Cassandran counterpart, this alcohol is considered one of the finest by brandy connoisseurs (Galaxy Guide 9, Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy).
  • Sinfire - A spicy liquor that also boasts a rich, smooth flavor that remains versatile for mixed drinks (the preferred drink of Sin Squadron pilots)
  • Sith Scorcher - A mixed drink that is set on fire before being served (Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy)
  • Skannbult Likker - This brew is considered to be the most volatile intoxicant in the galaxy. It originates from Skann in the Astal Sector, distilled by local farmers from that planet's Dust-Corn and Dry Gene Wheat. Good quality Likker is rare even on its planet of origin, to say nothing of the galaxy at large, and can be expensive for a beer (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Socorran Raava - An alcoholic drink with Socorran origins (Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy)
  • Somnaskol Red - A strong liquor usually sipped from a flask (Yoda: Dark Rendezvous).
  • Spice Beer - A spicy alcoholic beverage (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Spice Liqueur - An intoxicant used as one part of the hallucinogenic Reactor Core (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Spice Liquor - Likely a variation in brand or simply spelling of the previous (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Spot-luma Lum - A class of lum served at the Glow Dome discotheque on Adarlon, it sells for 15 credits a glass during the Galactic Civil War (Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy).
  • Starshine Surprise - An unusually powerful drink, it is mainly marketed to non-Humans. So named because it often leaves one unexpectedly lying flat on his back, starring up at the stars. See Tatooine Sunburn (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • Survapierre - A liquid whose use is restricted to medicinal purposes. Due to its intoxicating effects, however, the wealthy or unscrupulous often acquire licenses to enjoy it as a kind of alcoholic beverage (Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: Aurorient Express).
  • Talhovian Ale - A bitter malt beverage presumably of Talhovian origin (Dark Nest: The Joiner King).
  • Tarisian Ale - An ale from Taris; a favorite drink among the planet's Sith conquerors (Knights of the Old Republic; "Shadows and Light," Tales Vol. 6).
  • Tatooine Sunburn - Also known as a Tatooine Sunrise. A cousin of the Cassandra Sunrise, the Tatooine Sunburn takes its name from the binary suns of the planet Tatooine: the drink consists of two Starshine * Surprises in a single glass (Galaxy Guide 9). See Cassandra Sunrise.
  • Tatooine Sunrise - See Tatooine Sunburn.
  • Thuris Stout - A strong, dark ale (Galaxy Guide 9).
  • T'iil-T'iil - An expensive liquid intoxicant made near the moss caverns of Loj. It's possibly extracted from the T'iil plant which is found on Alderaan (Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, 1st Edition, Star Wars Radio Drama).
  • Vinta Harvest Ale - An ale from Malastare; frequently sponsors podracing events including the Phoebus Run (Emissaries to Malastare).
  • Whyren's Reserve - A premium liquor (Labyrinth of Evil).
  • Zeltronian Spiced Wine - A spicy wine fermented by the forever-partying Zeltrons (Dark Empire Sourcebook).
