Infiltrator Wing Flight Officer

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
(Redirected from IWFO)

Infiltrator Wing Flight Officer[edit]

IWFO Collar Insignia
IWFO Sleeve Insignia

Infiltrator Wing Flight Officer (IWFO, IWCS-3):
The Infiltrator Wing Flight Officer was in charge of the personnel matters of the Infiltrator Wing, such as rosters and transfers.
The Flight Office was responsible for the maintenance of the Roster, the approval of rank promotions and position promotions, as well as transfers between units.
As with all IWCS officers, the IWFO had sent in a weekly report to the IWCOM. The IWFO may appointed up to two Assistants (IWFO:A).

Minimum Rank: Brevet Admiral
Maximum Rank: Admiral
Medal Award Authority: All IW Medals except the Black Cross of Infiltration, Navy Defense Medal, Echelon Guardian, Good Conduct Medal, and Internal Security Cross
Promotional Authority: All IW Ranks up to Line Admiral, All IW Positions up to Strike Fleet Commodore.