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== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 17th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
* 11/17/24 9:00 - 9:42 PM Eastern
* Online meeting (GoToMeeting)
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin")    X
* Bill ("Rapier")    X
* Dave ("Vadley")    X
* Mark ("Mav")      X
* Ezria ("Ez")      X
* Turtle ("Chris")  X
* Plif ("David")    X
All Continuing as Trustees for 2024-2025? Yes
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* https://tc.emperorshammer.org/page/bylaws
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Turtle)
* Store Front: https://emperorshammer.square.site
* Rollover of DB to Secret Order mostly completed in 2024
* Separate access for Subgroups through mains site branding pending
* Tracking points for performance/activity
* Keeps running tracking sheet of all updates
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
* $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/31/23 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Coming up in May of 2025 - Paid by Bill ("Rapier")
* Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org, -.net & -.com) (~$65/year - "Ronin")
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* Nominations for any new Trustees for 2023-2024?
* HA Plif - Nominated by Grand Admiral Rapier, Seconded by Grand Admiral Ronin, Unanimously approved.
;6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
* Posted on wiki.emperorshammer.org (search for "Trustee")
;7) Old Business
* None
;8) New Business
* XO will be Mav (“Mark”).
* Stay in sync with TIE Corps
* Increase communications
* Re-open Hammer’s Fist?
;9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
* SWTOR (Guild Master “Gytheran”)
* New games: SW Outlaws not really compatible.
* Membership total: 875
;10) Ending
* Motion to dismiss Bill ("Ronin")
* Seconded: Bill ("Rapier")
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 16th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
* 10/29/23 9:05 - 10:15 PM Eastern
* Online meeting (GoToMeeting)
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin")    X
* Bill ("Rapier")    X
* Dave ("Vadley")    -
* Mark ("Mav")      X
* Ezria ("Ez")      X
* Turtle ("Chris")  X
All Continuing as Trustees for 2023-2024? Yes
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* https://tc.emperorshammer.org/page/bylaws
* No changes this year. AI issues (fiction/art)
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Turtle)
* Launched new site. TC running new site. Decommissioned old website; DB data transfer completed in August 2023.
* Three subdomains, same set of code and back-end data. DB now has an effective, modern platform.
* Improvements/transitions and tracking activity. Expand legion of combat system.
* trademark requires merch for sale online. Turtle looked at capefress.com type model. PrintFul and Square being reviewed.
* Merch policy/guidelines for members pending.
* License for members to use trademark...with signatures required.
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
* $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/31/23 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier")
* Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org, -.net & -.com) (~$65/year - "Ronin")
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* Nominations for any new Trustees for 2023-2024?
* None
;6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
* Posted on wiki.emperorshammer.org (search for "Trustee")
;7) Old Business
* DB Secret Order no longer in works with new website - Bill ("Rapier")
* New site a driver to bring people in. Mark ("Mav")
;8) New Business
* None
;9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
* New games: "Outlaws"
* Membership total: 736
* Motion to dismiss Bill ("Ronin")
* Seconded: Bill ("Rapier")
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 15th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
* 10/27/22 9:00 PM - 10:37 PM PM Eastern
* Hosted on conference call: GotoMeeting
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin") X
* Bill ("Rapier") X
* Dave ("Vadley") X
* Mark ("Mav") X
* Ezria ("Ez") X
All Continuing as Trustees for 2021-2022?
* Unanimous Yes
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* https://tc.emperorshammer.org/page/bylaws
* None
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
Maverick provides TC update:
* FA Turtle brief overview
* Rebuilding EH site & database
* Take existing Tie Corps (TC) website as starting point. "Project Relevancy" plan of action w/ milestones. Four phases:
* ph 1 transition TC website into new website (same database w/ recoding) Feb 2022
* ph 2 Imperial University operations migrated off old eh.org to new TC site migration July 2022. Brought in old TC profiles. Kept historical data.
* ph 3 & 4 - finish migration of Dark Brotherhood (DB) data including structure positions, profiles, etc. Transition to new site. Subgroup centric experiences expected.
* New site replacement to be completed in early 2023.
* Bill ("Ronin") requests main splash page to be portal for all of the EH.
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
* $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/30/21 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier"), Assisted by various members.
* emperorshammer.net & emperorshammer.com owned/open for use – DNS to be set to redirect to emperorshammer.org by Bill ("Ronin")
* Replacement CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process - top priority for Bill ("Ronin").
* $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process
* Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* Nominations for any new Trustees for 2021-2022: FA Turtle ("Christopher Hutton"):
* Bill makes motion nominating FA Turtle (“Chris”) - invaluable to EH website updates
* Dave ("Vadley") seconds the motion
* FA Turtle (“Chris”) appreciates & thanks for opportunity to help out.
* Unanimous approval among the Trustees.
;6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted:
* Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board.
* Ronin has copies on his HDD
;7) Old Business
* None
;8) New Business
;Mav - Secret Order for DB overhaul
* Passive engagement - more contribution gains experience. Drives people to participate, incentivizes group content
* RP aspect - societies/profession/class selection builds your own character
* Changes rank titles
* Need to be in "Secret Order" to see other members
* Any EH activity adds to experience -  harmonizes activities within EH.
* Older returning players will start at lower level in Secret Order.
* Needs to finalize transit for EH-DB activities, key skills, like SWG skills 4x4 skill boxes, XP conversion & aligning w/ FA Turtle for database transfer.
;Mav - Tie Corps
* Structure & fictional basis
* progressing plot through Raise the Flag w/ Ishtari
* EH away from home base - going to Unknown Regions.
* Competition based/fiction to bring into canon - goes into Wiki
* Structural updates: 3 Star Destroyers open ~60-70 members/each. Reinstated commodores as battlegroup commanders.
* SSSD Sovereign is in dry dock in Aurora.
* 196 active members currently; 355 in Reserves; 31 in training. Total = 582. ~1,000 Discord users (tc.emperorshammer.org - left side under Comms).
;9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
* History of EH
* Game platforms (primary & secondary [SWG Legends])
* Bill ("Ronin") - motion to adjourn
* Bill ("Rapier") – seconds motion to adjourn
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 14th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 14th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
* 11/21/21 9:00 PM - 9:54 PM PM Eastern
* 11/21/21 9:00 PM - 9:54 PM PM Eastern
Line 323: Line 525:
* General EH discussions
* General EH discussions
Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 6th Annual Trustees Meeting
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 9th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
*11/17/16 9:10 - 10:05 PM Eastern
*(hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel: Server: chromium.typefrag.com, Port: 60535
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin") X
* Bill ("Rapier") X
* Nick ("Havok") ----
* Dave ("Vadley") ----
* Mark ("Mav") X
* Ezria ("Ez") X
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* http://www.emperorshammer.org/page.php?page=bylaws
* Re-adopted
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
* Mumble 10 - slot server
* Enjin website for SWTOR guild and DB use
* EH.org - used for TC (~60 members)
* Hack attack last week - database restored quickly
* Flip to free Mumble
* TC & EH DB memberships maintaining and active
* Command Staff maintaining - providing tools for membership
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("ronin")]
* $50 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed September 2016 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
* $8.99/month for ADV Plan @ emperorshammer.net (Rapier)
* $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
* $12/month ($144/year) for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (to be renewed by 12/4/16 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* EH Trademark renewed in Sept 2016: U.S. Serial Number: 77724358 ($300 - Bill ["Ronin"] filed via USPTO's official website using the"Trademark Electronic Application System teas"])
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* Nominations for any new Trustees for 2016-2017?
* No changes
;6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at:
* http://emperorshammer.net/forum/m/3268063/viewthread/25020225-eh-trustees-meeting-111115
;7) Old Business
* None
;8) New Business
* Star Conflict game popular (EH "Organization" already formed)
* HF to focus on Battlefield
* Kam: uptick in new content with Steam Star Wars games? Are we generating content? (Rapier - yes). New Free Missions and Launcher updates.
* Kam - get msg out re: new EH stuff! Ad Banners?
* ~5-6 people joining EH monthly (Rapier)
* Ronin - need more article mentions, interviews, etc.
;9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
* Status of TOR guild - dead (Ez)
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 8th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
*11/11/15 9:05 - 10:05 PM Eastern
*(hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel: Server: chromium.typefrag.com, Port: 60535
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin")
* Bill ("Rapier")
* Nick ("Havok")
* Dave ("Vadley")
* Mark ("Mav")
* Ezria ("Ez")
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* http://www.emperorshammer.org/page.php?page=bylaws
* re-adopted unanimously
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates
* Recommend implementing ASAP the "sunsetting" of emperorshammer.org
* migrate everything over to emperorhammer.net? Feasible?
* Rapier to make the cover / welcome page to redirect to our main sites
* Rapier will look into Enjin awards & scheduling functions
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
* $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed October 2015 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* put on EH.net
* $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
* $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
* $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (to be renewed by 1/1/16 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* EH Trademark to be renewed in 2016: U.S. Serial Number: 77724358 ($200 - Bill ["Ronin"] to file via USPTO's official website using the Trademark Electronic Application System ["TEAS"])
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* Nominations for any new Trustees for 2015?
;6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at:
* http://emperorshammer.net/forum/m/3268063/viewforum/2068641
;7) Old Business
* Possible EH.net improvements: Maybe go to 2 columns instead of 3; need more people posting and visiting there, etc. (Rapier to review)
* "Star Wars Episode VII: A force Awakened" coming out in Dec 2015: Vadley is VERY up to date with the new movie and he may be a perfect point man (Recon Officer?) for posting updates directly to emperorshammer.net.
* Any new Star Wars games coming online? Battlefront status - coming out next week!
;8) New Business
* Don't buy SOE /
* Battlefront game release - Hammers Fist re-opened !!! (BF2 & Jedi Academy based)
* Should we meet more frequently? Email conversation then meet if needed.
;9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
* Status of TOR guild? (Ez) - game is a bit less fun. More F2P people but not long term players. IW is casual. Havok to try some recruiting.
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 7th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
*11/28/14 10:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern
*(hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel)
=== MINUTES: ===
;1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
* Bill ("Ronin") X
* Bill ("Rapier") X
* Nick ("Havok") X
* Dave ("Vadley") ----
* Mark ("Mav") X
* Ezria ("Ez") X
;2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
* http://www.emperorshammer.org/page.php?page=bylaws
* Re-accepted with no changes (unanimous)
;3) EH Domain/Website Updates
* EH.net used for guild
* EH.Org & ehtc.org (TC site)
* New splash page w/ links to EH.net & skye-rangers.net
* Paid & funded
* 63 users on emperorshammer.net
;4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
* $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed October 2014 by Bill ("Ronin"))
* $9/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
* $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
* $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (renewed 11/28/14 for 1 year by Bill ("Ronin"))
;5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
* None
* All terms re-instated
;6) Old Business
* New Star Wars Episode VII: A force Awakened coming out in Dec 2015 - expect a new genre of online games
* EA game - new Battlefront game coming out in 2015
;7) New Business
* Good Old Games (gog.com) - XvT, XWA among others released
;8) Trustees Q&A
* Rapier to come up with list of possible EH.net improvements
* EU not being source for Ep. 7
== Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 6th Annual Trustees Meeting ==
*11/22/13 9:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern
*11/22/13 9:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern
*(To be hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel)
*(To be hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel)

Latest revision as of 23:06, 17 November 2024

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 17th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/17/24 9:00 - 9:42 PM Eastern
  • Online meeting (GoToMeeting)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") X
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X
  • Turtle ("Chris") X
  • Plif ("David") X

All Continuing as Trustees for 2024-2025? Yes

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Turtle)
  • Store Front: https://emperorshammer.square.site
  • Rollover of DB to Secret Order mostly completed in 2024
  • Separate access for Subgroups through mains site branding pending
  • Tracking points for performance/activity
  • Keeps running tracking sheet of all updates

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/31/23 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Coming up in May of 2025 - Paid by Bill ("Rapier")
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org, -.net & -.com) (~$65/year - "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2023-2024?
  • HA Plif - Nominated by Grand Admiral Rapier, Seconded by Grand Admiral Ronin, Unanimously approved.
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
  • Posted on wiki.emperorshammer.org (search for "Trustee")
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
  • XO will be Mav (“Mark”).
  • Stay in sync with TIE Corps
  • Increase communications
  • Re-open Hammer’s Fist?
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • SWTOR (Guild Master “Gytheran”)
  • New games: SW Outlaws not really compatible.
  • Membership total: 875
10) Ending
  • Motion to dismiss Bill ("Ronin")
  • Seconded: Bill ("Rapier")

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 16th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 10/29/23 9:05 - 10:15 PM Eastern
  • Online meeting (GoToMeeting)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") -
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X
  • Turtle ("Chris") X

All Continuing as Trustees for 2023-2024? Yes

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Turtle)
  • Launched new site. TC running new site. Decommissioned old website; DB data transfer completed in August 2023.
  • Three subdomains, same set of code and back-end data. DB now has an effective, modern platform.
  • Improvements/transitions and tracking activity. Expand legion of combat system.
  • trademark requires merch for sale online. Turtle looked at capefress.com type model. PrintFul and Square being reviewed.
  • Merch policy/guidelines for members pending.
  • License for members to use trademark...with signatures required.
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/31/23 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier")
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org, -.net & -.com) (~$65/year - "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2023-2024?
  • None
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
  • Posted on wiki.emperorshammer.org (search for "Trustee")
7) Old Business
  • DB Secret Order no longer in works with new website - Bill ("Rapier")
  • New site a driver to bring people in. Mark ("Mav")
8) New Business
  • None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • New games: "Outlaws"
  • Membership total: 736
  • Motion to dismiss Bill ("Ronin")
  • Seconded: Bill ("Rapier")

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 15th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 10/27/22 9:00 PM - 10:37 PM PM Eastern
  • Hosted on conference call: GotoMeeting


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") X
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X

All Continuing as Trustees for 2021-2022?

  • Unanimous Yes
2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)

Maverick provides TC update:

  • FA Turtle brief overview
  • Rebuilding EH site & database
  • Take existing Tie Corps (TC) website as starting point. "Project Relevancy" plan of action w/ milestones. Four phases:
  • ph 1 transition TC website into new website (same database w/ recoding) Feb 2022
  • ph 2 Imperial University operations migrated off old eh.org to new TC site migration July 2022. Brought in old TC profiles. Kept historical data.
  • ph 3 & 4 - finish migration of Dark Brotherhood (DB) data including structure positions, profiles, etc. Transition to new site. Subgroup centric experiences expected.
  • New site replacement to be completed in early 2023.
  • Bill ("Ronin") requests main splash page to be portal for all of the EH.

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $33 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/30/21 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $1,400/3 years for upgraded server for EH Website ISP (DreamHost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier"), Assisted by various members.
  • emperorshammer.net & emperorshammer.com owned/open for use – DNS to be set to redirect to emperorshammer.org by Bill ("Ronin")
  • Replacement CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process - top priority for Bill ("Ronin").
  • $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2021-2022: FA Turtle ("Christopher Hutton"):
  • Bill makes motion nominating FA Turtle (“Chris”) - invaluable to EH website updates
  • Dave ("Vadley") seconds the motion
  • FA Turtle (“Chris”) appreciates & thanks for opportunity to help out.
  • Unanimous approval among the Trustees.

6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
  • Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board.
  • Ronin has copies on his HDD
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
Mav - Secret Order for DB overhaul
  • Passive engagement - more contribution gains experience. Drives people to participate, incentivizes group content
  • RP aspect - societies/profession/class selection builds your own character
  • Changes rank titles
  • Need to be in "Secret Order" to see other members
  • Any EH activity adds to experience - harmonizes activities within EH.
  • Older returning players will start at lower level in Secret Order.
  • Needs to finalize transit for EH-DB activities, key skills, like SWG skills 4x4 skill boxes, XP conversion & aligning w/ FA Turtle for database transfer.
Mav - Tie Corps
  • Structure & fictional basis
  • progressing plot through Raise the Flag w/ Ishtari
  • EH away from home base - going to Unknown Regions.
  • Competition based/fiction to bring into canon - goes into Wiki
  • Structural updates: 3 Star Destroyers open ~60-70 members/each. Reinstated commodores as battlegroup commanders.
  • SSSD Sovereign is in dry dock in Aurora.
  • 196 active members currently; 355 in Reserves; 31 in training. Total = 582. ~1,000 Discord users (tc.emperorshammer.org - left side under Comms).
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • History of EH
  • Game platforms (primary & secondary [SWG Legends])
  • Bill ("Ronin") - motion to adjourn
  • Bill ("Rapier") – seconds motion to adjourn

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 14th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") X
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X

All Continuing as Trustees for 2021-2022?

  • Unanimous Yes
2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)

Maverick provides TC update:

  • FA Turtle assisting in development
  • Competition based initially
  • QOL improvements - data mining (i.e., can pickup duplicates of PvP screen shots)
  • Visual upgrades & use of old iconography (i.e., Positions in higher resolution)
  • Corporate Division - software (Tie Corps Tailoring Tool, a.k.a. "TTT3")
  • Updated helmets/insignia from Squadrons for members use in profiles/dossiers
  • 2 Infiltrator Wings in TIE Corps
  • Clave working on 3d renders of Lightsabers for members use in profiles/dossiers
  • Hosting continuing on Dreamhost
  • End of year tentatively expected for launch. In testing.


  • General discussion of VR in Squadrons

GA Rapier:

  • No Dark Brotherhood version (yet) - to be retooled to the "TIE Secret Order"
  • Hammer's Fist in re-development
  • TC = ~150 members + DB = ~37 + ~27-35 other games (i.e., Galaxy of Heroes, Star Trek Online)
  • Message Board contents moved to Wiki. Comms through Discord now.
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/30/21 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $13.99/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier") since early 2014
  • emperorshammer.net & emperorshammer.com owned/open for use
  • Future cost - Secure certificate
  • $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2021-2022?
  • FA Turtle ("Christopher Hutton") on watch for next year.
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted
  • Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board.
  • Ronin has copies on his HDD
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
  • None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • None

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 13th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") X
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X
  • Everyone approves Trustees for 2020-2021.
  • Ronin will email all Trustees for addresses to change annual report.
2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • No changes for now.
  • Passed unanimously.
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
  • New website under development to be ready by end of 2020.
  • Ronin login issues to main website.
  • TC growing fast due to Squadrons (~190 members).
  • Random discussion re: SWTOR & Squadrons. Conflicting reports from Rapier from EA on expandability. New fictional story arc/Order of Battle to catch up to The Force Awakens (3 yrs off / 32 ABY).
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed Sept 2, 2020 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier") since early 2014
emperorshammer.net & emperorshammer.com owned/open for use
  • $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process
  • Renewed Trademark Combined Declaration of Use of Mark in Commerce and Application for Renewal of Registration of a Mark on Oct 20, 2020 ($425).
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2020-2021?
  • None
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at?
  • Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board.
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
  • None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • Ronin's interview w/ Zekk

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 12th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/11/19 9:10 - 9:46 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on conference call: United States: 1 (872) 240-3212 / Access Code: 855-682-149)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") x
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") X
  • Mark ("Mav") x
  • Ezria ("Ez") x

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • None
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
  • Combine all ops to TC site. Main site still used. No changes intended.
  • Ronin will redirect DNS on domain routers, as may be requested by Rapier.
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed Sept 2019 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • emperorshammer.net (Rapier) - cancelled
  • $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process
  • Ronin will renew Trademark 10-year in Oct 2020.
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
  • Renewal/Verification of Use for EH Trademark to be completed by Ronin
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2018-2019?
  • No changes/new nominations proposed
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at?
  • Rapier has FTP docs from EH doc upload in Nov 2018
  • Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board
7) Old Business
  • None

8) New Business
  • None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • Chit chat

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 11th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/14/18 9:10 - 9:50 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on conference call: United States: 1 (408) 650-3123 / Access Code: 517-270-165)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier")X
  • Nick ("Havok") N/P
  • Dave ("Vadley") N/P
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
  • Covers loss of emperorshammer.net - Enjin lost even backup
  • Downsize and migrate to TC type website to merge EHDB and TC into one website. Major graphics, functionality, etc. Schedule TBD.
  • Rapier to email Ronin for TC member backup.
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("ronin")]
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed August 2018 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • emperorshammer.net (Rapier) - cancelled
  • $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan)
  • Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (lapsed in late 2017) - TS server & Discord linked to TC website.
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2018-2019?
  • Rapier - moved for dismissal of Havoc in 1+ year. Removed as EH XO. (passed unanimously)
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at
  • Ronin to email Rapier with past mtg chat logs and copy to FTP all historic EH files from Ronin's HDD.
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
  • New Science & Recon Officers. Working on manual updates, social media, etc.
  • New Fleet Manual finished
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 10th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/8/17 10:00 - 11 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on conference call: United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 / Access Code: 351-769-069)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Nick ("Havok") Not Present
  • Dave ("Vadley") Not Present
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X
2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
  • Downsizing being planned and webssite re-designs pending
  • The EH will finally move out of the Minos Cluster!
  • total membership = ~150-200 (~60-70 active)
  • Supported Games:
  • Battlefront 2
  • Star Trek Online
  • Star Conflict
  • A few SWGEmu
  • A few in SWTOR (Horus is current GM)
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("ronin")]
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed September 2016 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • $8.99/month for ADV Plan @ emperorshammer.net (Rapier) - being reverted to Basic Plan
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan)
  • Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (to lapse in late 2017) - can use emperorshammer.net Mumble (10 people) or Telegraph or Discord.
  • Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2017-2018?
  • None
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at
7) Old Business
  • None
8) New Business
  • None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • General EH discussions

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 9th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/17/16 9:10 - 10:05 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel: Server: chromium.typefrag.com, Port: 60535


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Nick ("Havok") ----
  • Dave ("Vadley") ----
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • Re-adopted

3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
  • Mumble 10 - slot server
  • Enjin website for SWTOR guild and DB use
  • EH.org - used for TC (~60 members)
  • Hack attack last week - database restored quickly
  • Flip to free Mumble
  • TC & EH DB memberships maintaining and active
  • Command Staff maintaining - providing tools for membership

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("ronin")]
  • $50 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed September 2016 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • $8.99/month for ADV Plan @ emperorshammer.net (Rapier)
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
  • $12/month ($144/year) for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (to be renewed by 12/4/16 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • EH Trademark renewed in Sept 2016: U.S. Serial Number: 77724358 ($300 - Bill ["Ronin"] filed via USPTO's official website using the"Trademark Electronic Application System teas"])

5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2016-2017?
  • No changes

6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at

7) Old Business
  • None

8) New Business
  • Star Conflict game popular (EH "Organization" already formed)
  • HF to focus on Battlefield
  • Kam: uptick in new content with Steam Star Wars games? Are we generating content? (Rapier - yes). New Free Missions and Launcher updates.
  • Kam - get msg out re: new EH stuff! Ad Banners?
  • ~5-6 people joining EH monthly (Rapier)
  • Ronin - need more article mentions, interviews, etc.

9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • Status of TOR guild - dead (Ez)

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 8th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/11/15 9:05 - 10:05 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel: Server: chromium.typefrag.com, Port: 60535


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin")
  • Bill ("Rapier")
  • Nick ("Havok")
  • Dave ("Vadley")
  • Mark ("Mav")
  • Ezria ("Ez")

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance

3) EH Domain/Website Updates
  • Recommend implementing ASAP the "sunsetting" of emperorshammer.org
  • migrate everything over to emperorhammer.net? Feasible?
  • Rapier to make the cover / welcome page to redirect to our main sites
  • Rapier will look into Enjin awards & scheduling functions

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed October 2015 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • put on EH.net
  • $10.95/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
  • $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (to be renewed by 1/1/16 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • EH Trademark to be renewed in 2016: U.S. Serial Number: 77724358 ($200 - Bill ["Ronin"] to file via USPTO's official website using the Trademark Electronic Application System ["TEAS"])

5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • Nominations for any new Trustees for 2015?

6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted at

7) Old Business
  • Possible EH.net improvements: Maybe go to 2 columns instead of 3; need more people posting and visiting there, etc. (Rapier to review)
  • "Star Wars Episode VII: A force Awakened" coming out in Dec 2015: Vadley is VERY up to date with the new movie and he may be a perfect point man (Recon Officer?) for posting updates directly to emperorshammer.net.
  • Any new Star Wars games coming online? Battlefront status - coming out next week!

8) New Business
  • Don't buy SOE /
  • Battlefront game release - Hammers Fist re-opened !!! (BF2 & Jedi Academy based)
  • Should we meet more frequently? Email conversation then meet if needed.

9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
  • Status of TOR guild? (Ez) - game is a bit less fun. More F2P people but not long term players. IW is casual. Havok to try some recruiting.

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 7th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/28/14 10:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern
  • (hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Nick ("Havok") X
  • Dave ("Vadley") ----
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez") X

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • Re-accepted with no changes (unanimous)

3) EH Domain/Website Updates
  • EH.net used for guild
  • EH.Org & ehtc.org (TC site)
  • New splash page w/ links to EH.net & skye-rangers.net
  • Paid & funded
  • 63 users on emperorshammer.net

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed October 2014 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $9/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Taken over by Bill ("Rapier") in early 2014
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
  • $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (renewed 11/28/14 for 1 year by Bill ("Ronin"))

5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
  • None
  • All terms re-instated

6) Old Business
  • New Star Wars Episode VII: A force Awakened coming out in Dec 2015 - expect a new genre of online games
  • EA game - new Battlefront game coming out in 2015

7) New Business
  • Good Old Games (gog.com) - XvT, XWA among others released

8) Trustees Q&A
  • Rapier to come up with list of possible EH.net improvements
  • EU not being source for Ep. 7

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 6th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/22/13 9:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern
  • (To be hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") X
  • Bill ("Rapier") X
  • Nick ("Havok") X (late arrival)
  • John ("Cyric") (resigned his Trustees position via email to Rapier in November 2013)
  • Joey ("Stryfe")
  • Dave ("Vadley") X (late arrival)
  • Mark ("Mav") X
  • Ezria ("Ez")* X

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • Re-accepted with no changes (unanimous)

3) EH Domain/Website Updates
  • emperorshammer.net to be primary TOR guild "hub"
  • ~190 users on emperorshammer.net
  • emperorshammer.org to become main 'respository' for archives
  • now supporting ~8 game platforms currently besides TOR

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed October 2013 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $9/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost)
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
  • $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (renewed September 2013 for 1 year by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • emperorshammer.net - self supported via Member donations = no cost to EH to run

5) EH Trustees - New Trustee Induction (Ezria)
  • Ezria voted to be added as an EH Trustee
  • Joey ("Stryfe")'s term as Trustee is up and is not voted to a continued term
  • John ("Cyric") (resigned his Trustee position via email to Rapier in November 2013)

6) New Business
  • New Star Wars movies coming out in 2015 - expect a new genre of online games
  • TIE Corps - TOR Galactic Starfighter platform to be used as a future PvP platform (pending release)
  • Havok: DJB & EH joint ops - mend comms between the clubs

7) Old Business
  • None

8) Fleet Report - [Bill ("Rapier")]
  • EH TOR guild @ 90 subscribers +10% rep/exp bonuses
  • TC is growing again (~30 members)
  • DB @ ~20 people - working on being more active
  • EH running smoothly, awards being handed out regularly
  • 19 th anniversary this Dec-Jan

9) Trustees Q&A
  • Vadley says "hi"
  • EH Gear site - Ronin to review & update
  • mIRC channel still active
  • possible weekly/monthly chat meetings - to be reviewed

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 5th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 12/14/12 9:00 - 9:45 PM Eastern
  • (Hosted on the EH Ventrilo Channel: chromium.typefrag.com - port: 60535)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees needed)
  • Bill ("Ronin") (present)
  • Bill ("Rapier") (present)
  • Nick ("Havok") (present)
  • John ("Cyric") (absent - but approved all decisions via text to Mark ("Mav"))
  • Joey ("Stryfe") (absent)
  • Dave ("Vadley") (present)
  • Mark ("Mav") (present)

2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
  • Re-accepted without comment

3) EH Domain/Website Updates
  • emperorshammer.net has 255 users and TOR guild in-game has 179 members as of 12/14/12, despite two guild name changes and a server transfer in TOR's first year
  • Bill ("Ronin") would like to see emperorshammer.org be migrated/DNS point to emperorshammer.net. We should migrate content over from emperorshammer.org.

-* Do we want to do anything with emperorshammer.com? (all Trustees suggested to point flash page to emperorhammer.net)

  • We may take emperorshammer.net to the Enjin "Ultimate Plan"? (runs ~$25/month instead of $9/month). There is MUCH more we could do with the website (i.e., file storage, unlimited modules, automations, recruiting ,etc.), but we are a bit limited at the Advanced Plan level. Bill ("Ronin") offers to provide more Enjin CMS site support re: new website content, modules etc. if desired by Bill ("Rapier") to bring his Enjin CMS experience from other websites. Bill ("Rapier") to submit plan by Feb 1, 2012.
  • Bill ("Rapier") - paid 12 months ahead. Database functionality lacking on Enjin site.
  • More Raid Leaders should post on the emperorshammer.net site to increase site activity
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed September 2012 by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • $9/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost)
  • $0.00/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear (auto-reverted to Basic Plan)
  • $6/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting (renewed on 12/5/12 for 1 year by Bill ("Ronin"))
  • emperorshammer.net - self supported via Member donations = no cost to EH to run
5) EH Trustees - New Trustee Induction (Havok)
  • Bill ("Rapier") proposes Havok [Executive Officer (XO)] for Trustee.
  • Havok keeping guild together in TOR is doing amazing work in game
  • Trustees voted unanimously to approve Havok as a new EH Trustee
  • All existing Trustees to serve an additional term and no one resigned as Trustee
6) New Business
  • TOR burnout - need more recruiting in game! Bill ("Rapier") will post a statement for general chat for recruiting
  • Disney buyout of Lucas - new games expected concurrent with Ep. 7-9? Rumors of new games.
  • Facebook support [Joey ("Stryfe")]? Bill ("Rapier") replied with we tried FB and Twitter updates - no one was really reading, but we do have a FB page (fan, group and SWG pages are up). Bill ("Ronin") suggests RSS feed off emperorshammer.net.

7) Old Business
  • None
8) Fleet Report - [Bill ("Rapier")]
  • most active portion is TOR guild (179 members w/ alts)
  • AWOL members >180 days removed from guild
  • TIE Corps = ~50-60 people
  • Dark Brotherhood = ~50-60 people
  • Flying and trivia/runons running
9) Trustees Q&A
  • None

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 4th Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • 11/5/10 9:00 - 9:30 PM Eastern
  • (held in EH Ventrilo Channel)


1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 4 Trustees was present)
  • Bill ("Ronin") (present)
  • John ("Cyric") (absent)
  • Joey ("Stryfe") (absent)
  • Dave ("Vadley") (present)
  • Mark ("Mav") (present)
  • Matt ("Obraik") (absent)
  • Bill ("Rapier") (present)

2) EH Bylaws Re-Acceptance
  • The attendees present unanimously agreed to re-adopt the EH Bylaws.

3) EH Domain/Website Updates
  • [Bill ("Ronin")] stated that the domain registration for emperorshammer.org is coming due and will be renewed for a 3 years. Mark ("Mav") suggested using more social media and Bill ("Rapier") noted that the EH website is already linked via Facebook & Twitter. Bill ("Rapier") will update entries, etc. however, and will be working on general website updates with JediEclipse and Zsinj in supportof the December 2011 of SW:TOR.

4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update
  • Bill ("Ronin") reported that the annual State of NJ corporate report was filed on 8/29/11 for 2012.
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee
  • $9/month for EH Website ISP (down from $49/month last year)
  • $6.95/month for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear
  • $10/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting
  • The Attendees offered to assist with financial support for the EH. Considering the monthly fee totals only about $25, Bill ("Ronin") declined assistance. But we will have more discussion during the upcoming year for splitting up some of the costs so we all 'have some skin in the game'. A suggestion was that someone else could take over the Ventrilo channel for example.

5) EH Trustees
  • Matt ("Obraik") reported that he had recently spoken with Matt ("Obraik") in SWG. Matt ("Obraik") will be taking a break from Star Wars gaming after SWG closes on 12/15/11. Accordingly, all Attendees present voted unanimously to remove Matt ("Obraik") as an EH Trustee for 2012. If he wants to return at a later date, he can be reconsidered for Trusteeship.
  • Bill ("Rapier") is also going to appoint an Executive Officer (XO) who would likely be considered/nominated for Trustee in the next year or so.

6) New Business
  • Mark ("Mav") asked if the old TIE series games could be downloaded off a commercial server (i.e., Steam) or if the EH could host a server. A discussion ensued regarding probable licensing fees which would be required to be issued by LucasArts and that no public download of the old game program is available. The Attendees agreed to table this discussion until the next EH Trustees meeting in 2012.

7) Old Business - none

8) Fleet Report - Bill ("Rapier")
  • The Fleet stands at about 150-200 Members (mostly TIE Corps and DB) plus ~330 in the Fringe/SWG. Bill ("Rapier") and Bill ("Ronin") will coordinate recruiting in TOR when it goes live on 12/20/11.

9) Trustees Q&A
  • Mark ("Mav") suggested that the EH consider supporting Clone Wars in the Fringe Subgroup. Although the Attendees agreed that the game is intended for a younger audience, there was some discussion that this game platform may generate future recruits for the EH so we will keep an eye on the game's development.

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 3rd Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

11/5/10 9:01 - 9:37 PM Eastern


1) Roll Call - Attendees
  • Bill ("Ronin")
  • John ("Cyric")
  • Joey ("Stryfe")
  • Dave ("Vadley")
  • Mark ("Mav")
  • Matt ("Obraik") (Absent)
  • Bill ("Rapier")

2) Proposed Re-Adoption of the EH Bylaws [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • Bill ("Ronin") has some minor updates to the EH Bylaws (including recent language Trademark updates). Per the Bylaws, the proposed changes will be emailed to the Trustees in the next few days. A majority vote accepting the changes will make them official for posting to the EH.

3) Nomination of New Trustees [Bill ("Rapier")], nominated by [John ("Cyric")]
  • John ("Cyric") proposed Bill ("Rapier") as a new EH Trustee. He gave background on Bill ("Rapier") and his history of accomplishments and projects within the club.
  • All Attendees unanimously approved induction of Bill ("Rapier") as the newest EH Trustee.
  • Bill ("Ronin") asked John ("Cyric") and Bill ("Rapier") to update the EH website "about" and ownership pages with the Internet Officer accordingly.

4) State of the Fleet Report [John ("Cyric")]
  • John ("Cyric") gave a brief update on some recent developments and major changes in the EH including: recent roll-out of the new EH website and Member database, praise for the current Command Staff and their hard work, and merging of the EH Hammer's Fist and Directorate in the Dark Brotherhood due to lack of independent activity despite recent game platforms for their use.

5) EH Trademark - Registration #3868245 was officially registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office on 10/26/10 [Bill ("Ronin")]

6) Report of Emperor's Hammer, Inc. operating costs for 2010-2011 [Bill ("Ronin")]
  • ~$700 for the EH Trademark registration (10/26/10)
  • $25 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee
  • $49/month for EH Website ISP
  • $6.95 for CafeFress.Com for EH Gear
  • $10/month for Typefrag Ventrilo voice chat hosting
  • Bill ("Ronin") asked Joey ("Stryfe") to email a benefits/services list for the Trustees regarding the current hosting plan we have with his ISP service.

7) New Business?
  • John ("Cyric") inquired about whether the EH could sell/directly provide for download with Luucas Arts. The Attendees agreed that while this may be something to research further, licensing arrangements would be prohibitive.
  • Bill ("Ronin") related that all new recruits to our SWG EH Guild have to register through the website. Accordingly, Bill ("Ronin") asked Bill ("Rapier") if more user functionality is being worked on. He responded that was on his list of projects once the website was de-bugged. Cosmetic effects, artwork, user enhancements, etc. are pending in 2011.
  • Mark "Mav" asked if the EH was developing anything for downloadable mobile applications. Bill ("Rapier") responded that he was working on a Wiki update as well as a "Facebook-like" application for the EH.

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 2nd Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • Post by GARonin » Sat Nov 6, 2009
  • Attending Trustees:
  • Ronin ("Krenn'Sa")
  • Cyric ("Evokha")
  • Stryfe ("St'ryyfe")
  • Maverick ("Kamjim Lap'lamiz")
  • Vadley ("Inko")
  • Obraik


  • Second Annual EH Trustees Meeting Minutes - 11/6/09
  • [Chat] 21:25:25 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik...please start your log"
  • [Chat] 21:25:38 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I have some intro remarks first"
  • [Chat] 21:25:39 Obraik Orom says, "it's started"
  • [Chat] 21:25:56 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "First welcome gentlemen, to the 2nd annual EH Trustees Meeting"
  • [Chat] 21:26:15 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I presume you all received the agenda...we will try and keep the meeting on track"
  • [Chat] 21:26:51 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Roll call...when i call your name, please acknowledge you are via via "aye" or "here" for the log"
  • [Chat] 21:27:03 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric/Evokha?"
  • [Chat] 21:27:06 Evokha Natou says, "here"
  • [Chat] 21:27:19 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Vadley?"
  • [Chat] 21:27:21 Vadley Raplin says, "aye"
  • [Chat] 21:27:24 Obraik Orom says, "rno"
  • [Chat] 21:27:36 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:27:42 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Present via proxy"
  • [Chat] 21:27:44 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "(via proxy thru Mav)"
  • [Chat] 21:27:47 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thx"
  • [Chat] 21:27:58 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I also want to welcome Mav and Obraik to their first Trustees meeting"
  • [Chat] 21:28:04 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Mav/Kam?"
  • [Chat] 21:28:07 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Here"
  • [Chat] 21:28:09 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik?"
  • [Chat] 21:28:12 Obraik Orom says, "Hai"
  • [Chat] 21:28:29 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Let the log show all EH Trustees are present and the two nominees are also present"
  • [Chat] 21:28:53 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Our first order of business...re-adoption of the EH Bylaws"
  • [Chat] 21:29:00 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "are there any proposed changes this year?"
  • [Chat] 21:29:04 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I have none"
  • [Chat] 21:29:16 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric?"
  • [Chat] 21:29:16 Vadley Raplin says, "none here"
  • [Chat] 21:29:30 Evokha Natou says, "none here either"
  • [Chat] 21:29:37 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:29:50 Evokha Natou says, "he has none"
  • [Chat] 21:29:53 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:30:13 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "let the log note that the EH Bylaws are re-adopted for 2010"
  • [Chat] 21:30:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "2nd order of business"
  • [Chat] 21:30:34 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Nomination of new trustees"
  • [Chat] 21:30:56 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "first Maverick/Kamjim..."
  • [Chat] 21:31:12 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yeah/nay votes from Trustees when called."
  • [Chat] 21:31:27 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I believe we all know Ob's and Mav's contributions so I will not re-present them here..."
  • [Chat] 21:31:39 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric...do you accept these nominations?"
  • [Chat] 21:31:44 Evokha Natou says, "yeah"
  • [Chat] 21:31:49 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Vadley?"
  • [Chat] 21:31:53 Vadley Raplin says, "yeah"
  • [Chat] 21:31:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:32:03 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Stryyfe answers "Yay""
  • [Chat] 21:32:13 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I answer Yes as well..."
  • [Chat] 21:32:27 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Congratulations, Mav & Ob...you are now on the EH Board of Trustees"
  • [Chat] 21:32:37 Obraik Orom says, "thanks :)"
  • [Chat] 21:32:41 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:32:50 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Please review the Bylaws regarding your terms of duty and duties, rights, privileges etc"
  • [Chat] 21:33:12 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe...Please revise the EH main website with the two new Trustees names"
  • [Chat] 21:33:22 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "(splash page at emperorshammer.org)"
  • [Chat] 21:33:35 Evokha Natou says, "no that would be Zsinj the IO"
  • [Chat] 21:33:51 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "very good...thanks....Stryyfe, belay that order :)"
  • [Chat] 21:34:01 Evokha Natou says, "I can take care of that"
  • [Chat] 21:34:02 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "3rd order of business"
  • [Chat] 21:34:21 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "existing Trustees...are all of us in agreement that we're not kicking anyone out ? :)"
  • [Chat] 21:34:30 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric?"
  • [Chat] 21:34:33 Evokha Natou says, "yay"
  • [Chat] 21:34:41 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Vadley?"
  • [Chat] 21:34:45 Vadley Raplin says, "yay"
  • [Chat] 21:34:48 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:35:05 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "St'ryyfe answers "oh yes, no changes.""
  • [Chat] 21:35:26 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I agree as well...let the log show all existing Trustees have extended terms through 2010"
  • [Chat] 21:35:37 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik and Mav, do you concur?"
  • [Chat] 21:35:42 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "I concur"
  • [Chat] 21:35:51 Obraik Orom says, "I dunno about this Kamjim fella..."
  • [Chat] 21:35:58 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "keep it serious lol"
  • [Chat] 21:35:58 Obraik Orom says, "but I'll concur :P"
  • [Chat] 21:36:03 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:36:12 Kamjim Lap'lamiz chuckles.
  • [Chat] 21:36:22 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "next...Overall EH Ops update from GA Cyric..."
  • [Chat] 21:36:41 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Admiral, you have the floor...please cover TOR, command structure and new database"
  • [Chat] 21:36:51 Evokha Natou says, "ok"
  • [Chat] 21:36:53 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "and anything else you would like to update the Board on"
  • [Chat] 21:37:15 Evokha Natou says, "CS underwent a restructure going from 13 odd positions to 7"
  • [Chat] 21:37:31 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "(CS=command staff)"
  • [Chat] 21:37:57 Evokha Natou says, "this in order to redirect the club into a more managable framework"
  • [Chat] 21:38:07 Evokha Natou says, "starting with the middle management on down"
  • [Chat] 21:38:18 Evokha Natou says, "less bureacracy"
  • [Chat] 21:38:45 Evokha Natou says, "We've also done away with the OPS position in its entirety...OPS= Operations officer"
  • [Chat] 21:38:52 Evokha Natou says, "tasked with Medals"
  • [Chat] 21:39:27 Evokha Natou says, "Currently the IO Zsinj is working on a Database that will encompass all of the existing group databases"
  • [Chat] 21:39:58 Evokha Natou says, "This will bring everything into one system, one profile, one pin number"
  • [Chat] 21:40:18 Evokha Natou says, "Making tracking, achievements and tasks easier to manage"
  • [Chat] 21:40:57 Evokha Natou says, "The EH as a whole is also gearing towards the old republic release"
  • [Chat] 21:41:25 Evokha Natou says, "we are trying to "hit the ground running" and establish a presence before the game goes live"
  • [Chat] 21:42:06 Evokha Natou says, "breaking with tradition of waiting five years after a game comes out"
  • [Chat] 21:42:42 Evokha Natou says, "I think I'm done"
  • [Chat] 21:42:48 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "excellent"
  • [Chat] 21:42:52 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "two questions for you Cyric"
  • [Chat] 21:43:03 Evokha Natou says, "no"
  • [Chat] 21:43:21 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "1) our Training Manual/Medals system...I noticed the online version no longer has most of the grfx for them...can someone put them back up?"
  • [Chat] 21:43:36 Evokha Natou says, "our TO is working on this now as we speak"
  • [Chat] 21:43:42 Evokha Natou says, "already ahead of you"
  • [Chat] 21:43:56 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "good...thx"
  • [Chat] 21:44:01 Evokha Natou says, "next"
  • [Chat] 21:44:08 Evokha Natou smiles.
  • [Chat] 21:44:09 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "2) the new database/PIN system"
  • [Chat] 21:44:21 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "will that be tied to the msg board forums?"
  • [Chat] 21:44:25 Evokha Natou says, "Jan 2010"
  • [Chat] 21:44:37 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "i noticed in the Fringe and other online groups they make new recruits register first there"
  • [Chat] 21:44:44 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "so, that's a yes?"
  • [Chat] 21:44:55 Evokha Natou says, "no"
  • [Chat] 21:44:58 Evokha Natou says, "and no"
  • [Chat] 21:45:26 Evokha Natou says, "we aren't like other online groups, we will make themfile a join form first"
  • [Chat] 21:45:38 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ok...i think we'll need that...Obraik, this is up your area of expertise"
  • [Chat] 21:45:39 Evokha Natou says, "can they be integrated I don't see why not"
  • [Chat] 21:45:45 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ahh good"
  • [Chat] 21:45:52 Obraik Orom says, "hmm?"
  • [Chat] 21:45:55 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "n/m"
  • [Chat] 21:46:04 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "so we can link the systems"
  • [Chat] 21:46:06 Evokha Natou says, "generally they will use"
  • [Chat] 21:46:08 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "?"
  • [Chat] 21:46:16 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Krenn'sa, from a system's build standpoint I do not believe so"
  • [Chat] 21:46:19 Evokha Natou says, "the same name for the MB and profile"
  • [Chat] 21:46:30 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "The forums most likely utilize a different coding system than the new EH Database."
  • [Chat] 21:46:37 Evokha Natou says, "no"
  • [Chat] 21:46:49 Evokha Natou says, "the new database is in PHP mysql"
  • [Chat] 21:46:52 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "i am just thinking ahead to TOR...like the Fringe Iw ould love tos ay to new Members, "go here and register in our forums",...so we will do that now via the PIN/database"
  • [Chat] 21:47:25 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "some thing to consider"
  • [Chat] 21:47:35 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "we can move along"
  • [Chat] 21:47:46 obraik tells you, 'we're under attack :P'.
  • [Chat] 21:47:48 Evokha Natou says, "one other thing whiloe we are here"
  • [GroupChat] 21:47:59 You tell obraik, 'by what?'.
  • [Chat] 21:48:05 obraik tells you, 'void wings!'.
  • [Chat] 21:48:05 Evokha Natou says, "questions arise about the fringe and how to integrate it to the EH"
  • [Chat] 21:48:44 Evokha Natou says, "I notice the Fringe section of the EH pages is relatively empty, that would be a good place to put info about this game in there buld a site etc"
  • [Chat] 21:48:57 Obraik Orom says, "indeed"
  • [Chat] 21:49:07 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "obraik, can you handle that task?"
  • [Chat] 21:49:19 Evokha Natou says, "obraik please speak with the IO about it and see what you can do"
  • [Chat] 21:49:26 Evokha Natou says, "enough from me..."
  • [Chat] 21:49:32 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thanks, Cyric"
  • [Chat] 21:49:39 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ignore the blaster fire lol"
  • [Chat] 21:49:42 Evokha Natou says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:49:49 Vadley Raplin says, "she will hold together"
  • [Chat] 21:49:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "next topic...EH Trademark..."
  • [Chat] 21:50:03 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Gentlemen, I'd propose a moment's break to deal with the attacking ship. Surely you put a gun turrent on this ship Krenn'sa"
  • [Chat] 21:50:17 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I got a notice from the US Trademark office that the mark/description is approved"
  • [Chat] 21:50:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "kam, patience"
  • [Chat] 21:50:47 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "was posted in the federal register on 9/22/09...assuming there are no objections the EH mark and name are ours"
  • [Chat] 21:50:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "almost done..."
  • [Chat] 21:51:36 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "next topic...EH Corporate operating expenses...I am paying $50/month for ISP service, $6.95 for Caepress (EH Gear) and about $100/3 years for domain registrations..."
  • [Chat] 21:51:46 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "does the Board vote to continue these costs for 2010?"
  • [Chat] 21:51:50 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric?"
  • [Chat] 21:52:04 Evokha Natou says, "aye"
  • [Chat] 21:52:08 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "vadley?"
  • [Chat] 21:52:12 Vadley Raplin says, "aye"
  • [Chat] 21:52:20 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:52:25 Evokha Natou grabs Mustafarian Table, Medium and drags it to the dance-floor.
  • [Chat] 21:52:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:52:57 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "St'ryyfe votes "yes""
  • [Chat] 21:53:02 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:53:04 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik?"
  • [Chat] 21:53:48 ***enzz has gone offline at Fri Nov 06 21:53:48 2009.
  • [Chat] 21:53:56 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik!?!"
  • [Chat] 21:54:02 Evokha Natou lets out a resounding belch!
  • [Chat] 21:54:03 Obraik Orom says, "yes"
  • [Chat] 21:54:07 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Mav?"
  • [Chat] 21:54:11 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Yes"
  • [Chat] 21:54:11 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "Yes"
  • [Chat] 21:54:15 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 21:54:22 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "last order of business..."
  • [Chat] 21:54:35 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "do any of the Trustees have any new business or issues to bring up?"
  • [Chat] 21:55:02 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Cyric?"
  • [Chat] 21:55:04 Evokha Natou bows.
  • [Chat] 21:55:12 Evokha Natou says, "nay"
  • [Chat] 21:55:18 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Vadley?"
  • [Chat] 21:55:19 Vadley Raplin says, "no"
  • [Chat] 21:55:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Stryyfe?"
  • [Chat] 21:55:45 Evokha Natou blames everyone else.
  • [Chat] 21:56:13 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "St'ryyfe's reply...while colorful, results in a non."
  • [Chat] 21:56:13 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "i will take his lack of response as a no"
  • [Chat] 21:56:17 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "lol"
  • [Chat] 21:56:17 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "*no"
  • [Chat] 21:56:20 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Obraik?"
  • [Chat] 21:56:30 Obraik Orom says, "nah I'm good"
  • [Chat] 21:56:34 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Mav?"
  • [Chat] 21:56:43 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "No new business for the Board."
  • [Chat] 21:56:48 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "excellent..."
  • [Chat] 21:57:01 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "then Gentlemen, the 2nd EH Annual Trustees Meeting is adjourned..."
  • [Chat] 21:57:09 Vadley Raplin salutes Couch.
  • [Chat] 21:57:16 Kamjim Lap'lamiz salutes you.
  • [Chat] 21:57:16 Kamjim Lap'lamiz salutes you.
  • [Chat] 21:57:16 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "now will someone go into the turrets and kill these Void fighters please ?!?"
  • [Chat] 21:57:22 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "logs off..."
  • [Chat] 21:57:22 Kamjim Lap'lamiz says, "finally, yes"

Emperor's Hammer, Inc. - 1st Annual Trustees Meeting[edit]

  • Post by GARonin » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:17 am
  • Fellow Imperials, the EH Trustees held their first annual meeting last night night in SWG, as that is the most convenient comm platform for all 4 of us...We took a ride in my private prison barge, the Southern Cross, and had a brief 1/2 meeting in game...
  • Attending Trustees:
  • Ronin ("Krenn'Sa")
  • Cyric ("Evokha")
  • Stryfe ("St'ryyfe")
  • Vadley ("Inko")


  • First Annual EH Trustees Meeting Minutes - 11/21/08
  • [Chat] 22:08:14 Current chat log file size: 21 KB
  • [Chat] 22:08:36 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you all for coming to the first EH Trustees meeting"
  • [Chat] 22:08:49 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "we will have a short agenda but an important one"
  • [Chat] 22:09:16 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "first off...evokha = cyric/John, stryfe = Joe and Inko = Dave"
  • [Chat] 22:09:20 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "intros done :)"
  • [Chat] 22:09:36 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "please sound off for the record that you are all here"
  • [Chat] 22:09:41 inko says, "inko = vad"
  • [Chat] 22:09:41 inko says, "ey"
  • [Chat] 22:09:58 inko says, "Here"
  • [Chat] 22:10:03 Evokha Natou says, "here"
  • [Chat] 22:10:08 St'ryyfe says, "here"
  • [Chat] 22:10:11 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you"
  • [Chat] 22:10:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "first order of business is our recently updated bylaws..."
  • [Chat] 22:10:37 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I assume you all have read them..."
  • [Chat] 22:10:54 St'ryyfe says, "indeed"
  • [Chat] 22:11:00 Evokha Natou says, "Si"
  • [Chat] 22:11:05 inko says, "yes sir"
  • [Chat] 22:11:08 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "by vote of yea/nay, please record your official acceptance for use by Emperor's Hammer, Inc."
  • [Chat] 22:11:14 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:11:17 St'ryyfe says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:11:23 Evokha Natou says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:11:24 inko says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:11:54 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you...the Bylaws are now ratified for use by the EH as a whole and without change until our next annual meeting or until such time as we all decide to meet again and change them"
  • [Chat] 22:12:08 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "second...Club expenses:"
  • [Chat] 22:12:20 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I emailed you all with the projected EH costs for 2009..."
  • [Chat] 22:12:56 St'ryyfe says, "received"
  • [Chat] 22:13:00 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "$50/month with Stryfe's ISP + $6.95 for CafePress (Imperial gear store) and misc domain registration fees of roughly $100/3 years"
  • [Chat] 22:13:23 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "as always, I will pay these fees at my own expense, but I would like your agreement with them"
  • [Chat] 22:13:32 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "by yea/nay vote please"
  • [Chat] 22:13:34 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:13:36 Evokha Natou says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:13:38 inko says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:13:41 St'ryyfe says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:14:01 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "excellent...the EH corporate expenses for 2009 are now ratified"
  • [Chat] 22:14:11 Evokha Natou claps for Mustafarian Table, Medium.
  • [Chat] 22:14:13 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "if any others come up, I will inform the Board of Trustees via your email"
  • [Chat] 22:14:31 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Third...any new Trustees for consideration by the Board?"
  • [Chat] 22:14:52 Evokha Natou says, "no"
  • [Chat] 22:14:53 inko says, "not i"
  • [Chat] 22:14:54 St'ryyfe says, "no"
  • [Chat] 22:14:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "none here"
  • [Chat] 22:15:13 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "agreed then...we will reconsider any new applicants at next year's meeting"
  • [Chat] 22:15:32 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "any new club/corporate business that we need to discuss?"
  • [Chat] 22:15:51 Evokha Natou says, "yes"
  • [Chat] 22:15:51 St'ryyfe says, "nothing from me."
  • [Chat] 22:15:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "nothing here either"
  • [Chat] 22:15:59 inko says, "nothing from me"
  • [Chat] 22:16:12 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "evokha the floor is yours"
  • [Chat] 22:16:30 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "(you had new business?)"
  • [Chat] 22:16:32 Evokha Natou says, "from a business stand point, where are we with the EH's webdesigns"
  • [Chat] 22:16:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I await stryfe's first invoice"
  • [Chat] 22:17:04 Evokha Natou says, "can we set goals or check points?"
  • [Chat] 22:17:13 Evokha Natou says, "should we?"
  • [Chat] 22:17:19 St'ryyfe says, "the new tables are designed and chris and i are working on a more optimized way to present the multi-tabbed character display"
  • [Chat] 22:17:22 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "but he said he wants to hold off billing me until the database is more complete"
  • [Chat] 22:17:39 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "go ahead sry stryfe"
  • [Chat] 22:18:11 St'ryyfe says, "once the eh to and others can start migration i will invoice"
  • [Chat] 22:18:18 St'ryyfe says, "ill eat the hosting cost till then"
  • [Chat] 22:18:20 Evokha Natou says, "excellent"
  • [Chat] 22:18:37 St'ryyfe says, "but you guys owe me a pizza. :)"
  • [Chat] 22:18:42 inko says, "ok"
  • [Chat] 22:18:44 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "heheh"
  • [Chat] 22:18:47 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "i am buying"
  • [Chat] 22:18:50 Evokha Natou says, "ok"
  • [Chat] 22:19:12 St'ryyfe says, "no stinky fish on mine please."
  • [Chat] 22:19:13 inko says, "ill bring the drinks"
  • [Chat] 22:19:14 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "stryfe and i verbally agreed on a 6 month initial invoice ($300)"
  • [Chat] 22:19:20 St'ryyfe says, "yep"
  • [Chat] 22:19:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "keep it clean for the log please"
  • [Chat] 22:19:24 Evokha Natou says, "the EH also underwent a CS restructure"
  • [Chat] 22:19:39 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "feel free to share what you like on that Cyric..."
  • [Chat] 22:20:16 Evokha Natou says, "I also think as Trustees we should acknowledge it as well and I'd like to point out that the Trustee isn't in the CoC for it...we need to define the parameters for the Trustee while we are here"
  • [Chat] 22:20:51 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "I would like to make a suggestion on that"
  • [Chat] 22:20:58 St'ryyfe says, "i think that the trustees job is to oversee real world non-fictional aspects of club management"
  • [Chat] 22:20:59 Evokha Natou says, "shoot"
  • [Chat] 22:21:12 Evokha Natou says, "I agree Stryfe"
  • [Chat] 22:21:30 Evokha Natou says, "Bill"
  • [Chat] 22:21:36 Evokha Natou says, "?"
  • [Chat] 22:21:40 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "exactly...the Board oversee the overall club management and the EH Command Staff and Membership manage the day to day of the club and answer to the Board"
  • [Chat] 22:21:52 inko says, "ok"
  • [Chat] 22:21:56 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "think CEO/COO/CFO reporting to a board of directors"
  • [Chat] 22:22:14 Evokha Natou says, "well meaning that I answer to the board as FC, the average CS wouldn't"
  • [Chat] 22:22:16 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "other ideas ?"
  • [Chat] 22:22:28 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "correct cyric but the EH CS reports to you :)"
  • [Chat] 22:22:36 Evokha Natou says, "well duh :P"
  • [Chat] 22:22:40 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "lol"
  • [Chat] 22:22:48 St'ryyfe says, "well i think they all answer to us but should be brought THRU the fc"
  • [Chat] 22:22:55 Evokha Natou says, "yes"
  • [Chat] 22:22:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "exactly...i agree"
  • [Chat] 22:23:02 Evokha Natou says, "buy that man a pizza"
  • [Chat] 22:23:08 inko says, "yes"
  • [Chat] 22:23:19 St'ryyfe says, "i also think we should consider passign along our cs titles to non board members"
  • [Chat] 22:23:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "so we all concur that Cyric will manage the EH in full command per the EH Bylaws and the recent CS revisions?"
  • [Chat] 22:23:26 St'ryyfe says, "we stay as advisory?"
  • [Chat] 22:23:27 Evokha Natou says, "this has been a topic of some frustration or some"
  • [Chat] 22:23:28 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yea/nay?"
  • [Chat] 22:23:34 inko says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:23:43 St'ryyfe says, "yeah"
  • [Chat] 22:23:46 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yea"
  • [Chat] 22:23:49 St'ryyfe says, "yea, too"
  • [Chat] 22:23:58 Evokha Natou says, "abstain"
  • [Chat] 22:24:03 St'ryyfe smiles at Mustafarian Table, Medium.
  • [Chat] 22:24:17 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ok...you had another idea Cyric?"
  • [Chat] 22:24:26 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "i would like our vote to be unanimous on this"
  • [Chat] 22:24:33 Evokha Natou says, "no I think that was it"
  • [Chat] 22:24:39 Evokha Natou says, "on what?"
  • [Chat] 22:24:49 St'ryyfe says, "oh i think he cant, bill"
  • [Chat] 22:24:57 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "on you being the conduit between the board and the EH CS & Membership"
  • [Chat] 22:25:06 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ok...conflict of interest thing heheh"
  • [Chat] 22:25:07 St'ryyfe says, "i think he cant vote on that"
  • [Chat] 22:25:12 Evokha Natou says, "I think I can't I abstained, you have a majority"
  • [Chat] 22:25:12 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "understood"
  • [Chat] 22:25:28 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "yes, let i be recorded...3 votes in favor...1 abstention"
  • [Chat] 22:25:38 inko says, "noted"
  • [Chat] 22:25:39 Evokha Natou says, "i can't vote myself in a power position, thought I'd love to :OP MUWAHHHAA"
  • [Chat] 22:25:46 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "lol, any other new business"
  • [Chat] 22:25:48 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "?"
  • [Chat] 22:26:07 Evokha Natou says, "none here"
  • [Chat] 22:26:11 St'ryyfe says, "ill have that policy draft for moderation for us to look at this week, guys"
  • [Chat] 22:26:13 inko says, "none here"
  • [Chat] 22:26:24 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "Dave, anything from you...don't be shy ...you ran a business so if you have anything speak up :)"
  • [Chat] 22:26:27 ***stoyk has gone offline at Fri Nov 21 22:26:27 2008.
  • [Chat] 22:26:31 St'ryyfe says, "ill email it to you for board approval and then to that FC guy to disseminate."
  • [Chat] 22:26:47 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thanks stryfe...agreed"
  • [Chat] 22:26:52 inko says, "honest, I am ok with everything, Im not that shy"
  • [Chat] 22:26:59 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "heheh good deal. thanks :)"
  • [Chat] 22:27:10 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ok, unless anyone has anything else, I will adjourn the meeting"
  • [Chat] 22:27:14 Evokha Natou says, "but you have a funny lookin head Dan"
  • [Chat] 22:27:29 inko says, "Dave"
  • [Chat] 22:27:29 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "ok..."
  • [Chat] 22:27:49 Evokha Natou says, "sorry dave :P"
  • [Chat] 22:27:51 Krenn'Sa Alvaak says, "thank you all for attending...the 1st annual EH Trustees Meeting is concluded and adjourned"