Flight Member

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 13:33, 3 August 2010 by (talk) (teW9F5 <a href="http://biafsaguhqca.com/">biafsaguhqca</a>, [url=http://wlhdkcvohjeu.com/]wlhdkcvohjeu[/url], [link=http://jzjfdpixmnxy.com/]jzjfdpixmnxy[/link], http://iinkddrimjed.com/)

teW9F5 <a href="http://biafsaguhqca.com/">biafsaguhqca</a>, [url=http://wlhdkcvohjeu.com/]wlhdkcvohjeu[/url], [link=http://jzjfdpixmnxy.com/]jzjfdpixmnxy[/link], http://iinkddrimjed.com/

Command Responsibilities

  • Submissions for the Emperor's Hammer Newsletter (sent to the Executive Officer).
  • Post/read the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards (where possible).
  • Participate in competitions (where possible).
  • Attend on-line meetings (where possible).
  • Recommendations for medals and promotions (should be forwarded to the Squadron Commander).
  • Online Requirements: Few other than responding to e-mail occasionally. The expected maximum email response time is generally 1 week. If the Member does not respond within 30 days, then the Flight Member is considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and is removed from the active roster - a pilot wishing to have their profile reactivated after going AWOL will have to contact the Flight Officer to have it reactivated.
  • (Average 1-2 hours/week)