Template:EH Character

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 20:50, 14 June 2009 by Rajax (talk | contribs)
Character Information
Group Information
TC Rank:
TC Position:
TC Affiliations:
DB Rank:
DB Position:
DB Affiliations:
DIR Rank:
DIR Position:
DIR Affiliations:
HF Rank:
HF Position:
HF Affiliations:

Field List

  • brdrclr: the color of the border for the template, it surrounds the entire template, use HEX
  • BG3: the background color for the line where your name will appear, use HEX.
  • Name: The name of your character, will appear at the top of the template
  • BG4: The background color for your sections, use HEX
  • BG1: the color for the question part of the template, try to stray from light colors, use HEX
  • BG2: the color for the answer part of the template, try to stray from light colors, use HEX
  • specie: the specie of your character
  • home: the homeworld of your character (where he was born)
  • age: the age of your character, please check Timeline if you don't know where we are
  • birth: the year your were born in
  • death: the year you died in, just leave blank if you're still alive
  • height: how tall your character is
  • weight: how much does your character weight
  • hair: what color/type of hair do you have
  • eyes: what color eyes do you have
  • tcpin: the PIN number for your TC dossier
  • tcrank: the rank your character is in the TC
  • tcpos: the position you hold in the TC (squadron leader, ship commodore, etc)
  • tcaffil: the affiliations you have in the TC if more then 1 please use bullets (squadron, ship, etc)
  • dbpin: your PIN number for your DB dossier
  • dbrank: the rank for your character in the DB
  • dbpos: the position you hold in the db (dux, vicarius, etc)
  • dbaffil: the affiliations you have in the TC, if more then 1 please use bullets (hetaria, SA, etc)
  • dirpin: the PIN number of your DIR dossier
  • dirrank: the rank of your character in the Directorate
  • dirpos: the position your character holds in the DIR (LG, GG, SMF, HMF, etc)
  • diraffil: your DIR affiliations (planet, system, sector, DGA)
  • hfpin: the PIN for your HF dossier
  • hfrank: your HF rank
  • hfpos: your position in the HF (platoon leader, PRF, XO, etc)
  • hfaffil: your HF affiliations (squad, platoon, company, battalion)

Usage Instructions

Paste the following code at the beginning of the article, filing all relevant fields. If a field doesn't apply, just leave it blank. Please refer to the above section for descriptions on all of the fields.
Note: This template has customizable colors.
Also, if you are not in a subgroup, remove the asterisk from that subgroup's affiliations SUBGROUPaffil

{{EH Character