Bronx Bluar

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 15:01, 1 June 2022 by Bronx Bluar (talk | contribs)

Homeworld: Csilla

Birth date: 3 ABY

Species: Chiss

Height: 6'1/186 CM

Weight: 180 LBS/ 81.6 KG

Hair colour: Dark blue

Eye colour: Red

Skin colour: Blue

Gender: Male

Affiliation(s): Empire and TC

Personal ship: T/I Phalanx

Position: Flight Member

Rank: Lieutenant

Bronx went to the academy when he was 26, it took around 4 months for Bronx to pass IWATS. When he passed it was the end of 29 ABY. Bronx was made the rank of SL (Sub-Lieutenant) he held that title for about an month. He earned himself multiple medals by then. He was eventually promoted to Lieutenant. He is a great business man. He has successfully created the EFE ( Endor fried Ewok), that company is running very good. The ISDII Hammer even took it as a meal for their cantina. Bronx also has shares in the ISDII Warrior and in the DB.

Bronx is currently flying high for Rho squadron. He is the 4th flyer of Flight 1. He's happy and is honoured to fly alongside his Flight. He's not the most accomplished pilot "yet" but he has 3 LoC (Legion of Combat) and 1 LoS (Legion of Skirmish) medal under his name.