Shadikanni System

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Revision as of 11:08, 23 May 2024 by Ossusplayz (talk | contribs) (Creation of page about the Shadikanni system, first encountered by the EH during the Ishtari conflicts.)
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The central star of the system, Shadikanni is an orange main sequence star that is orbited by two planets, Shadikanni I and II.

Shadikanni I[edit]

Shadikanni I is the first planet orbiting its star. It is a terrestrial planet with standard gravity and a normal atmosphere. It is categorized as a heavily mountainous planet. It is believed that these prevalent geological disruptions have an effect on the fairly unpredictable, complex, and chaotic weather patterns of the planet. Surrounding the planet it orbit is several unnatural satellites. Primarily, there are orbital habitations and facilities for living, due to the high quantity of inhabitants that call the planet home. This is accompanied by high traffic from the satellites to the surface of the planet.

Over the southern pole of the planet, as well, is a large and major shipyard structure. This area is characterized by high signal outputs, indicating high amounts of communication and information centralized in this area.

The planet is also constantly broadcasting welcoming messages from the human government of Shadikanni I. These messages encourage commerce, trade, and spending time on the planet. The entirety of the Shadikanni system's sentient life-forms, which estimate in total 87 million, reside on this planet. The vast majority of this population is human. This population and its activity have granted the Shadikanni system its categorization of a settled trade system.

Shadikanni II[edit]

Shadikanni II is far less detailed and consequential than its sister planet. Sitting far out in orbit from its sun, Shadikanni II is an ice planet that does not harbor any obvious life. There are no satellites and no facilities visible from orbit, and no activity is visible on or from the planet either.

Habitable Territories of the System[edit]

  • Shadikanni I