Jedi Eclipse

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 14:06, 27 July 2009 by Jedieclipse (talk | contribs)

Rear Admiral Jedi Eclipse
Call Sign : - "Asha`man"

ID Line:



Status: Active
Date Enlisted: 11/23/2001 (6 years)
Rank: Rear Admiral (5/23/2004 - 3 years, 6 months)
FCHG Rank: Cavalier (172 points)

Games Owned

Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Mysteries of the Sith
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed
Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookies
Knights of the Old Republic
Knights of the Old Republic II: Sith Lords
Star Wars Battlefront
Half Life 2
Brood War


Quote: "..there is no chaos, there is order.. there is no evil .. there is the *Fart* errrr Force"


Silver Star of the Empire
Bronze Star of the Empire x 2
Palpatine Crescent x 2
Imperial Security Medal x 8
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon x 5
Iron Star - Gold Ribbon
Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon
Legion of Combat (30 victories)
Copper Scimitar x 6
Distinguished Flying Cross - (1 victories)
Regular x 1
Commendation of Loyalty
Commendation of Bravery
Letter of Achievement x 3
Order of the Vanguard - Sixth Echelon


TIE Corps Pilot Wings
Total Missions Flown: 142
Battles Completed: 24
Free Missions Completed: 19


~}Flight Certified{~
IWATS Courses Completed: 37
   [{IWATS}] Core
   [AIM]  AIM (91%)
   [AMP]  Advanced Multiplayer (96%)
   [ASP]  ASP (90%)
   [BOT]  Eggdrop (85%)
   [BX]   BitchX (93%)
   [CBX]  Computer Basics (86%)
   [CSS]  Cascading Style Sheets (85%)
   [FLA]  Flash (96%)
   [GFX]  Graphics (96%)
   [HIST] History
   [IBX]  Internet Basics
   [ICQ]  ICQ (100%)
   [IIC/1] HTML 1 (100%)
   [IIC/2] HTML 2 (100%)
   [IIC/3] HTML 3 (100%)
   [JS]   JavaScript (98%)
   [LIN]  Linux (93%)
   [M/1]  mIRC 1 (100%)
   [M/2]  mIRC 2 (100%)
   [PHP]  PHP (75%)
   [RT]   Rebellion Tactics (96%)
   [SM/2] Squadron Management 2 (94%)
   [SM/3] Squadron Management 3 (89%)
   [SWGB] SW Galactic Battlegrounds (96%)
   [TACS] Tactical Staff Course (100%)
   [TLN]  Trillian (100%)
   [TM/1] TIE Mission Creation 1 (80%)
   [TT]   TIE Fighter Tactics (80%)
   [VBS]  VB Script (91%)
   [WM]   Wing Management (88%)
   [WPN]  Weaponry (95%)
   [XML]  XML (95%)
   [XTM/1] XvT Mission Creation 1 (89%)
   [XTM/2] XvT Mission Creation 2 (96%)
   [XTT]  XvT Tactics (79%)
   [XWAC] X-Wing Alliance: Capital Ships (100%)


SP-TIE - 3/5 Single Player Combat - TIE Fighter
SP-XvT - 4/5 Single Player Combat - X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
SP-XWA - 4/5 Single Player Combat - X-Wing Alliance
MP-XvT - 4/5 Multiplayer Combat - X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
MP-XWA - 4/5 Multiplayer Combat - X-Wing Alliance
MP-XWA-NC - 3/5 Multiplayer Combat - X-Wing Alliance CapShips
MD-XvT - 3/5 Mission Designing - X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
MD-BoP - 3/5 Mission Designing - Balance of Power
MD-XWA - 2/5 Mission Designing - X-Wing Alliance
SCO-EXE - 2/5 Slicing - OVL/EXE Editing
HTML - 5/5 Web Publishing - Standard HTML
HTML-ASP - 1/5 Web Publishing - Active Server Pages
HTML-FLASH - 3/5 Web Publishing - Macromedia Flash
HTML-J - 3/5 Web Publishing - Java/Javascript
HTML-PHP - 4/5 Web Publishing - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
HTML-X - 4/5 Web Publishing - Other - XML, SHTML, DHTML, etc.
WC - 4/5 Writing Composition
GFX-2D - 4/5 Graphics - 2D Graphics/Drawing
GFX-3D - 3/5 Graphics - 3D Graphics/Rendering
GFX-TXT - 5/5 Graphics - Text Graphics and Effects
GFX-UNI - 5/5 Graphics - Uniform Creation


11/23/200  1 day  TRN/CT JediEclipse/Bravo Company/PLT Daedalus
11/24/2001  5 days  TRN/CT Jedi Eclipse/Bravo Company/PLT Daedalus
11/29/2001  2 months  FM/SL Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
1/4/2002  1 month  FM/LT Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
2/4/2002  2 months  FL/LT Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
4/8/2002  3 months  FL/LCM Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
7/11/2002  4 months  FL/CM Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
11/29/2002  1 month  FL/CPT Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
12/14/2002  3 months  FL-TCS/CPT Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead 3-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
3/17/2003  7 months  CMDR-TCS/CPT Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
10/17/2003  7 months  CMDR-TCS/MAJ Jedi Eclipse/Copperhead/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
5/23/2004     MO-TCS/MAJ Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
5/23/2004  1 month  MO-TCS/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
6/1/2004  6 months  MO-TCS-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
12/25/2004  1 year, 7 months  MO-PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/M-TFC Last Hope
7/9/2006  1 year, 4 months PROF/RA Jedi Eclipse/PLT Daedalus
11/23/2007 1 month  RSV/RA Jedi Eclipse/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves