Special Operations Command

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Special Operations Command (SOC) is a group of the leading Generals of the Hammer's Fist. It consists of the following:

Prefect (PRF)[edit]

The Prefect is the supreme authority within the Hammer's Fist. They are the military genius behind the Hammer's Fist, organising the troops, planning campaigns and providing moral support to the members. The Prefect also deals with any internal problems within the group all complaints go straight to them and they deal with it on the spot. The Prefect is also the link between the Emperor's Hammer Command Staff and the troopers of the Hammer's Fist, the Prefect also interacts with the Board of Trustees on behalf of the Hammer's Fist.

Vice Prefect (VPRF)[edit]

The Vice Prefect is the Prefect's right hand, they are a close advisor to the Prefect and run the Hammer's Fist in their absence. The Vice Prefect is in charge of producing the Dark Legionnaire, the Hammer's Fist Monthly News Letter, they also help the Prefect to plan campaigns and work with the Company Commanders to plan Operations and competitions.

Commander of Training (CT)[edit]

The Commander of Training is responsible for the training of all troopers within the Hammer's Fist. The Commander of Training is responsible for the Carrida Stormtroooper Military Academy, they update and maintain the courses, as well as appointing instructors to help with the grading. The Commander of Training is also responsible for helping all new recruits pass their basic training and assist them with finding placement in a Fire Team at the completion of their training.

Commander of Internet Affairs (CI)[edit]

The Commander of Internet Affairs is responsible for the upkeep of the Hammer's Fist website, he also monitors their online presence, through the message boards and IRC. Any issues or updates for the website are handled by the Internet Officer, he also keeps regular backups in case of malfunctions.