The Nogii Province

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The Nogii Province[edit]

Brief Discription[edit]

The Nogii Province is a massive portion of the Sogaki Region on the North Easter hemisphere of Sahare. Ranging 89 miles wide and 113 miles long, the Nogii Province is among the top three largest provinces on Sahare. There are only three geographical locations known in Nogii, mostly due to its unforgiving bamboo forest that is known for "swalling the unknowing". Only one of these locations is open to the public, a small countryside town known as Hopai. Located almost directly on the border of the Nogii/Pokma border, the small community is mostly dependent upon itself, which explains why hopai has no real stores, hospitals, or even an organized comitee of law enforcement. The town selects at birth of a child what their future will be, and this is how the community survives. From time to time, those who need educations will leave Hopai for several years, but are destined to return, marry, have a family, and serve in their role to the community until death takes them. The folk are very friendly there, but are very relunctant to help anyone who brings weapons for anything outside of hunting into their community. The people of the Hopai community warn travelers not to venture any further north as it leads into the Nogii. The Nogii Province is not only folklore in that community, but the entire planet of Sahare. Tales of short men and women with magical powers to do both good and evil to whom ever they choose. They say that karma brings the "People of the Woods" around.

The Empire has sent teams into the Nogii numerous times, each having mysterious reports upon return. One team however did not return, and the rescue team found only their blasters laid in a perfect circle with their thermal detonators formed into a pyrimad in the center. To this day the team remains an MIA case, and one of thousands of mysterious disaapearances in the Galactic Empire. The woodlands of Nogii are nearly 88% White Moon Bamboo, a rare bamboo found only in the Karana System. Its mostly located on Lears, how it arrived on either planet or moon is still a mystery because the only other locations are lightyears away from Sahare and Lears. Recently the Nogii Province was approved for use by House Draknonan for a ground base of operations. The Empire has supplied a submerged base, which lies beneath a lake in the Bahnba Swamp, in the center of the Nogii. The wilderness in this area of the Nogii is known as Kolup Bogoki by the Hopai, which translates to "Demons Playground", but this nickname was there long before the arrival of the House Drakonan. The Nogii holds much more to it than this, with Drakonan just arriving it is sure to be explored deeper. Much more will soon come to the Nogii Province's details.

Detailed Description[edit]

  • History of the Nogii Province
  • Community of Hopai
  • The Nogiit
  • Asaia Ruins
  • Bahnba Swamp
  • Lake Taloonga
  • Submerged Facility "Trident"
  • Submerged Temple of Alum Tel
  • Submerged City of Krendus

History of the Nogii Province[edit]

Dating back to pre Old Republic, the Nogii Province was once actually the Nation of Nogii which covered nearly 93% of all the planet at one point but this was thousands upon thousands of years in history. The history on the great nation is mostly lost, and remnants of the Nogiit people are slim to none. Only one or two ruins of the Nogiit are known to exsist and they are highly restricted now by the Empire for excavations and research. What is known is learned from a few preserved tablets, and writings on ruin walls and monuments. To the vast point, nothing is really known about the Nogiit. What is known is that at some point roughly 2100 years before the Old Republic a people known as the Nogiit ruled the entire planet of Sahare for the most part. Then after a huge fracture in time line we learn that the nation has receeded over what appears to be 800 years. It is now only a half planetary power, with a mighty foe known as the Karanan Empire. The race also claims that the Karanans have brought a violent plague with them, something that eats the soul. Then another time line break which seems to skip to 300 years which shows the Nogiit have fallen to but a large nation on the North Eastern hemisphere of Karana. On the walls of the Asaia Ruins the Empire has discovered paintings of the Nogiit being shorter than many other cultures in their paintings. This makes scientist believe that some of the Karanan folklore may hold truth, but just how much would be the real question.

How the Nogii Empire shrank into what is now the Nogii Province in unknown. What is known outside of what was previously stated is the recorded Karanan history of the Nogii Province, which dates back rougly 200 years now but oddly enough is vastly vague at best. The Karanan Empire for some reason, upon collapse, destroyed much of its documents to keep the Empire from obtaining any superior knowledge of the planet Sahare. Based on the data that was collected we now know that 200 years ago it had been established for quite some time but was never an interest to any of the community in Karana outside of the occasional cuts of white bamboo, which has a separate mystery of many work related accidents and deaths while cutting the bamboo, so not much was recorded outside of a few things about the Hopai Community. A few interesting things of note however did come about over the last 100 years. The Karanan Empire mentions that it had discovered the possibility of a Nogiit corpse on the outer western rim of the Bahnba Swamp. For some reason troops were denied permission to enter any deeper into the swamp, and the corpse was ordered to be decentigrated. Later on in years the Karanan Empire reports that it has discovered the Asaia Ruins in the north eastern outer-rim of the swamp. It appears to be the remnants of a large tower. Exploration teams enter into the catacombs of the ruins only to report that the tunnel is blocked off after 2000 feet in. Currently the Empire is plotting a way to safely recover the collapsed tunnel. The Nogii Province is then marked as a Planetary Landmark, and ordered protected by the Karanan Empire later.

The Community of Hopai[edit]

On the Southern border of the Nogii Province and the Pokma Provice sits the small community of Hopai. With an estimated population of 120, it is the ideal picture of a remote community that survives off of the land. Log houses with bamboo ordaments everywhere. The community there are mostly elders with some middle age men and women just starting their lives their. The community of Hopai is different than most communities. They raise their children until the age of 17, then all children are given a substantual amount of money to go gain a trade from the outsiders world that will benefit the community. When the word trade is used, it is used lightly. There are heavy restrictions to what a Hopai youth may venture out and study to become. And even of the roles that are available hold heavy prerequisits on them for youths to aim for as children. It helps weed out those the Hopai feel belong in the the right place. The Youth is to stay out learning in schools until the age of 45, then the youth is to return to Hopai village and "Start" their life. Upon their return they go directly home to their parents and welcomed back by a town celebration, sometimes multiple people will return at once, in which the Hopai Elders will deem the returning graduate an Adult! Those not part of the Hopai are known as Dopodachi, which roughly translates to "Like Children" due to the fact the Hopai spend so much of their life learning compared to others throughout the galaxy. After the celebration each adult is paired with with a spouce that they (each other) had selected upon the age of 12. After they are married they are encouraged to limit their children to 2 maximum to not over exceed what they had. They would also then be granted a loan by their parents to start their own business in which ever of the several trades they would have learned during their venture from Hopai village.

As a newly paired couple the two would start a life immediately with the husband taking a large loan from either his parents or in-laws to start a business. In some cases the husband would simply go to work under his father's business to continue a lasting business. At this point in time the two have earned many rights as Hopai villagers. The right to drink, attend community meetings(not participate), claim cases in court(not work within one), and own property, are just a few of the bigger ones but the Hopai people are definantly much stricter on different things.