
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Early Life

Coming Soon.

Joining The EH

Coming Soon

Officially Joining the Dark Brotherhood

Coming Soon

Joining the Tie Corps

Coming Soon

Known Family

None Officially Known, But there are Rumors of being Connected with the Bounty Hunter Cole Train

Rank & Awards

Dark Brotherhood

  • Date Joined - December 12, 2011 (TOR Guild); December 16th, 2011 (EH Main Site)
  • Current Rank – Sith Warlord (SWL)
  • Current Position – Battleteam Member (BTM)

DB Medals and Awards Earned

  • 2013 Sword of Drakonan Winner

Coming Soon

Tie Corps

  • Date Joined - June 4, 2012
  • Current Rank – Lieutenant Commander (LCM)
  • Current Position – Flight Leader (Gamma Flight 2)
  • FCHG Rank: Gallant GALL
  • Combat Rating – Elite 1st

Tie Corps Medals and Awards Earned

Coming Soon

Affiliations and ID Lines

  • Dark Brotherhood:

BTM/SWL Starkillerny/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury (ED) (SB) (GCx3) (DC) (GN) (KS) (Cr-Ax3-S-E-T-Q) (CF-G) (LSAu) {IU:C/TC, C/DB, KRATH, OBELISK, SITH, UL, SM4, LDR, CBX, WKS, AF, DL, HAD, GHA, THR, OSS, IA, TD, SPW, SN1, SMA, SN2, SN3, AT1, DT1, DT2, MD1, LSC, LST, TLC, EAW, STM, SFW}

  • Tie Corps -

FL/LCM Starkillerny/Gamma 2-1/Wing I /ISDII Hammer BSx2/IS-1GW-2SW-1SR-7BR/LoC-RS-CS-Rx2/MoC-2boc/CoB/OV [GALL] [Elite 1st] {IWATS-SFW}