Emperor's Hammer Trustee Meeting Minutes
Emperor's Hammer, Inc.- 12th Annual Trustees Meeting 11/21/21 9:00 PM - 9:54 PM PM Eastern Hosted on conference call: United States: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/975327981
1) Roll Call - Attendees (quorum of 3 Trustees needed)
- Bill ("Ronin") X - Bill ("Rapier") X - Dave ("Vadley") X - Mark ("Mav") X - Ezria ("Ez") X
All Continuing as Trustees for 2021-2022?
- Unanimous Yes
2) EH Bylaws Review/Re-Acceptance
- http://www.emperorshammer.org/page.php?page=bylaws
- None
3) EH Domain/Website Updates (Rapier)
Maverick provides TC update:
- FA Turtle assisting in development - Competition based initially - QOL improvements - data mining (i.e., can pickup duplicates of PvP screen shots) - Visual upgrades & use of old iconography (i.e., Positions in higher resolution) - Corporate Division - software (Tie Corps Tailoring Tool, a.k.a. "TTT3") - Updated helmets/insignia from Squadrons for members use in profiles/dossiers - 2 Infiltrator Wings in TIE Corps - Clave working on 3d renders of Lightsabers for members use in profiles/dossiers - Hosting continuing on Dreamhost - End of year tentatively expected for launch. In testing.
- - General discussion of VR in Squadrons
GA Rapier:
- No Dark Brotherhood version (yet) - to be retooled to the "TIE Secret Order" - Hammer's Fist in re-development - TC = ~150 members + DB = ~37 + ~27-35 other games (i.e., Galaxy of Heroes, Star Trek Online) - Message Board contents moved to Wiki. Comms through Discord now.
4) Emperor's Hammer, Inc. Update [Bill ("Ronin")]
- $35 for annual State of NJ incorporation fee (renewed 8/30/21 by Bill ("Ronin")) - $13.99/month for EH Website ISP (Dreamhost) - Paid by Bill ("Rapier") since early 2014
emperorshammer.net & emperorshammer.com owned/open for use
- Future cost - Secure certificate - $0.00/month for CafePress.Com for EH Gear (Basic Plan) - used in EH Trademark process - Renewal of domains (www.emperorshammer.org . -.net & -.com) (~$65/year by "Ronin")
5) EH Trustees - Trustees Induction/Renewal
- Nominations for any new Trustees for 2021-2022? - FA Turtle ("Christopher Hutton") on watch for next year.
6) Past Meeting Minutes Posted:
- Rapier posts mtg minutes on main EH msg board. - Ronin has copies on his HDD
7) Old Business
- None
8) New Business
- None
9) Trustees Q&A/General Discussion
- None