7th Special Operations "Alpha" Squadron Standing Orders

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

7h Special Operations "Alpha" Squadron Standing Orders (7SOAlphaSSO)

Squadron Standing Orders will be in effect upon publication. Any suggestions for changes must be made in writing to the Commanding Officer, Alpha CMDR.

Version: 1.0
Date of Last Revision: N/A
Originally Created:2022.08.08 (30ABY)


7th Special Operations (hereafter called Squadron Standing Orders – SSOs) are issued under the authority of the Commanding Officer (Alpha CMDR).

Squadron standing Orders are regulations pertaining to the personnel, regular operation and any relevant operating aspects of 7th SO Alpha Squadron. These orders are meant to amplify regulations issued under TIE Corps regulations and TIE Corps Pilot's Manual (TCPM), and other standard regulatory instruments issued. The Commanding Officer shall be the final authority for interpretation and enforcement of Squadron Standing Orders.

These orders are effective upon receipt and are applicable to all officers, pilots, civilian staff and cadets involved with 7th SO Alpha Squadron.

Copies of these orders will be made readily accessible to all staff members of 7th SO Alpha Squadron for review and reference, and will also be made available by electronic form to all pilots. It is the responsibility of the individual pilot to make themselves aware of the content of the orders and to keep current with amendments.

Visitors to the squadron are also subject to these orders and it is incumbent upon those members who are hosting visitors and transient personnel to advise them of those orders which apply in each case.

These orders will be reviewed annually and updated as required. These orders continue to be developed and additions and revisions may be made during the operating year. Revisions and additions will be provided to all personnel and will be effective immediately upon publication. All requests to amend the SSOs shall be submitted in writing to the CMDR.

A. Araujo
Lieutenant Colonel
CMDR, Alpha Squadron.

Mission Statement

Special Operations, SpecOps or SO, are military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, selected, trained and equipped forces using unconventional techniques and modes of employment. For details on SO, see Special Operations

7th SO Alpha Squadron performs a wide variety of SpecOps under the following principles:

i. Loyalty: The expression of our collective dedication to the ideals of the New Order and to all its members. Serve the Empire above all others.

ii. Professionalism: The accomplishment of all tasks with pride and diligence.

iii. Mutual Respect: The treatment of others with dignity and equality.

iv. Integrity: The courage and commitment to exemplify trust, sincerity, and honesty.

v. Emotional Control: firm control of your emotions. While on duty, servants of the Empire do not gloat, cheer, or weep, or rage, although cold fury can be deemed an appropiate reaction to particular circumstances. Humor can also be used on certain contexts.

vi. Commitment: you're expected to do your best effort in all activities: Mission Compendium simulations, competitions, events, meetings, etc.

v. Communication and activity: Until further notice, you're also expected to fully observe TC activiity bar: 30 days of zero comms from you will result in AWOL (Absent Without Leave) status. 60 days of zero activity will result in Involuntary Reserve (InvolRSV) status. You may, however, request a LOA or, if your absence will last long enough or you feel you cannot or do not want to keep the activity bar, request your voluntary transfer to Reserves (RSV) following the chain of command.

vi. Chain of Command. CMDRs are the first contact of the pilots. However, it is a good practice to approach your FL and/or your SQXO first, as they might usually assist you most of the time with day-to-day questions. They might redirect you to your CMDR or another superior officer as part of the solution offered nevertheless. If there's no response from the FL, SQXO or CMDR or if there is a problem regarding them, you may contact your ship's COM who will address the issue.

vii. Terms and acronyms. You are expected to become familiar with EH-lore and in-universe terminology. Refer to the TIE Corps Pilot Manual for further information.

viii. Full EH Code of Conduct and Articles of War are to be observed and followed by all personnel of this squadron. No exceptions.

Primary Goal

Your primary goal here is to have fun with your favorite SW flight sims and some RP , trivia, art and fiction fun as well. We have a series of competitions going on for which you're more than welcome to participate.

Activity Bar

Activity is defined as any action related to the main gaming objective of this club: to have fun. It might take place using supported platforms, non supported platforms or by other means.

We classify activity in two main clases: Regular and Extraordinary and these in 3 sub-classes: Flight, Auxiliary and Administrative activities.

Regular Activities

Regular Flight Activities

The following actions are considered Regular Flight Activities:

  • Single Player (SP) completion of a free mission (individual mission) or an entire battle (set of missions) from our compendium for each one of our supported platforms. Please refer to the manuals for more documentation.
  • Multiplayer (MP) which can be classified in order as follows:
    • Player vs Environment (PvE) for matches on our supported platforms where two or more players win a match against AI-controlled opponents. Since a Legion of Skirmished is awarded for each match won, they're also known as LoS
    • Player vs Player (PvP) for matches on our supported platforms where two or more players win a match against human-controlled opponents. Since a Legion of Combat is awarded for each match won, they're also known as LoCs.

Any participation on competitions/events based on any supported gaming platform shall be considered as a flight operation as per CoC directives.

For more information, please refer to the COO Manual.

Regular Auxiliary Activities

The following actions are considered Regular Auxiliary Activities:

  • Any gaming on non-supported platforms where the EH is represented (you use the [EH] tag on your nick and/or at least two squadron pilots are participating.
  • Game streaming
  • Fan art submission
  • Fan fiction submission
  • Any other form of art shared on our Discord or email list.
  • Submitting or updating uniform.
  • Submitting or updating your Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
  • Submitting or editing article on this wikia
  • Compendium battle/free mission review
  • Compendium battle/free mission bug submission
  • Trivia and any form of non-flight competition/event participation.
  • Completing IU courses.
  • Any others the CMDR considers worth classifying as such or the SQXO recommends to classify as such with the CMDRs approval.

Regular Administrative Activities

The following are examples of Regular Administrative Activities:

  • Competition/event creation/submission.
  • INPR first creation
  • First uniform submisssion
  • Display name/email change (must be informed to the unit's command staff)
  • Report submission (for both primary and secondary positions)
  • Profile update
  • Transfer request
  • Any others the CMDR considers worth classifying as such or the SQXO recommends to classify as such with the CMDRs approval.

Extraordinary Activities

Any uncommon activity that can't fit any of the previous categories will be classified as an extraordinary activity with the same sub-classes as before.

Extraordinary Flight Activities

Examples of this are the following:

  • Participation in events involving flight sims not officially supported by the TC.
  • Any others the CMDR considers worth classifying as such or the SQXO recommends to classify as such with the CMDRs approval.

Extraordinary Auxiliary Activities

Examples of this are the following:

  • Mission creation/update
  • Ship creation/update
  • Mod creation/update
  • Any others the CMDR considers worth classifying as such or the SQXO recommends to classify as such with the CMDRs approval.

Extraordinary Administrative Activities

Examples of this are the following:

  • Assisting Command on regular or special duties not related to infrastructure.
  • Creating/updating proposals for EH structure update.
  • Creation/update of EH infrastructure (like assisting the IO team)

Minimum Activity Requirements

Except me, your CMDR (for I have more strict requisites), as per TC guidelines, a pilot who doesn’t communicate after 30 days is considered AWOL and will be transferred to RSV. Likewise, a pilot on any active squadron (like Alpha) that doesn’t do any activity (flight/non-flight) for 60 days will be transferred to RSV as well. You have been warned pilots!

Imperial University (IU) courses

Out of all the courses, make sure you complete TCCORE. It is vital that we all understand proper Imperial procedures. you're welcome to complete the rest, naturally.

Mission Review Guidelines

I thank you for flying compendium missions and reviewing them. It is important that we provide feedback and that we analyze each mission. I therefore propose a set of guidelines for grading and evaluating a mission with 5 topics. On each one I suggest we decide if we award it a point or no on each one (Y/N)

1) Storyline: was the plot reasonable? was it interesting? were you provided enough information on it? did it provide enough messages to feel the immersion? did those in-flight messages give enough information? If you have 3 out of 5 or more positive answers, then give the mission this point.
2) Technical: bugs, details (well placed FGs on the map, event timing, etc) features like tricks, extra custom ships , use of hooks.

3) Operational/Tactical/Strategic: was it challenging for you as a pilot on dogfight? did you have to plan parts of the mission and bring your A-game on situational awareness ? or did you have to plan ahead the entire mission?

4) Briefing/inflight messages/character development: was there a briefing extensive enough? good grammar? was there any character development on the in-flight messages? did commander briefings provide additional context? was there any voice acting present?

5) Fun factor: was it too easy? too hard that it did stress you? too boring? or did you felt your adrenaline surge? was it too long? did you truly enjoy it?


Report your participation in competitions: as former Alpha CMDR LC Quincy Nelson said:

"If you guys get on IRC Discord or do any other comps. Let me know. That way I can put it down. Because I am sure some of you are active in other things and I'm not aware of it".

Report also any additional activity that isn't logged on your ATRs: Again, quoting LC Nelson:

"If I missed some of your guys activity. Let me know. If you do something send it to me in an email (or Discord)".


Questions, comments, ideas, suggestions or even complains can be sent to your FL, COL Horus Blackheart, your SQXO, Talons Pryde or to me, your CMDR, LC Alejandro Araujo. Also should the need arise, you can reach our COM, AD Phoenix Berkana.

You're welcome to contact the Chain of Command at any point.