Constellation Hoshiteru

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Constellation (Connie) Hoshiteru is the daughter of Senator Shiro Hoshiteru and Queen Primavera Hoshiteru. Aside from being the crown princess and the granddaughter of a jedi, she has gained attention for being half human, half planta-human. The young princess marks 10 generations of the Hoshiteru bloodline ruling planet Vectron.

At the moment, she is currently exiled from planet Vectron because the Senator made an agreement with the empire to hand over Constellation in exchange for not using Vectron as a resource mine. Discharged from the Emperor's Hammer under cloaked circumstances.

Alignment and Attitude[edit]

Intelligent. Cheerful. Reliable. Eloquent. Bold.

Cruel. Critical. Short-tempered. Indecisive.

Significant Events of Childhood[edit]

As a child, she received a strict education. Hoshiteru has a knack for communication and is the reason why the economy of Vectron relies on trade and business ventures as she is able to quickly pick up different languages across the galaxy.

Previous Occupations[edit]

Scientific Researcher of Wildlife at the Vectron Imperial University of Sciences, alongside a close study of Government and Intergalactic Law.

  • Art of Tea Drinking
  • Drawing
  • Messing with Technology
  • Music.

In her free time, she can be seen hosting in the Challenge Cantina.

Tragedies in life[edit]

She was thrown out of her home on Vectron by her father to join the Tie Corps. Constellation had her possessions taken from her and financially cut off.

There was also an unfortunate accident at the Sol Academy for Primary Children when she was 9. She does not speak of it.

Phobias and Allergies[edit]

Phobia: Large Insects

Allergies: Sensitivity to Dairy Products.

Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer[edit]

Neutral. She is obviously not a rebel and refuses to show any loyalty to the empire. She disapproves of the Empire's tactics in galactic affairs as her home planet is currently being used as a resource mine for the planet's tea, soil, perfumes, and expensive goods.

Reason for Enlistment[edit]

Volunteer. Was enlisted by the Senator under the agreement that the Empire would leave the planet alone.

EH Career[edit]

2023-03-25 CIV Constellation Hoshiteru
2023-02-24 FM/LCM Constellation Hoshiteru
2022-09-05 FM/LCM Constellation Hoshiteru/Thunder 3-2/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-09-05 LCM Constellation Hoshiteru
2022-08-30 FM/LCM Constellation Hoshiteru/Thunder 1-4/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-06-30 FM/LT Constellation Hoshiteru/Thunder 1-4/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-06-26 FM/SL Constellation Hoshiteru/Thunder 1-4/Wing X/ISDII Challenge
2022-06-26 SL Constellation Hoshiteru
2022-06-26 TRN/SL Constellation Hoshiteru/IWATS
2022-06-25 TRN/CT Constellation Hoshiteru/IWATS