Wolve Excelsior Berkana

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 13:24, 16 June 2023 by Gytheran (talk | contribs)

Wolve Excelsior Berkana is an Ithorian pilot who has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Unfortunately, his own memory is not that great and nobody really knows how old he is. At some point he returned to the Emperor's Hammer in a search for his long lost non-Ithorian brother, Phoenix Berkana. It appears Wolve has had some type of strange brain injury, but nobody has been able to figure out what has caused this. The results of it have caused one of his mouths to constantly say bad things, while his other mouth is a bit nicer, albeit not too nice. Often he seems to be having two conversations with a person at once, one mouth spouting off some really angry things, while the other is having a more serious conversation. It appears this has become one of Wolve's quips that everyone has now become used to. An avid pilot, Wolve continues to tear up the simulator and has been one of Lambda's steadfast pilots, reliable and always around. He has grown a fond liking to his other non-human pilots in Lambda, especially Gytheran the Ewok, despite him continuously stealing his precious vacuum and Solohan, the finger biting Ewok. Ranger and Genie are also close compatriots, always seen near the Wolve.

Wolve has a strange fondness for yogurt, brought on by the Genie. It is unknown if any illicit substances are in the yogurt, but Genie continuously ensures Wolve has a supply in the Lambda cooler, which goes on every mission that Wolve goes on. He is often found sleeping in the Hammer's hangar bay and in his off time vacuums the Hammer where needed.....which is pretty much everywhere with the mess that Solohan brings. He refuses to clean the Wookiee pens though, maybe because his one toothbrush really needs to be used on two mouths and there are plenty of rookie Lambda pilots to take care of the Wookiee pens.