Fleet Medical Corps

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 16:38, 22 April 2020 by Mirei Seppen (talk | contribs)


Fictional Role

The Fleet Medical Corp was a sub group of the Emperor's Hammer that was tasked with morale and retention of members. As such they were assigned to ships in the TIE Corp and the various sub groups to work on improving the general well being of the clan as a whole. Doctor's as well as there Nurse assistants would offer aid and advice but could not dispense medical advice. Most of what would be said would be kept in confidence unless the Fleet Medical Corp member felt an immediate danger would behalf not informing a superior of the incident at hand. It was mostly a judgement call that had to be made on the spot.




Notable Members

Official Supported Platforms

  • Fiction
  • Social Work