Galactic Calendar

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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The Galactic Standard Calendar (GSC) was the most widely used calendar in the galaxy and was based on the Coruscant Standard Calendar (CSC). It was used by the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic, among others. The GSC was based on the standard year of 365 days, with the addition of an extra day every four years to account for leap years.

The Coruscant Standard Calendar (CSC) was based on the local year of Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire. It was used by the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, as well as many other worlds in the galaxy. The CSC was based on a standard year of 365 days, with an extra day added every four years for leap years.

The Imperial Standard Calendar (ISC) was used by the Empire of the Hand and later the Fel Empire. It was based on a standard year of 368 days, with a leap year occurring every four years.

The Emperor's Hammer (EH) calendar was a specialized calendar used by the Emperor's Hammer organization, which is a Star Wars gaming club. It is based on the Galactic Standard Calendar (GSC) but has some modifications to fit the club's lore and narrative. The EH calendar has 365 days in a standard year and an additional "Day of the Hammer" added to the end of each year, which is not part of the standard GSC.

So, in summary, the GSC and CSC are the most commonly used calendars in the Star Wars universe, with the ISC being a specialized calendar used by some factions. The EH calendar is a modified version of the GSC used by a gaming club.