DB:Dark Side Compendium Awards

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Service to one's House or the Brotherhood as a whole or performing well in a competition are examples of activity that often merits awards which are then distributed to deserving members. These awards fall into three general groups - General or merit awards, Vendetta/Competition awards and Other.

Note: What the award descriptions contain is a guideline for recommending awards. Under certain circumstances an award may be given outside of its normal "Awarded for".

Outstanding Achievement Awards

Golden Lightsaber

"As much a weapon as it is an award, this lightsaber is custom made and sealed in gold. Its blade also radiates a deadly golden beam. The Golden Lightsaber is the highest award a Jedi of the Brotherhood may obtain." GLS large.jpg
Awarded for: The recipients of the Golden Lightsaber have displayed exceptional ability in their position(s) and have often gone above and beyond their normal duties to aid the Brotherhood in its growth and function. Such members are nothing less than pillars of the Brotherhood, examples of what a great leader is.
Awarded by: The Grand Master

Silver Sash

"The Silver Sash is a great honor for any Dark Jedi. Those who receive it may wear it with their formal robes, telling anyone who sees them that they are an important figure." SilverSash.JPG
Awarded for: Any Dark Council member who has used their position to help the growth and function of the Brotherhood by aiding the Clans. An example of this is acting as a resource for both new and old members or creating activities for them to do.
Awarded by: The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master

Diamond Sword

"Fashioned from the gems in the deepest regions of Aurora, the Diamond Sword is the mark of a fearless leader." Diamondsword.jpg
Awarded for: Members of the Brotherhood who have shown consistent loyalty, innovation and activity in their position for a considerable and impressive length of time.
Awarded by: The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master

Emerald Dagger

"This is a useable dagger with a blade carved from a priceless emerald." EmeraldDagger.jpg
Awarded for: Members who have, over a substantial period of time, contributed to the growth and functionality of their Clan or the Brotherhood as a whole in the form of competitions or activities.
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member

Ruby Scepter

"The Ruby Scepter is the sign of a scholar in the Dark Side and its lore. A short, silver-adorned club with a beautiful firelight ruby from the mines of Eos, the scepter is engraved with verses of the recipient's choosing from any book, tome, or Holocron of Jedi lore." RubyScepter.jpg
Awarded for: Achievement and/or contributions in the area of instruction, invention, and mentorship to one's Clan.
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member

Sapphire Blade

"The blade itself is actually four blades fashioned from a deep blue sapphire found only on the world of Hela in the Phare system. The planet's harsh environment restricts mining of these gems to only one month per year. Since the supply is so limited, only the best of craftsmen work on the blades. Once created, it is affixed to a custom hilt at the climax of the award ceremony." SapphireBlade.jpg
Awarded for: Consistent service to one's Clan which does not render recognition until seen as a whole. It is often awarded as a medal for multiple services over a long period of time.
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member or Consul

General Awards

Grand Cross of the Dark Side

"A large archaic cross inlaid on a Mandalorian framework of intricate curves, this is one of the greatest honors a member of the Brotherhood can earn. Only the most active and dedicated members are given this medal as a reward for their talent." Gc large.jpg
Awarded for: Exceptional and dedicated activity to one's ouse or Clan. Typically with a strong communications presence, creation of House fiction or graphics, or participation in competitions and events.
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member, Consul or Proconsul

Steel Cross

"A simple medal of a common material wouldn't normally seem very important. Those who have ever been awarded it or known someone who has will tell you quite a different story. It may be awarded more than once, and only the highest award is listed." SteelCross.jpg
Awarded for: Consistent and dedicated activity to one's House or Clan. Such activity is over a period of several weeks and participation in several projects or events.
w/ Star of Anger (SoA) Scsoa.png
w/ Star of Power (SoP) Scsop.png
w/ Star of Immortality (SoI) Scsoi.png
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member, Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Aedile or Battleteam Leader

Star of Eos

"The Star of Eos is palm-sized metal circlet with jewels-red, blue and purple-inlaid on the circlet to form a triangle. This represents the three Orders of the Brotherhood and their unity. Only the highest award is listed." Se large.jpg
Awarded for: Consistent and dedicated activity. Such activity is over the period of several weeks and participation in several projects or events.
w/ Terran Band (SE-TB) (Second Award) Setb.jpg
w/ Solar Band (SE-SB) (Third Award) Sesb.jpg
w/ Lunar Band (SE-LB) (Fourth Award) Selb.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member, Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Aedile or Battleteam Leader

Dark Cross

"The basic merit award of the Brotherhood. After the fifth upgrade, every Dark Cross earned thereafter adds another diamond to the Cross, thus a person may have: DC-KC-O-CS-Dx2. The complete list of upgrades for the award is below." Dc large.jpg
Awarded for: Good activity, usually signified with a strong Discord presence, creation of House fiction or graphics, or participation in competitions and events.
w/ Knight's Cross (KC) (Second Award) Dckc.png
w/ Oak Leaf Cluster (O) (Third Award) Dcolc.png
w/ Crossed Swords (CS) (Fourth Award) Dccs.png
w/ Diamond (D) (Fifth Award and beyond) Dcd.png
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member, Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Aedile or Battleteam Leader

Competition Awards

Gold Nova

"This award is an intricately crafted golden device in the shape of a stellar nova, and may be accompanied by an upgrade in the form of a pendant planetary cluster." GN.jpg
Awarded for: Achieving first place in any official Vendetta or similar event, or year long DB wide competition. Those who have earned the Gold Nova have distinguished themselves as being some of the most skilled Sith in the galaxy, having defeated, in open conflict, their fellows within the Dark Brotherhood. Upgrades are listed below.
w/ Bronze Planetary Cluster (GNB) (2 Awards) GNB.jpg
w/ Silver Planetary Cluster (GNAg) (3 Awards) GNAg.jpg
w/ Gold Planetary Cluster (GNAu) (4 Awards) GNAu.jpg
w/ Platinum Planetary Cluster (GNP) (5 Awards) GNP.jpg
w/ Grand Planetary Cluster (GNG) (6 Awards) GNG.jpg
Awarded by: The Grand Master

Silver Nova

"This award is an intricately crafted silver device in the shape of a stellar nova, and may be accompanied by an upgrade in the form of a pendant planetary cluster." SN.jpg
Awarded for: Achieving second place in any official Vendetta or similar event, or year long DB wide competition, first place in year long Clan wide competition. Those who have earned the Silver Nova have bested many of their fellows within the Dark Brotherhood, and proven themselves to be truly formidable Sith. Upgrades are listed below.
w/ Bronze Planetary Cluster (SNB) (2 Awards) SNB.jpg
w/ Silver Planetary Cluster (SNAg) (3 Awards) SNAg.jpg
w/ Gold Planetary Cluster (SNAu) (4 Awards) SNAu.jpg
w/ Platinum Planetary Cluster (SNP) (5 Awards) SNP.jpg
w/ Grand Planetary Cluster (SNG) (6 Awards) SNG.jpg
Awarded by: The Grand Master

Bronze Nova

"This award is an intricately crafted bronze device in the shape of a stellar nova, and may be accompanied by an upgrade in the form of a pendant planetary cluster." BN.jpg
Awarded for: Achieving third place in any official Vendetta or similar event, or year long DB wide competition, second place in year long Clan wide competition. Those who have earned the Bronze Nova have bested many of their fellows within the Dark Brotherhood, and proven themselves to be truly formidable Sith. Upgrades are listed below.
w/ Bronze Planetary Cluster (BNB) (2 Awards) BNB.jpg
w/ Silver Planetary Cluster (BNAg) (3 Awards) BNAg.jpg
w/ Gold Planetary Cluster (BNAu) (4 Awards) BNAu.jpg
w/ Platinum Planetary Cluster (BNP) (5 Awards) BNP.jpg
w/ Grand Planetary Cluster (BNG) (6 Awards) BNG.jpg
Awarded by: The Grand Master

Kaiburr Star

"The Kaiburr Star is cut out of one solid crystal block. These crystals can only be found on the planet Kaiburr, giving the medal its name. Its crimson red color mirrors perfectly the color of blood which was spilled by the awardee, when they vanquished his enemies in order to recieve this medal." Ks large.jpg
Awarded for: Being overall winner in a DC sanctioned Dark Brotherhood wide Multiplayer event.
w/ Emerald Core (KS-EC) (1 win) Ks emerald.jpg
w/ Sapphire Core (KS-SC) (10 wins) Ks saphire.jpg
w/ Amethyst Core (KS-AC) (25 wins) Ks amethyst.jpg
w/ Gold Core (KS-GC) (50 wins) Ks gold.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member


"The Crescent is a crescent moon with a star in its center. It is made of polished platinum inlaid on brass background, and gems of the appropriate kind are lined on the moon. The artwork required to make it is almost as important as the skill required to win the award." Crescent.jpg
Awarded for: Achieving a first, second or third place ranking in any official, non-Vendetta event. The type of Crescent to award for the appropriate placing in what kind of competition is listed below.
w/ Diamond Star (Cr-1D) (First in a Brotherhood-wide competition) Crd.jpg
w/ Ruby Star (Cr-1R) (Second in Brotherhood) Crr.jpg
w/ Amethyst Star (Cr-1S) (First in Clan) Cra.jpg
w/ Sapphire Star (Cr-1E) (Second in Clan) Crs.jpg
w/ Emerald Star (Cr-1E) (First in House, third in Clan) Cre.jpg
w/ Topaz Star (Cr-1T) (Second in House) Crt.jpg
w/ Quartz Star (Cr-1Q) (Third in House) Crq.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member (Diamond and below), Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Aedile (Amethyst and below) or Battleteam Leader (Emerald and below)

Cluster of Fire

"This award is a cluster of three yellow Adegan crystals set in an ornate silver mounting which can be displayed by the owner. The center crystal is changed with the appropriate colored crystal as the awardee grows in skill." CF.jpg
Awarded for: The Cluster Of Fire is the standard Player vs Player award for multiplayer activity. In order to qualify for this medal you must send a record of your match including a qualifying scoreboard screenshot to the Master-At-Arms

Match reports must be sent no more than 72hrs from match completion.

To qualify for a CoF you must be on the winning team and be in the top 50% of the winning side, usually determined by score.

Specifications for every Game can be found in the MAA:AAM

w/ Cluster of Red Fire (CF-RF) (25 Victories) CFRF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Orange Fire (CF-OF) (50 Victories) CFOF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Yellow Fire (CF-YF) (75 Victories) CFYF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Green Fire (CF-GF) (100 Victories) CFGF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Cyan Fire (CF-CF) (250 Victories) CFCF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Blue Fire (CF-BF) (500 Victories) CFBF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Indigo Fire (CF-IF) (750 Victories) CFIF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Violet Fire (CF-VF) (1000 Victories) CFVF.jpg
w/ Cluster of Red Flare (CF-RF) (1250 Victories) CFRFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Orange Flare (CF-OF) (1500 Victories) CFOFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Yellow Flare (CF-YF) (1750 Victories) CFYFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Green Flare (CF-GF) (2000 Victories) CFGFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Cyan Flare (CF-CF) (2250 Victories) CFCFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Blue Flare (CF-BF) (2500 Victories) CFBFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Indigo Fire (CF-IF) (2750 Victories) CFIFl.jpg
w/ Cluster of Violet Flare (CF-VF) (3000 Victories) CFVFl.jpg
Awarded by: The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Master-at-Arms

Other Awards

Legion of the Scholar

"This award is a small, circular steel pin that may be worn on the lapel or collar of a uniform or cape." Legion of the Scholar.jpg
Awarded for: Excellence in Imperial and Sith Trivia, either for its creation or in competition or for scoring 100% on any newly released Shadow Academy courses. This is the only award that may be given for weekly trivia competitions. Upgrades are listed below.
Bronze Legion (LSB) (2 Awards) Legion-of-the-scholar bronze.jpg
Silver Legion (LSAg) (3 Awards) Legion-of-the-scholar silver.jpg
Gold Legion (LSAu) (4 Awards) Legion-of-the-scholar gold.jpg
Platinum Legion (LSP) (5 Awards) Legion-of-the-scholar platinum.jpg
Grand Legion (LSG) (6 Awards) Legion-of-the-scholar grand.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member, Consul, Proconsul, Quaestor, Aedile or Battleteam Leader

Dark Side Scroll

"A small scroll made of obsidian, with the submissions of the awardee engraved upon its surface in gold lettering." Dark Side Scroll.jpg
Awarded for: Making a submission to the Dark Brotherhood's newsletter, the Dark Voice. A Scroll is given for every submission made to the Dark Voice, either in the form of writing or a graphic.
w/ Quill of Knowledge [DSS-QK] (5 submissions) Dark-side-scroll quill-of-knowledge.jpg
w/ Quill of Lore [DSS-QL] (10 submissions) Dark-side-scroll quill-of-lore.jpg
w/ Quill of Wisdom [DSS-QW] (25 submissions) Dark-side-scroll quill-of-wisdom.jpg
w/ Quill of Ages [DSS-QA] (50 submissions) Dark-side-scroll quill-of-ages.jpg
w/ Quill of Enlightenment [DSS-QE] (100 submissions) Dark-side-scroll quill-of-enlightenment.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member

Scroll of Indoctrination

"The Scroll of Indoctrination is a regular scroll with the name or names of the people one has recruited in ink." ScrollIndoctrination.jpg
Awarded for: For the recruitment of a new member into the Brotherhood. This award may only be given for recruiting someone new to the Brotherhood, and not recruiting a current member. Further, the person must have been be assigned. Clones are not considered new members!
w/ Seal of Wax [SI-SoW] (5 members) Scroll-of-indoctrination with-seal-of-wax.jpg
w/ Seal of Lead [SI-SoL] (10 members) Scroll-of-indoctrination with-seal-of-lead.jpg
w/ Seal of Gold [SI-SoG] (25 members) Scroll-of-indoctrination with-seal-of-gold.jpg
w/ Seal of Blood [SI-SoB] (50 members) Scroll-of-indoctrination with-seal-of-blood.jpg
Awarded by: Any Dark Council member