Alter Environment
Combines various techniques to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of phenomena such as whirlwinds, fog, thunderstorms, and giant waves. The Sith may manipulate temperature to sub-zero freezing or boiling hot within seconds, create vacuums, or increase pressure to burst eardrums. Small earthquakes may be created or ambient moisture gathered to create flash floods. Alter Environment may intensify or lessen existing events, or create phenomena as the Sith desires.
Art of the Small
A radical Force technique that allows the user to shrink their presence in the Force to a microscopic scale. While in this state, the Sith may manipulate individual molecules, transmuting them into something completely different. Practitioners may create powerful healing potions, lethal toxins, and a variety of chemicals which are then released through blood, sweat, tears, or even a scratch from the user’s fingernails. May also reverse or halt biological aging.
Aura of Uneasiness
A Dark Side aura that constantly radiates from the Sith Sorcerer. Non-sentient animals and creatures will avoid the user while sentients experience an intense feeling of malaise. Force-Sensitives caught within the aura feel an expanding sense of darkness and non-Sith have difficulty concentrating.
Battle Meditation
An ability which considerably boosts the morale, stamina, coordination, and overall combat effectiveness of allies while simultaneously eroding enemies’ will to fight. The power is equally effective at coordinating small groups of troops or entire fleets of ships.
Breath Control
Enables the user to go long periods without breathing by reprocessing air in the lungs through the Force. Useful in thin atmospheres, underwater, or toxic environments.
Enables the user to greatly enhance his skill in the task at hand for a limited time. Sith with this power may succeed at tasks requiring nearly-impossible levels of coordination such as firing proton torpedoes into the Death Star’s thermal exhaust port, shooting the wings off of airborne flies, or flying through Beggar’s Canyon at high speeds.
Through the Force, the Sith may bend and twist their bodies in order to escape bonds or crawl through small openings.
Control Disease
Directs and controls antibodies and healing energies through the Force to combat infection or disease. This technique requires much concentration and may require extended meditation to successfully combat extremely virulent diseases.
Control Pain
Reduces pain inflicted as the result of injury, disease, or hardship. This power does nothing to repair any damage inflicted upon the user, instead allowing them to function without the burden of pain until they can employ Force Heal or other medical techniques.
Create Force Storm
One of the most powerful and volatile Force abilities, Force Storms violently destroy the fabric of space and time by opening dimension-altering rifts in the universe. Storms manifest over several minutes and may grow in size from 100 meters to several kilometers, devastating planetary surfaces or entire fleets of ships in their path. Absolute concentration is required to maintain control of these primal energies, lest the user become consumed by his own creation. If the user’s concentration is interrupted prior to the storm’s formation, the creation is unsuccessful.
Create Force Wraith
Creates Force Wraiths that obey their creator’s every command, acting as extensions of the creator’s senses. The Wraiths radiate pure evil and their cold touch damages living tissue. Wraiths may perform specific tasks or guard general areas as the creator desires. The Wraiths persist until destroyed or dismissed by their creator. Killing the creator instantly dissipates all of his created Wraiths.
Cure Poison
A variant of Force Healing that removes or detoxifies poisons. The power requires extended concentration for periods of one to twenty hours depending on the toxin’s potency.
Dark Side Burst
A massive surge of Dark Side energy resulting from the death of a powerful Sith. The devastating shockwave inflicts heavy damage over a substantial area.
Dark Side Tendrils
Pure manifestations of Force energy rise from the ground in a black mist 20 meters across and 2 meters high. The mist resolves into black energy tentacles that swarm the area, particularly seeking any creatures or sentients. The tendrils annihilate any matter they contact and subject the targets to the full scope of the Dark Side of the Force. Protective Force powers such as Force Barrier and Force Sphere provide some protection for a limited time.
Dark Side Web
Strands of Dark Side energy ensnare the target in an unbreakable mesh. The lattice of dark energy cuts off a being’s connection to the Force and saps their strength as well. This power was a favored means of torture and imprisonment by ancient Sith Sorcerers.
Dark Transfer
An extremely rare power that allows the user to perceive injuries in another as red lines throughout that person. By concentrating the Force into these lines, the user may bring an injured being back from the brink of death. Conversely, the user can also kill another by pouring destructive energies into the nexus of those perceived lines.
Dim Another’s Senses
Greatly reduces the perceptions of the target victim.
Dominate Mind
A Dark Side variant of the traditional Mind Trick power in which the Sith may take complete control of the target(s) mind(s), rather than simply persuading them to do his bidding.
Creates a perfect illusion of the user through the Force or allows the user to create an exact duplicate of an item. The Sith perceives all the doppelganger’s senses and may interact normally with the doppelganger’s environment via telekinesis. The doppelganger appears real to everyone around it, even to droid sensors. If the projecting Sith is injured, then the doppelganger immediately fades.
Drain Energy
Depletes power packs, energy cells, and other energy sources within moments, rendering electronic devices useless until their power sources are replaced or recharged.
Drain Knowledge
Extracts knowledge from a target being without their consent. This ability disrupts the Force to steal deep memories in a violent and disruptive way, which may result in amnesia or permanent brain damage.
Electronic Manipulation
Alters the energy in an electronic device to bend that device to the user’s will. Users may sift through datapads, reprogram computers, or cause devices to operate in unusual ways.
Enhance Attribute
Temporarily boosts an ability of the user through the Force. Such abilities may include, but are not limited to running, reaction time, strength, or vision.
Enhance Force Sensitivity
The Sith boosts the power of a lesser Force Sensitive through a very powerful ritual, empowering the recipient with the Dark Side and increasing their available powers. Emperor Palpatine bestowed such power upon his Hands, while the Prophets of the Dark Side performed this ritual on Marek Stele.
Provides vague impressions of events happening in other places or times through the Force, with an emphasis on strong imagery and emotions. Farseeing could also apply in combat, allowing the Sith to anticipate the path of a blaster bolt or tactics of an enemy.
Feed on Dark Side
Allows the Sith to harvest the negative emotions of others to enhance his own powers. The stronger these emotions or the more people experiencing them, the more power the Sith gains.
Force Absorb
The user absorbs harmful energy directed at them and either dissipates it harmlessly or rechannels that energy into healing themselves or toward boosting another Force power. Force Absorb is effective against blaster bolts, kinetic energy, radiation, and other harmful energy attacks such as Force Lightning. Provides limited protection from Force Energy attacks by more powerful Force users.
Force Affliction
A variant of Force Slow, quickly debilitating the target similar to a fast-acting poison.
Force Barrier
Creates a wall of Force energy either around oneself or a target. The barrier may absorb a wide variety of physical, energy, sonic, and Force attacks with longevity determined by the relative strength of the user. An overloaded barrier may simply collapse or could explode into energy shards, damaging those behind it, depending on how severely the barrier is overloaded. The barrier provides little or no protection against massive energy discharges such as turbolaser blasts.
Force Blinding
A blinding flash of light emanates from the user’s hand, temporarily overloading the target’s vision. Effective against organic and mechanical vision.
Force Breach
Interrupts all Force powers within 100 meters of the user, creating a temporary dead zone in the Force for 60 minutes. No Force abilities function within the zone until the duration elapses, including those of the user. Upon clearing the affected area or waiting the full hour, Force sensitives may access their powers normally.
Force Cloak
The Force bends light and sound around a subject, rendering them undetectable either visually or through the Force. Equally effective on droids and those immune to the Force. This technique requires much concentration and greater energy expenditure than most other Force powers.
Force Comprehension
Ability to rapidly absorb and interpret vast quantities of information by speeding up the Sith’s neural processes. This technique requires the user to have at least a basic understanding of the topic or the power will simply tire them.
Force Crush
One of the most violent Force abilities, which lifts opponents into the air and implodes them with the crushing power of the Force. Users may selectively target portions of a subject, such as their lungs or extremities, rather than crushing their entire body. This is an advanced form of Telekinetic Kill, taken to a brutal extreme.
Force Deflection
Uses the Force to deflect incoming physical and energy attacks with an outstretched hand rather than deflecting attacks with a lightsaber.
Force Destruction
Creates a powerful energy field, then discharges in a specific direction or radius as the Sith desires, vaporizing anyone without an active Force Shield in the direct path and pushing others back via the resultant shockwave. This is an exhausting power requiring a great deal of focus. Multiple uses tire the user to the point of exhaustion.
Force Drain
The Sith drains life and Force energy from a victim, healing and replenishing themselves in the process.
Force Fear
Strikes directly at the deepest parts of a target’s mind, causing an uncontrollable shaking fear. The victim may either cower defenselessly or flee in terror.
Force Flight
Telekinetically moves the user to a specific destination utilizing an extreme variation of levitation. Requires intense concentration to maintain flight. Once that concentration is interrupted, the user falls normally but may use other powers to mitigate damage including but not limited to Inertia or Force Absorb.
Force Heal
Force-accelerated natural healing processes in the user or another being. Can repair even severe injuries in a relatively short time, but cannot regenerate lost matter such as severed limbs or injuries caused by disruptor weapons. Cybernetic or cloned replacements are sometimes available in such cases.
Force Horror
Sends multiple enemies into a catatonic state of panic. More severe and difficult to defend against than simple Force Fear.
Force Immunity
The strongest form of Force Resistance. Temporarily renders the user completely invulnerable to Force powers or manipulation through the Force. This power is difficult to maintain under sustained barrages, requiring Force energies in direct proportion to the attack’s strength. Best used as a temporary measure.
Force Insanity
The most advanced form of Force Fear, sending multiple enemies into frenzied madness or deranged mania.
Force Jump
The Force greatly augments the user’s natural leaping ability, enabling vertical jumps of up to eight times the user’s height. May combine with Force Speed to leap tremendous distances.
Force Lightning
A purely offensive energy attack that channels Force energy down the user’s limbs, hurling arcing bolts of electricity from the fingertips or palm of one or both hands. The powerful discharges branch into dozens of forks, enabling users to target multiple foes simultaneously. The blast may stun or kill opponents as the user desires.
Force Maelstrom
A devastating combination of Force Sphere, Telekinesis, and Force Lightning. The user encloses himself within a protective sphere. Then any loose objects or persons within 20 meters of the user swirl around the bubble through telekinesis. Finally, the user may channel Force Lightning through the sphere to strike targets within the maelstrom.
Force of Will
A distinct subconscious ability allowing the user to resist the effects of mental-based Force powers. This ability also augments the usage of these powers and is always in effect. Can also allow the user to ignore physical discomfort or trauma to continue functioning in otherwise debilitating conditions.
Force Paralysis
Completely immobilizing a target through the Force.
Force Phantom
The product of an elaborate Sith ritual allowing them to create lifelike apparitions from the siphoned Force energy of another life form, irrespective of sentience, and project them across the cosmos. Force phantoms physically manifest and carry out their creator’s whims. Their insidious nature is only revealed when they are destroyed, causing the death of the being the Phantom was anchored to.
Force Plague
An advanced version of Force Affliction which works like a fast-acting toxin, horribly debilitating its victims before an agonizing death. Normal treatments, such as bacta, may only slow the progression. Force Healing is required for a full recovery.
Force Push/Pull
Users may telekinetically push or pull an object or being. Useful for retrieving distant objects or knocking enemies away. This is the first telekinetic power a Sith learns, involving gross manipulation of the Force on a physical level.
Force Rage
Channels the Sith’s own fear and hate into an intense rage, boosting his own speed, strength, and ferocity.
Force Resistance
Offers some protection from Force attacks, especially those of a less powerful Sith or Jedi. Users suffer no mental damage or manipulation by the Force when utilizing this ability.
Force Scream
A wave of hatred, amplified and fueled by the Dark Side, which manifests as both a physical shockwave and a Force attack, bypassing basic mental and physical defenses with ease. Victims caught in the wave are often stunned for several seconds.
Force Sense
A basic Force ability enabling the user to sense another’s presence or emotional state as well as ripples through the Force that accompany momentous or traumatic events. Enables detection of impending danger or the presence of other Force-Sensitives. Upon attaining Knighthood, Sith may use this ability subconsciously.
Force Shockwave
A powerful omni-directional attack, damaging or destroying anything within its 40 meter radius.
Force Slow
Clouds the target’s mind causing them to slow both mentally and physically.
Force Speed
Dramatically increases the user’s physical and mental processes, enabling them to run and react with great speed. The Sith’s movements appear in a blur and Force Speed-enhanced attacks are very difficult to defend against.
Force Sphere
A sphere of crackling red energy encompassing the Sith which can both harm opponents who come into contact with it and deflect blaster fire or other attacks. A variant of the Force Barrier with an offensive element. Severe attacks may quickly overwhelm the sphere.
Force Subjugate
Inflicts damage directly upon the target’s mind. The damage may act as a distraction or temporarily break concentration. Creatures and beings with low will power could be calmed or enraged by this power, as the user directs.
Force Suppression
Attacks a single target’s will, temporarily interrupting the use of any active powers available at Sith Knight rank or below. Requires great concentration to maintain and sustained application quickly tires the user.
Force Track
Allows the user to peer through the Force for guidance, picking up the path of their lost quarry. Effective in most cases, except when the quarry actively masks their presence in the Force.
Force Travel
Allows a being to instantly travel great distances, tearing open a momentary rift in space by ripping the Force asunder. This power radiates strongly of the Dark Side, creating a great disturbance in the Force, and should be avoided when traveling covertly. Sith utilizing this power may travel anywhere within their current solar system, so long as they can maintain a clear mental image of the destination. Interrupting a Force Travelers concentration may result in the power’s failure or travel to an unintended destination.
Force Weapon
Imbues a normal un-powered weapon, such as a sword or staff, with the Force for a time, allowing more powerful strikes than its simple appearance would suggest. Any Force-imbued weapon may parry lightsabers without ill effect.
Gathers ambient light into one location, appearing as a small star. The glowing shroud may conceal squadrons of starfighters or even a large capital ship from the enemy both visually and from sensors.
An involuntary exertion of Force power, allowing the user to fully embrace the Dark Side. Manifests hate in palpable waves that radiate from his body, distracting nearby Jedi and disrupting their control of the Force. Non-sentients and persons with low willpower flee in terror.
Hibernation Trance
Slows user’s breathing and metabolism to a standstill, requiring only one-tenth the air of a normally respiring individual. Sith may remain in the trance for up to one week in a dry climate or one month in a wet climate before dying from lack of water.
Creates visible lifelike astral projections of whatever the Sith desires. The illusions distort all of a target’s senses and only through concentration on the Force is the target able to perceive them as being false.
Allows a user to shift his body’s inertia, enabling otherwise impossible stunts such as running on walls and ceilings or changing direction in mid air.
Inflict Pain
Channels the Dark Side to cause great pain to a victim without necessarily killing them.
Instinctive Astrogation
Allows the user to find a safe route through hyperspace without the use of an astromech droid or navigation computer. The Sith senses the safest route through all the myriad possibilities.
Unleashes a purple stream of ions that overload and damage electronic devices or droids. Ionize has 3 power levels: Stun Droid, which incapacitates a single droid for 6 seconds; Disable Droid, which deactivates the droid or equipment and affects other droids or devices near the target; Destroy Droid, which causes severe internal disruptions to many droids at once.
A fist-sized sphere of kinetic energy appears in the Sith’s hand and is then flung at the target, battering down most obstacles in its path.
Suspends the Sith against the force of gravity, allowing him to hover in place or move about as desired. Sith may use levitation to carefully lower themselves from great heights, run across the surface of calm water, or traverse thin ice.
Lightsaber Manipulation
The Sith may wield at least one lightsaber independently, holding it aloft with the Force and having it fight with a will of its own at the same skill level as the Sith using this power.
The ability for Sith Knights and above to cooperatively merge their Force energies into a single event. Typically used when multiple Sith encounter a much more powerful foe who would defeat them individually. Users must possess this power to enter into the unified link but may channel their collective energies into a single power possessed by one joined member. Based on the Joining Ritual power used by the Brotherhood of Darkness.
Magnify Senses
Enhances the effectiveness of a Sith’s normal senses, enabling him to better notice something they might otherwise have missed. Force-enhanced senses are more vulnerable to directed attacks against them, such as blinding flashes and stun grenades.
Induces a powerful dizziness and nausea in enemies by turning their equilibrium against them. The effect is complete incapacitation without damaging the target.
A subtle technique that literally reshapes an individual’s appearance, alchemically altering the body at a molecular level. Features, age, gender, disfigurations, and even species can be concealed using this power. The excruciatingly painful application takes minutes and the effect is undetectable even under detailed medical examination. Users may duplicate and replace an individual in this manner.
An intricate ability to understand, create, and reprogram droids as the user desires. This power can also infuse machines with Dark Side energies, making them partially resistant to Force-based attacks. Infused machines may disrupt the flow of Light Side energies within a short radius.
Midi-chlorian Manipulation
The ultimate expression of Sith Alchemy, requiring immense knowledge of the Dark Side of the Force. Grants the ability to create, maintain, or save life by directly influencing midi-chlorians in that life form. Practitioners of this power may stop or even reverse the aging process and repair severe damage to their own or another’s body.
Mind Barrier
Allows the Sith to shield his mind from influence or attack, even to the point of shielding thoughts from telepathic probes. This technique may provide only partial protection from the mental attacks of a much more powerful Force user.
The ability to suspend biological functions such as breathing and heart rate, surviving for up to one year without food, water, or air. This power provides no protection from exposure to vacuum, but may place the user or someone else in an effective state of suspended animation.
Manifested in the form of Force Visions, granting knowledge of future events. Narrowing the power’s focus provided an anticipatory edge in combat, functioning as a danger sense.
A mental technique for gaining impressions and trace information about an object and events surrounding it. Allows the user to witness past events as if they were actually present, including sights, sounds, smells, and the emotions of the object’s holder. The power functions most readily on personal possessions that were frequently used, but may still function on common objects with multiple owners or handlers, albeit with limited success.
Creates heat and cold through the excitation or slowing of molecules in the air or in a given object. Targets may burst into flame or freeze solid as their heat is drawn away. This power may effect a substantial area, targeting multiple victims. When using this as an area-effect power, the Sith must take care not to succumb to the effects of his own attack.
Masks an individual’s Force alignment, Force sensitivity, or even their entire presence from other Force Sensitives, enabling them to pass unnoticed. Darth Sidious used this power for decades to conceal himself from the Jedi Council. Aura of Uneasiness mitigates Quy'tek's effectiveness and is not recommended for covert Sith operatives.
Remain Conscious
Staves off damage effects that would render a normal individual unconscious. Commonly used in conjunction with Control Pain.
Remove Force Imprint
Permanently masking an individual’s connection to the Force, either in oneself or another.
Resist Stun
Resists the effects of stun weapons, allowing the user to remain conscious, mobile, and combat effective.
Saber Barrier
Utilized by some practitioners of dual-lightsaber combat, the lightsabers whirl about the Sith in a horizontal circle, primarily protecting from melee attack. This defensive yet deadly wall inflicts the full damage of the ignited lightsabers upon any creature unlucky enough to contact the barrier.
Sever Force
Permanent destruction of a Force-User’s access to the Force. This technique requires massive amounts of power and a concerted sustained effort in order to be effective.
The ability to perceive weakness or vulnerability as fault lines within a person, event, or object. Once observed, the user can concentrate the Force to alter events, defeat enemies, or destroy otherwise invulnerable objects.
Shift Sense
Alters the user’s senses to detect phenomena they could not normally observe. Examples include vision outside the visible light spectrum and hearing into the ultrasonic and subsonic ranges.
Sith Alchemy
The combination of advanced science and the Dark Side, Sith Alchemists create Sith Armor, Sith Swords, and genetically engineered sithspawn monsters. Alchemists may enhance the strength of regular items or modify alien species, making them more dangerous or easier to control.
Sith Sorcery
By channeling the power of deceased Sith Lords, the Sith may supplement his own knowledge and power with theirs, literally binding the spirits to his will. There is great risk of becoming a puppet of the departed Sith Spirits, or conduit for their reincarnation, so caution is advised.
Spear of Midnight Black
Forges a spear of ebon Dark Side energy that appears in the user’s hand. The spear may be hurled at an opponent, killing or injuring them as if it were a real physical spear. Non-fatal wounds turn septic and resist normal treatment, requiring a skilled Force Healer to save the target. The spear bypasses normal armor and is only stopped by Force-created barriers or shields.
Allows the Sith to read and understand technological devices through the Force. Through this understanding, mental control of the device is possible without physically operating the controls.
A moderately-advanced technique involving the moving and manipulating of objects through thought alone via the power of the Force. Adds an element of fine control to manipulate objects in three dimensions, rather than the linear applications found in basic Force Push/Pull. Even more advanced versions of this power appear in Throw Lightsaber, Levitation, and Force Flight.
Telekinetic Kill
A variety of techniques used to injure or kill a target by applying force to the internal organs or airways. Examples include squeezing the heart, crushing the throat (i.e. Force Choke), shattering bones, or stirring the brain. May be used on multiple targets to lesser effect, taking longer to kill multiple subjects than the time required to kill a single victim.
Mental communication over small or vast distances. The telepath must be able to sense the presence of those they wish to contact through the Force. Used to read and communicate thoughts, anticipate enemies, and mentally taunt opponents. Also useful for understanding non-sentient communications and intentions.
Throw Lightsaber
Hurling the ignited saber at a target while telekinetically guiding the weapon. Thrown lightsabers then return to the wielder in a boomerang effect, slicing through any obstacles or enemies in their parabolic path. May be used to guide and accelerate other thrown objects as well.
Transfer Life
A radical power used to transfer a person’s consciousness into another body or object. The user literally possesses the new body, consigning the previous occupant to the void of Chaos. In rare instances, a skilled Force Sensitive victim could summon enough willpower to resist, causing a battle for control of the host body. Powerful Sith with this ability are effectively immortal.
Allows a user to translate a spoken or written language, and in turn speak and write that language fluently.
Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut
A successful meld of sorcery and alchemy pioneered by Dathka Graush. This complex ability reanimates fresh corpses and skeletons into legions impervious to pain and capable of transmitting a fast-acting necromancy virus through biting. The undead are under the complete mental control of the sorcerer. If that control is interrupted, the undead attack anything in their path.
Waves of Darkness
Creates visible palpable waves of literal darkness that emanate from the Sith in a sphere, accompanied by a series of thunderclaps. Persons or creatures caught in the waves suffer intense despair and confusion before feeling compelled to flee. The power is effective up to 50 meters and may disrupt Light Side powers within the area of effect.