Dark Brotherhood Report Synopsis
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This is a temporary page to collect information that will be fed into other articles or potentially archived.
GM Report[edit]
Hades - 12 January 2010
This is a time of great unrest in our club and our group. The HETs have spread out in an attempt to isolate themselves from one another and the rest of the Dark Brotherhood forces. Some have succeeded, some have failed. But the time for separation and secrecy are over.
A new Grand Master has assumed the Iron Throne. His first act was to assemble a new Hetaeria comprised of the most forward and active individuals from all four Hetearias. This new HET would be tasked with Long Range Recon Patrols in enemy territory and would be on a volunteer basis only. To the rest of the Hetearias, a call of unity has gone out. Grand Master Hades has ordered the Hetearias to return from the far reaches of the EH Territory, back to the Iron Throne. New missions and responsibilities await the Hetearias, along with new tools at which to accomplish those missions.
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 14 February 2010
Keth becomes HM
Keth shook his head as he walked out of the Dark Council chambers. He had just been appointed as the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, however the Dark Council had decided to keep him as a Dark Jedi Knight until further notice.
Such actions had been taken before in the History of the Brotherhood however they were few and far between, this was surely going to be the beginning of an interesting tenure at the Shadow Academy.
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 21 February 2010
Keth stretched out his legs, putting them on top of his large desk. It was a masterful work, a piece that had been commissioned by the new Headmaster upon his promotion to the Dark Council. The large black iron desk, with is superbly carved Wroshyr edging would hopefully support the Headmaster for many years.
MAA Report[edit]
Baron - 1 March 2010
Baron becomes MMA.
GM Report[edit]
Hades - 27 March 2010
Each "HET" has a Corvette, Validus in addition has a squadron of TIE Fighters (competition reward). Promised review of OoB.
GM wants to bring back Tau Squadron (DB Elite Squadron), requests applications.
MAA Report[edit]
Baron - 28 March 2010
JH Jormungand to P:MAA
DIE being looked at to re-integrate back into the Dark Brotherhood
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 31 March 2010
Nothing of note.
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 9 May 2010
Course History of the Jedi Order to be released. DJK Montte writes fiction: Cold Rage
House Drakonan Report[edit]
Exar Kit - 27 June 2010
DA Exar Kit to House Drakonan QUA Interclub competition occuring between Emperor's Hammer, Vast Empire and Rebel Squadrons.
EH/TC plotline[edit]
Various - Various https://mb.emperorshammer.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1304&sid=81bdf1b63e9db489e97625eecc7670d2
GM Report[edit]
Greetings fellow Dark Jedi,
All of you are aware of the statements I made in my last report concerning the restructure. Well, now I can finally say it is upon us. As of tonight, you all have been assigned your new positions in your new battle teams. Look around you. Look at your fellow Battle Team members. They are your new family, treat them well and with respect. Each one of them is here for the same reasons you are, to write, to fly, or to fight. Together you shall forge a new identity for the Dark Brotherhood. One of strength and honor.
As you can see, your leaders have been chosen already. The list is as follows.
Quaestor: DA Exar Kit Aedile: (TBD by Quaestor)
Krath BTL: JH Desann Obelisk BTL: DA Dante Sith BTL: (TBD By Quaestor)
QUA Exar Kit will be accepting applications for the AED and Sith BTL positions very quickly. If you wish to apply, please email him and myself. Deadlines for the applications will end once we have selected the right person for the job.
Now, with this restructure comes new fiction that will explain our transition. If some of you are not aware, there was a EH-wide story arc that was enacted several months ago. In it an unknown task force attacked Aurora Prime (the post can be found here along with all of its comments: http://eh.stryfe.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1304 ). Some of the comments are suggesting maybe the Dark Brotherhood had something to do with it. That maybe we allowed the attack to occur. We did not, and we must prove we didn't. That in itself is going to be a hard thing to do. First what we need to do is find our attackers. This is where the restructure ties in.
All of the HETs have been recalled to The Dark Hall. There, while all of them are gathered along with the Dark Council. There, they are briefed by the Grand Master on the attack on Aurora Prime and the near destruction of the SSSD Sovereign, along with the suspicions of Dark Brotherhood involvement. Several members voiced approval of this, but their superiors were quick to silence them. It is then that Grand Master Hades announced that a Ready Response Unit will be assembled from all of the HETs assembled. This new unit will take on the old designation of House and named Drakonan. Within it, all members will be funneled into new units with their own unique tasks.
First, the Sith. All Sith HET members will be combined to form a new Sith Squadron. This squadron will be flying TIE Interceptors and TIE Bombers due to the fact that the newer and more advanced fighters are needed battling New Republic forces.
Second, the Obelisk. Some of the fiercest's warriors the Brotherhood has ever known. They will provide the ground muscle for this mission. When the time comes to retrieve information by force, they will be the ones to get it done.
Lastly, the Krath. The Krath will serve as the investigators of this group, though all orders will participate in this primary function. Their task is to document and explore any and all information that is retrieved and report their findings to the Quaestor.
This unit will be highly mobile and ruthless. They will be on this mission as long as it takes. They will be granted permission to explore the entire universe in the course of their investigation, keeping the Grand Master informed along the way.
But the most important part of this new unit is the fact that it will be completely undercover. Your ships will not be broadcasting Emperor's Hammer or Dark Brotherhood transponder signals, they will be functioning as an independent unit though always under the direction of the Grand Master. Traveling through the galaxy broadcasting Imperial transponders do not open a lot of doors, but by traveling without them more opportunities for information may present itself. Your unit will be supplied by DB or EH transports far away from normal trade routes, and prying eyes.
Finally, the starships assigned to this unit are also common throughout the rest of the galaxy, as to not tip your hand. House Drakonan will be supplied with two starships. One is the Frigate Swift Fury, and one Corvette from the CRV Flight Greed. These ships should provide enough weaponry to carry you through any random encounters you happen to find yourself, but if more is needed only the Grand Master may approve a temporary additional starship or two. The Sith Squadron Stingray will be stationed on the FRG Swift Fury along with two Transports from the Transport Squadron Odyssey to provide ship to surface transportation from the House. The Frigate will be House Drakonan's mobile home with the Corvette providing support when needed.
It is up to House Drakonan to find the EH's attackers, and also to help clear the Dark Brotherhood's name. The coming events will both test your will and secure your resolve. The future of the DB and possibly the entire EH is in your hands.
Okay, that is the story behind the restructure. I believe this high mobility given to House Drakonan will open up a lot of possibilities for all members and hopefully a lot of new thinking. The entire galaxy is ripe for the picking. Let's see what the House does with it.
This restructure is the DB's second in as many years. The idea behind this is to give the members as much of an opportunity for innovation and endless possibilities as I can. This should get the creative juices flowing inside the DB again.
I would like to thank P:GM - GM Havok for all of his help. GM Havok has been a good sounding board for me since my elevation to Grand Master. GM Havok has also been instrumental in the Shadow Academy. He has been constantly adding and editing the courses to create a wonderful experience for the rank and file members. His dedication to his position and to the overall betterment of the Dark Brotherhood is unmatched. He is an excellent DB member and EH Officer. For this, I am very proud to award GM Havok with the Diamond Sword for all his efforts! Congrats GM Havok!
Also, for his outstanding work with the DB Web site and the complete overhaul of the site for the restructure and to give it a new facelift, I am awarding the DB Seneschal - GM Czul with the Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congrats GM Czul!
I would also like to award the Steel Cross to ACO Tuba for his outstanding work in HET Valadius prior to the restructure. He is a very active member of the DB and I look forward to seeing his career move forward. Congrats ACO Tuba!
I would also like to congratulate both my MAA: DA Baron and HM: DJK Keth D'Jek for their promotions to Dark Jedi Master and Sith Warrior respectively. They have both done an outstanding job and I look forward to their ongoing service to the Dark Council and the DB as a whole. Good job, both of you!
That's it for me this time. I look forward to see how House Darakonan performs.
<Bow> Grand Master Hades GM Hades/DC-1/Dark Council
GG/BRN Hades/Ullyr/Phare System/Alpha Sector
RSV/FA "Six"Joe/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves MoH/IC/GOE/GSx2/BSx3/PCx3/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1gh/IS-1BR-1SR/MoC-6BoC-7SoC-4GoC-27PoC-3DoC/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-12E [DRAG] {IWATS-AIM-M/1/2-MP/1-WM-WPN}
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 6 July 2010
Grandmaster posts DB/EH storyline to news page (June 28th). DB Restructured into rapid response unit, will not use personal ships when necessary and only use Imperial fighters and frigates in emergencies. Master/Student program revised.
Battleteam Dark Wizards Report[edit]
Desann - 8 July 2010
Work on going on Battleteam website and history.
Battleteam Dark Wizards Report[edit]
Desann - 22 July 2010
Nothing of note.
HM Report[edit]
Keth Djek - 26 July 2010
There has been a flurry of activity recently thanks to the formation of the Ready Response Group 'House Drakonan' Their run-on located on the forums has taken off at a great rate of knots and doesn't look like it will be slowing down anytime soon.
The new promotion guidelines are in the process of review, I should have them released to the Dark Council within the next few days for approval, and then they will be published on the Site.
GM Report[edit]
Hades - 23 November 2010
The Run-on for House Drakonan is ending. It had it's problems, but we also seen how active many of you can be when you have something really fun dangled in front of you. The next few run-ons that the DB will do will be a bit more structured and we will make sure it stays interesting. We do not want you getting bored. Myself and Montte will be discussion the next phase of the story-arc for the DB and will be putting that into place in the very near future.
huge gap
GM Report[edit]
Hades - 23 August 2011
Now the we have the information we came to Black Rock for, it's time to use it. The next event will be a Fiction event. This will be for the entire House and details will be out this week but we are closing in on the bastards who attacked Aurora Prime! For those of you who like to fly there will be some upcoming space missions you can focus on as the plot intensifies! We will be having at least two more run-ons before the end of the storyline, so there will be plenty of time for that. Until then there will be fiction events and gaming events as well as anything else we can throw your way. And believe me, we will be throwing a lot!
Myself and MAA Montte and P:MAA/XO Havok have been discussing the plot line on IRC and are excited about the direction it is taking. The next Run-On will be happening on a Core world. Lot of potential in that storyline and I look forward to reading your posts! We are closing in on the half-way mark for the DB Storyline. Just a few events to go until we reach it.
huge gap
GM Report[edit]
Montte - 10 January 2013
Tygra Shadowclaw from Warrior to Battlemaster
We are SITH – This actually occurred some time ago but I can’t recall it ever being posted or emphasized, so I’m doing it now. We are no longer going with a structure of being Dark Jedi that study several paths. We are Sith and we are the top of the food chain. We play Dark Jedi like puppets, we enslave Nightsisters, we fight to maintain our rightful place, as RULERS of the galaxy and the paragons of Imperial thought.
What does this mean? Well in practical terms we have done away with the old Order system and we’ll be rewriting the Darkside Compendium to reflect this, a task I’m working on now. Look for changes in rank names (though we’re keeping the structure so all you’re hard work won’t disappear. The gist is, if you were a Dark Jedi Knight, you’ll now be a Sith Knight. That’s it, only cosmetic. Many ranks won’t change at all, but I wanted to let everyone know before they started seeing changes in ID lines. Also we've opened all events to all members and have even extended this idea to grant you credit for EH activity outside the DB. If you fly a mission in the TIE Corps or write a piece of fiction for an EH wide contest be sure to let your Clan Summit know so that you can get credit for it. We want to make sure you’re having fun and don’t want you to ever feel restricted in your activity by membership in any group.
Crossovers - One of the first things I did upon assuming the Iron Throne was to enact a flip-side of the above policy as well. For those in the EH that are members of the TC (or any of the inactive subgroups, you can also participate in DB events and fiction and earn medals. Your SG commanders will of course hold final say on any credit you get in their SG, but if you participate, whether as a Bounty Hunter, a Stormtrooper, etc. I’ll gladly award you an EH award for your efforts and contributions to DB events/fiction. I did this for two reasons: I want to provide an outlet for all members of the EH (even currently defunct ones) to have fun and interact with their Sith brethren. Secondly, I think it enriches us all to have the diversity of the EH in our fiction and events. It just makes sense to have Stormtroopers and Sith fighting side by side. So welcome everyone to the new Dark Brotherhood!
New Eos – Fictionally speaking one of the most dramatic changes that’s happening is that we are colonizing Eos. You read that correctly, Eos will no longer be a dead moon where we hide in a hole. The Dark Hall will of course remain, but with a large surface addition of a Sith Temple, which will include its own Throne Room for interaction with non-DB dignitaries like Fleet officers, TIE Corps pilots, Directorate Governors etc. Spreading out from the temple will be the first city of the moon with everything you’d expect there like bars, shops, a spaceport, corporate offices etc. We are Sith and we proclaim ourselves and our right to rule, we do not hide in holes!
This was actually a way to further bring us in line with canon as Sith and to open new fictional options to our writers. Each Clan will have a compound inside the city to develop as their own, though if any Clan grows large enough we’ll have an entire moon to colonize and they may get a city of their own. How’s that for a fictional incentive to recruit?
New Powers! – Along with the DSC rewrite we are restructuring the system we use for powers based on rank. You can get a preview from Consul Pel “Tuba” Morba if you’re interested, but the goal here (again) was to cleave closer to canon, eliminate the unwieldy system that was based on Orders, and allow each member to customize their EH persona as much as possible. Sith can be pilots, scholars, dueling warriors, tactical/strategic geniuses or all of these. Now it’s up to you to decide how you’ll spread the Dark Side in the galaxy.
GM Report[edit]
Montte - 14 February 2013
Tygra Shadowclaw to Proconsul New Powers system approved (removes Order specific powers)
Darth Beskad sat on the iron throne leaning forward to look at a holo transmission hovering blue and ethereal in front of him. Women and children ran screaming across the view of the camera. Blood dripping down terrified faces as they staggered and fell in mud, then pulled themselves up and ran again. Occasionally the Dark Hall would also echo with the transmitted sound of blaster fire as a stormtrooper or marine retreated firing all the while. He even saw one airman wearing a TIE pilot uniform retreating and firing his blaster to defend civilians escaping behind him. And then there were the images of the enemy, they were a motley lot. Pirates and scum but fighting with precision and discipline unheard of in their kind.
The Sith Lord shifted to his guests standing at the footr of his dais, his armor making a screeching noise as mandalorian iron rubbed across mandalorian iron. “An attack?” he asked raising an eyebrow at the Trooper wearing a lieutenant’s insignia and operating the holoprojector controls. “Not in our territories or I’d already know of it.”
“An attack my lord.” the lieutenant confirmed, “Rimward of us. It’s in the Unknown Regions.”
Beskad leaned forward clasping the pommel of his Sith Sword and staring intently at the lieutenant. “Why am I watching it?”
“Because of this.” Answered his second guest. He was a black uniformed colonel from the Intelligence Division. Who then clicked a button and the imagery sped into a fluid scroll forward at high speed before coming to a stop then resuming.
In the image a Fleet marine was in staggering retreat with a trooper draped over his shoulder. Long and deep burn marks marred the trooper’s white plastoid armor, and he seemed to be missing a hand, though no blood seeped from the wound. This image brought the Dark Lord to his feet. The next , a robe wearing figure leaping into view with a red lightsaber blade, brought him forward to the floor of the throne room.
Beskad stabbed his gauntleted hand into the image as if he could strangle the recorded image. Then watched coldly as the unknown assailant cut down both the valiant marine and his wounded trooper cargo in one swipe them looked directly at the holocamera and with a gesture ,it went blank.
“Go back, I want to see that again.” Beskad commanded and the trooper obliged him, then froze the image on the black robed figure.
The Sith Lord stared impassively for several moments and then spat on the throne room floor. “Dark Jedi. Weakness incarnate, not idealistic enough to seek the Light and not strong enough to do more than play at the power of being a true Sith.”
The Intelligence Officer cleared his throat mildly. “It’s all outside of our territory and not our concern of course my lord.” He said in an odd tone.
“Even if some of those colonists originated from here in the Hammer territories.” The man added. “Certainly something the Fleet Commander and the official military couldn’t become involved in.”
“But I can.” replied the Sith Lord.
“Exactly my lord.” The intelligence colonel replied a bit patronizingly as if a dull child had worked out a secret.
“Then I’ll send out teams to fight these marauders and perhaps earn some ‘goodwill’ from these Imperial colonists.” Beskad said narrowing his eyes at the man. “And if others in the Fleet want to join my Sith, off duty, and on a volunteer basis of course, they can.”
“What a wonderful idea my lord.” The Intel officer said with a patronizing smile.
Beskad’s hand lashed out in a lightning fast strike that defied normal vision and sent the man flying back several feet with an eruption of blood, before he landed on the throne room floor and skidded to a dazed stop with his mouth and nose bleeding.
“Most of my predecessors would have turned you to ashes for that tone.” Beskad said calmly wiping blood from his gauntlet with a cleaning rag from his belt. “I will give you the chance to learn from this lesson. But dare think you can outwit me or condescend to any Sith again and I will slowly beat you senseless and only then will I begin to explore your true pain thresholds through the Force. Am I clear colonel?”
The man nodded numbly from his position on the floor, as a scantily clad slave girl scampered up with a rag and her mouth set in a moue of irritation. “You really shouldn’t go bleedin’ on the lord’s floor, ya know. Tis disrespectful,l it is.”
The man could only stare at her in dazed amazement.
Montte let out a small chuckle at the look of incredulity on the man’s face before returning his attention to the trooper. “Get the word out lieutenant, and make sure the navy knows as well. I can’t start a war, but I can send out ‘scouting parties’ and any sailor, soldier or pilot that wants to join is welcome as well. “
“Yes my lord.” the man said with a salute and turned on his heel in military fashion to carry out his orders.
Beskad sat again on his throne and began composing orders for his Sith. It seemed there was some hunting to be done and if it also managed to kill off a few of the weak pretenders to Sith power, so be it. That thought brought a smile to his normally rigid features.
“Good hunting my Sith,” Beskad said softly with an evil chuckle. “I may even sneak away to join you in killing our prey from time to time…”
As you can see I’ve decided to restore the old tradition of a bit of short fiction to the GM’s report. Hope you enjoyed it, if not, well that’s why mouse wheels were invented. You can scroll on down to the rest of the report.
TC/EH Narrative 22 ABY[edit]
Laan - 17 March 2013
huge gap
GM Report[edit]
Montte - 8 July 2015
Seeking to reopen Battleteams Stingray (SW Flight Sims), Sentinel (FPS) and Dark Prophets (Fiction/Runons) Clan Alvaak closed. Elwood the Brave to Dark side Primarch Pellaeon to Sith Warlord