Discord: Creating and Deleting Channels

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

On the TIE Corps Discord server, there are several members with the ability to create and delete channels. For those members, here's some guidance regarding the creation and deletion of channels.

General Rules[edit]

  • Don't create a unit-level version of a Corps-level off-topic channel
    • For example, there shouldn't need to be a #challenge-pets while #pets exists at the Corps level. Let's keep all of that discussion in one place and share with the widest audience.
  • If a channel has fallen into disuse, please consider removing that channel
  • Double-check permissions when creating a channel
    • The @everyone role shouldn't have permission to view a unit-based channel
    • You don't need to add the EH Command Staff role to every channel, but please add the TC Command Staff role so that we can keep an eye on each channel

Creating a Channel[edit]

There's a couple of different ways to start this process, but I'll show the one that the Commodores have access to.

At the right side of each category name, there's a plus sign if you have permission to create channels. Click that plus sign.


Discord will ask you to choose a type of channel, name the channel, and choose whether it'll be a Private Channel. This will almost always be toggled because we very rarely create channels that aren't restricted to at least one role. Click the Next button when you're ready.


Since we're creating a Private channel, Discord will ask which roles should have permission to see the channel. We're going to overwrite these permissions anyway, so it doesn't really matter which role you pick but I'd use the role for your primary position.


To get the permissions you need to start editing the channel, you'll need to sync the permissions to the matching category. Edit the channel using the gear icon to the right of its name, switch to the Permissions tab, and click the Sync Now button at the top.



Now you can go back and edit which roles should have access to the channel. The main point of the Sync was to give the TCCS and the Commodore the permission to edit channels. To get back to the add roles dialogue, open the channels settings, go to the Permissions tab, and click the "Add members or roles" button.




To delete a role, scroll down to the "Advanced permissions" section of the Permissions tab in Settings, click on a role, then scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the "Remove [role]" button.




The last big part of this process is to edit the permissions each role has in the channel. You'll want to allow Read Message History on all roles so that everyone can see the messages that were sent to the channel, otherwise that role won't see all of the past messages in the channel. The Commodore role should have Manage Channel and Manage Messages. The TCCS should also have Manage Channel and Manage Messages. Other roles and their permissions are up to you. Please don't enable the "Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles" for any role that's not intended to be playing an administrative function.



This is optional, but here's where to add a Channel Topic. Click the gear icon to the right of the channel's name. The channel's settings will appear, with the Channel Topic being a field in the Overview section.



Delete Channel[edit]

Click the gear icon to the right of the channel's name to open its settings. Delete Channel is the last tab on the left, then there's a confirmation box.


