First Galactic Bank

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

The First Auroran Banking Fleet[edit]

History of the First Auroran Banking Fleet[edit]

The First Auroran Banking Fleet was formed by Rapier, Havok Stephen Ronin, and Aticus Jade on June 08 33(ABY). All four had owned several banking chains across the galaxy for several years but finally decided to merge together and create an official currency system of trade for their owned territories, to help further enforce law and order in the galaxy. The four immediately drew up plans to constructe a massive Command Center, with several secret defenses both in and out of the bank. The conversion of the large Command Center was not as complicated as was originally aticipated thus it only took two years to get the bank and new enforced currency system underway.

Pay Grades of the Emperor's Hammer[edit]

Pay Grades of the Fleet are paid in full to each member that holds an account (which all members that are active MUST hold an account) by method of direct deposit upon account owner's choice of bi-monthly, or monthly salary. This sum will be the total of Rank + Position + Misc = Salary. The total amount of each member will be different, and in some cases the same. At no point in time can any member of the Emperor's Hammer agree to alter a paygrade beyond the use of a Bonus or Gift. Ranks have been given a lower paygrade because rank does not relfect current work being done. Very Important!!! Each member of the EH will have ONE Bank Account that will be permitted to draw salary from 1 General Sub-Group, and the Dark Brotherhood as a 2ndary. In the cast that the Dark Brotherhood is the only Sub-Group than it shall be considered the Primary Sub-Group and the paygrades will be higher. Also the currency will be shifting to the Galactic Credit, something that could be used in territories outside of that of our own

TIE Corps Pay-Grades[edit]

Enlisted Pay

Cadet - 5,000 (GC) Sub Lieutenant - 6,000 (GC) Lieutenant - 7,000 (GC) Lieutenant Commander - 8,000 (GC) Commander - 10,000 (GC) Captain - 15,000 (GC) Major - 20,000 (GC) Lieutenant Colonel - 25,000 (GC) Colonel - 30,000 (GC) General 50,000 (GC)

Admiral Pay

Rear Admiral - 75,000 (GC) Vice Admiral - 100,000 (GC) Admiral - 125,000 (GC) Fleet Admiral - 150,000 (GC) High Admiral - 200,000 (GC)

Line Position Pay

Trainee - 10,000 (GC) Flight Member - 15,000 (GC) Flight Leader - 20,000 (GC) Commander - 30,000 (GC) Wing Commander - 50,000 (GC) Commodore - 75,000 (GC) Battle Group Commander - 100,000 (GC)

Admirality Position Pay

Combat Operations Officer - 150,000 (GC) Dean of IWATS - 150,000 (GC) Strategic Operations Officer - 150,000 (GC) TIE Corps Commander - 200,000 (GC)

Stormtrooper Corps Pay-Grades[edit]

Enlisted Pay

Private - 2,000 (GC) Private First Class - 2,250 (GC) Specialist - 2,500 (GC) Lance Corporal - 2,750 (GC) Corporal - 3,000 (GC) Sergeant - 4,000 (GC) Staff Sergeant - 5,000 (GC) Gunnery Sergeant - 6,500 (GC) Master Sergeant - 8,000 (GC) Sergeant Major - 10,000 (GC) Sergeant Major of the Legion - 15,000 (GC)

Officer Pay

Second Lieutenant - 20,000 (GC) First Lieutenant - 25,000 (GC) Captain - 30,000 (GC) Major - 35,000 (GC) Lieutenant Colonel - 40,000 (GC) Colonel - 45,000 (GC) Brigadier General - 50,000 (GC) Major General - 55,000 (GC) Lieutenant General - 60,000 (GC) General - 70,000 (GC) Field Marshal - 85,000 (GC)

Line Position Pay

Recruit - 20,000 (GC) Fire Team Member - 40,000 (GC) Fire Team Leader - 45,000 Detachment Leader - 50,000 (GC) Company Commander - 60,000 (GC) Batallion Commander - 75,000 Brigade Commander - 100,000

General Staff Pay

Commander of Internet Affairs - 200,000 (GC) Commander of Training - 200,000 (GC) Commander of Operations - 200,000 (GC) Vice Prefect of the Legion - 250,000 (GC) Prefect of the Legion - 300,000 (GC)

Dark Brotherhood Pay-Grades[edit]

(Note: Primary SG / Secondary SG)

Rank Pay

Apprentice - 10,000 / 5,000 (GC) Novice - 15,000 / 7,500 (GC) Acolyte - 20,000 / 10,000 (GC) Protector - 25,000 / 12,500 (GC) Guardian - 30,000 / 15,000 (GC) Dark Jedi Hunter - 35,000 / 17,500 (GC) Dark Jedi Knight 50,000 / 25,000 (GC) Warrior/Priest - 60,000 / 30,000 (GC) Battlemaster/Archpriest - 70,000 / 35,000 (GC) Battlelord/Epis - 80,000 / 40,000 Warlord/Pontifex - 100,000 / 50,000 (GC) Dark Adept - 125,000 / 52,500 (GC) Dark Jedi Master - 200,000 / 100,000 (GC) Dark Jedi Primarch -