Former Possessions of Clan Taldryan
The following does not comply with the current Order of Battle and are traditional possessions from prior to the split.
The centre of all clan activity is the base on the planet Sahare. The Consul and Proconsul of the clan are based here with a small number of elite clan members who act as a honour guard. The building is essentially one large labyrinth. Only those that have lived within the building for years can find their way through it's twists and turns. This is an extremely effective security measure.
The Temple of Pomojena[edit]
This ancient temple originates from a long time before Imperial domination came to the sector. The contents of the temple dictate that it's location should be kept a secret. Only the Clan Summit, the Dark Council and the Fleet Commander himself know where it can be found. The temple was built around a gigantic meteor which is believed to have come from the planet Kaiburr. It is full of Kaiburr Crystal deposits which are used in lightsaber construction and as such are in great demand. The only other place known where the crystals can be found is beneath the surface of the planet Kaiburr, where mining is strictly controlled. The temple is constantly guarded by members of Clan Taldryan and a fleet of ships is always in orbit above the planet.
Victory Stardestroyer Cantor[edit]
The flagship of the Clan's fleet is used as a mobile HQ for the clan command staff. It is usually commanded by either the Consul or Proconsul and is the newest addition to the clan fleet. It was a gift from the Grand Master as a reward for winning the Great Jedi War. The Clan named the ship after their former Proconsul, Keirdagh Cantor.
Modified Interdictor Orthanc[edit]
This ship is commanded by the Quaestor of House Archanis. It is usually involved in clan missions or patroling the clan system. The ship was formerly owned by Clan CSK and then Clan Arcona who were defeated by Clan Taldryan in battle.
Dreadnaught Dark Seraphim[edit]
This ship is assigned to House Dinaari because of it's effectiveness in deploying troops while still being able to hold up in a ship-to-ship battle. It is usually found in orbit of the Clan HQ and the Temple of Pomojema. It was a reward to Clan Taldryan from GM Khyron for winning the third Great Jedi War.
Modified Corvette Darkstorm[edit]
This was the second ship awarded to Taldryan for their victory in the third Great Jedi War. It is the smallest ship in the fleet and is staffed and commanded by members of House Ektrosis.
Hyperion Fighter[edit]
This fighter was named after Hyperion Flight, one of the squadrons in House Archanis. It was designed as a reward for Hyperion winning the Grand Jedi War. They were the only squadron allowed to use these fighters. Hyperion now exists as Apocalypse Squadron in Clan Arcona.