Hammer Recreation Center

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

The Hammer Recreation Center[edit]

The Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Hammer maintains a crew of tens of thousands and personnel, who do everything from pilot the mighty vessel, man its weapons and fly its fighters, all the way through to the cooks, cleaners and maintenance personnel who keep the ship and it’s crew fed and ready to fight.

Unsurprisingly a crew of this size requires places to blow off steam and find entertainment when duty shifts end. The Hammer has it’s well known Drunken Bastion, the bar HA Plif once lost his TCCOM Credit Chit, but there are many of ways to end your day aboard the Hammer.

The Hammer Recreation Center located on deck 46, section 3-Upsilon is one of these places. The Center covers the equivalent of 3 Correlian Handball Pitches and the central core has been extended upwards 5 decks to allow for a variety of vertical sports facilities.

A number of gaming establishments have been set up in the Center, covering both virtual gaming and sports. Hoverboarding, Corellian Handball, E-Speederbiking are all favourites amongst the crew and the ball pit is a special favourite amongst the smaller species onboard.

A door towards the rear of the Center leads directly to the Drunken Bastion, whilst rumour has it that both Alpha and Lambda Squadrons have direct access from their bunk areas.