Keyboard controls
X-wing vs. TIE Fighter (XvT) and X-wing Alliance (XWA)[edit]
The original X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter CD came with a keyboard controls reference sheet. Here is a XvT Keyboard Controls Cheat Sheet available for download.
The X-Wing Alliance controls are basically the same with a few additions.
Note: ALT + O
takes a screenshot and saves it as a *.bmp file in your game's installation directory, such as C:\Program Files\LucasArts\XwingTie. The file names appear as:
- frontscreen0.bmp
- frontscreen1.bmp
...and so on in sequence until you move or delete them.
TIE Fighter[edit]
TIE Fighter contains a lot of keyboard controls, but they aren't as daunting as they look. There are only a few which are used constantly throughout the game, and they become second-nature very quickly. It should be noted that a few controls are specific to the craft you are flying.
NOTE: Mouse control is not enabled in the X-Wing Trilogy version of the game.
NOTE: A joystick with a throttle lever can also change speed.
- Joystick or mouse: up/down/left/right movement
Increase speed-
Decrease speedBackspace
Full throttle]
2/3 throttle[
1/3 throttle\
Zero throttleEnter
Match speed with currently selected targetH
Engage hyperdrive (and end current mission)N
Engage/disengage SLAM overdrive (Missile Boat only)
Combat systems[edit]
Adjust tractor beam recharge rateF9
Adjust laser recharge rateF10
Adjust shield recharge rate;
Direct energy from shields to lasers'
Direct energy from lasers to shields
Weapons and shields[edit]
Joystick button 1
orMouse l
Cycle through available weaponsX
Select firing mode (single fire, dual fire, linked fire)S
Toggle shield configuration (all forward, all rear, equal distribution)B
Toggle beam weapon on/off
Targeting systems[edit]
Select next available targetY
Select previous available targetR
Target nearest enemy fighter or mineE
Target the nearest enemy attacking youU
Target the newest craft in the areaA
Target the nearest attacker of your current targetI
Toggle target component display on/off,
Cycle through your target's components (weapons, engines, etc)<
Cycle through target's components in reverse orderO
Clear CMD of targetsZ
Threat display of current target
Shift + F5
Store current target in one of three presetsF5
Select preset target
Shift + A
Order wingmen to attack your targetShift + C
Order wingmen to cover youShift + E
Order wingmen to take evasive actionShift + I
Order wingmen to ignore your targetShift + S
Send for reinforcementsShift + B
Orders targeted craft to board and reload youShift + R
Orders targeted craft to report their statusShift + W
Orders targeted craft to wait for further ordersShift + G
Orders targeted waiting craft to go and continueShift + H
Orders targeted craft to head home
Information systems[edit]
Display mission goalsM
Display in-flight mapL
Display message logD
Display damage assessmentK
Display keyboard reference
Alt + E
Turn in-flight recorder camera on/offV
View camera film while in flightQ
Quit (exits mission)P
PauseAlt + C
Calibrate joystickAlt + T
Cycle through time acceleration modes (normal, 2x, 4x)