Legion of Skirmish

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia


The Legion of Skirmish is a service medal in the TIE Corps awarded for multiplayer activity, specifically for cooperative victories in PvE (player vs. environment).

Award Authority[edit]

Each co-op match is reviewed by the members of the Combat Operations Office who then award the LoS to all of the victorious players in the match.


  • Basic - 1 victory
  • Copper Scimitar (CS) - 5 victories
  • Iridium Scimitar (IS) - 50 victories
  • Thallium Scimitar (TS) - 100 victories
  • Rubidium Scimitar (RS) - 200 victories
  • Platinum Scimitar (PS) - 500 victories


Ribbon los.png
Copper Scimitar
Ribbon los cs.png
Iridium Scimitar
Ribbon los is.png
Thallium Scimitar
Ribbon los ts.png
Rubidium Scimitar
Ribbon los rs.png
Platinum Scimitar
Ribbon los ps.png