Mira Valith
Lt. Mira Valith is one of those pilots that has to fight to overcome her natural good looks. When people see her they assume she would be a model or celebrity. Instead, she’s a shuttle pilot for the First Order. She’s always craved adventure. Since a young age she’s been more tom-boyish than daddy’s princess. Though, she is definitely a daddy’s girl. Her father is a mid-level officer in the First Order’s data and science division.
Mira likes to take chances and probably would have progressed to being a combat pilot if not for her constant reprimands for dangerous approaches, landings, and otherwise treating her shuttle like her own personal pleasure craft.
In her free time she sneaks into the simulator pits and develops her skills in the latest TIE Fighter designs. Commander Velasco is aware of her activities and has, as of late, been bypassing security notices to allow her the time to practice. He knows there may be an opportunity to use someone with her skills in the future.