Senate Parties
As written in the Senate Handbook, version 3.02.
Parties are a second organizational unit within the Imperial Senate. They furnish activities such as trivia, debate, and run-ons. Parties also provide a sense of belonging, as they’re comprised of like-minded individuals who share your opinions, pursuits, and values. Often, they are the determinant of the outcome of Senate legislation and may even have control of the current administration. Hence, party affiliation is one of the most important aspects of the Senate.
Each Party is expected to have a set of beliefs and ideals that they will generally adhere to. For example, the Conservative Party might strongly oppose large changes and support the Tarkin Doctrine, while the Liberals might want a move towards peace and demilitarization, with stronger citizen rights. There can be any number of parties within the Senate at any one time, as greater political rivalry is what makes the Senate thrive.
If all the parties within the Senate have at least fifteen members, then members can put forward a request to form a new party in the Senate. The conditions that must be met before such a petition can be made are as follows:
- 10 potential members.
- A Party Leader and Deputy Party Leader.
- A set of beliefs that will define the new party
- A website for the new party.
- Any petitions must be sent to both the Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor who will then approve the request. If the members of the party will significantly weaken the membership of an existing party, or membership of existing parties is declining, then it is unlikely that the petition will be approved.
Party Leader[edit]
Responsible for the running of their party and the creation of activities and competitions to occupy members. They should have a party website which at the very least states their beliefs and ideology along with important information for members. May promote up to the title of Arbiter and recommend up to the award of the Ivory Clasp.
Deputy Party Leader[edit]
Assists the Party Leader. Common duties for the Deputy Party Leader might be the maintenance of a party website and creating activities for their party to take part in. The DPL will be one of the most active and responsible members of a party in order to motivate other members. May recommend up to the award of the Senate Star. It is expected that the approval of the Party Leader be gained before the award request is submitted.
Party Whip[edit]
In order to maintain order and coherence in Senate legislative activities, the Party Whip is charged with speaking on behalf of the Party. It’s his responsibility to coordinate planetary legislation on behalf of the party. For example, if Aurora Prime and Sahare have Conservative majorities, the Conservative Party Whip would assist the relevant Senators in the creation of a mutually satisfactory bill for a coordinated proposal. The PW is typically the most articulate party member.