Talk:Wing XI
Like the page for the Immortal, sources for most of the information contained in this report come from the COM and WC reports archived in the Newsletters. Additional references and information scattered across other reports saved in the Newsletters also contributed mightily.
While the Immortal webpages no longer exists, some do pop up using These were essential for identifying some of the earliest personnel that served as Wing Commanders.
I did rely on some of my stored reports, MSEs, and other documentation from my time as Commodore. IRC logs were heavily used for specific dates, events, and other inside detail, particularly for information regarding the final days of the Wing XI and its subsequent brief reprise as a testing ship. I've done my best to keep things to the facts, but I acknowledge the inherent bias that comes with such documentation.
I have used my memory for helping to search for specific facts and dates, but otherwise did not rely on it for any information contained within this page. Which is for the best, for everyone.
I've listed Squadron of the Month awards as best as I could compile them, but there's likely many missing. There were also a number of months where it wasn't run, either by intent or neglect. In some cases, it was deliberately not awarded to any squadron.
- Locke Setzer, 6/1/2023