User:Matthew Weeks
Birth Date:
10/27/12 BBY
Place of birth:
Nashal, Talus
Relationship Status:
Family Status:
Mother & Father still residing on Talus. Father is an electronics engineer who works maintaining and repairing factory equipment. Mother works in the local municipal building as a clerk.
Social Status:
Lower Middle Class
Significant events in Youth:
Raised in a small village in the mountains North of Nashal, Matthew had a relatively uneventful childhood. Growing up on Talus, he idolized the Stormtroopers stationed in the city, and longed to join the Empire one day. When he was 17, he attempted to coerce his parents into letting him attend the Imperial Naval Academy on Coruscant. His father however, forbade it. He was able to join the Imperial Army however, under promises to his parents from the local recruiter that he would be stationed on Talus.
Significant events in Adulthood:
Matthew excelled in Stormtrooper training on Carrida, and graduated as a Private First Class, and a Squad Leader. He was returned to Talus, where he attempted the indoctrination and qualified for the Commando Platoon stationed there. Over the course of the next 6 years, Matthew worked his way up through the ranks, and eventually received a commission as a Lieutenant. This was due to his heroic actions in an encounter with some Binayre Pirates who had been terrorizing the region for months. Faced by overwhelming opposition, and without orders, Matthew personally sought out the hidden Binayre Pirate bunker, travelling several thousand meters on foot, and upon locating it, radioed his position into Battalion headquarters. Reinforcements arrived only to find Matthew had assaulted and cleared the bunker single-handedly. Upon receiving his promotion, Matthew was finally able to convince his Father that he would be able to handle himself as a pilot for the Empire. After much discussion, he bid his family adieu, and reported for training at the Imperial Naval Academy.
Alignment Attributes:
Matthew supports the Empire in every endeavor. He joined the Empire out of patriotism and love for his homeworld. He will do anything to protect the lives of his family, and those he cares for.
Previous Employment:
-1st Stormtrooper Training Regiment, Charlie Company, Platoon 1096, Carida. -1st Commando unit, City of Bastion, Talus. -2nd Squadron, 4th Wing, Imperial Naval Academy, Coruscant.
Matthew has few hobbies; he manly enjoys surfing the holonet for dirty Twi'lek pictures and e-mailing them to Command Staff members under other pilot's names as a joke. Whenever possible, Matthew returns home to Talus to visit his family, assures them of his continued success, and just enjoy being on his homeworld.
Matthew's hate for the Rebellion runs strong. One year before he was transferred to the Imperial Naval Academy, Matthew was leading reinforced Squad of Commandos across Talus. The local shuttle had been disabled by a band of terrorists, and he was tasked with finding them. While on patrol, they encountered a Company-sized element of Rebels, and an ambush ensued. After a 10 minute firefight, all 11 of the Stormtroopers under his command, and an AT-ST were destroyed. Matthew awoke in an Imperial Medical facility in orbit with severe blaster burns, and a broken leg. Recovery was a slow process, and today he fights to avenge the deaths of his comrades with every bolt from his laser cannons.
Matthew has no known phobias, and one allergy; he cannot stand to be around furry creatures. Whenever he gets close to a Wookiee, Drall, or Ewok, he erupts into violent sneezing fits.
Views on the EH:
Lt. Commander Weeks is proud to be serving the Empire, and his homeworld, in addition to the Emperor's Hammer. He strives to be the best of the best at every turn.
Reasons for Enlisting:
Matthew has wanted to be an Imperial Pilot since youth, but his Father did not allow it. His promotion within the Imperial Army to officer however, convinced his family to reluctantly allow him to go.
FM/LCM Matthew Weeks/Alpha Flight 3-3/Wing I/ISDII Hammer GS/BS/PCx3/MOC-BOC/IS-2BW-1BR-1SW/OV-9E/CoB [KNGT] {IU:C/TC,TT,XWAC,1,2,MS1,TLN,CBX,LIN,IBX,WPN,MP1,TIE,SFW}