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The Combat Operations Office is the organisation that overall handles multiplayer activities throughout the TIE Corps. Its officers consists of the following:
The Combat Operations Office is the organisation that overall handles multiplayer activities throughout the TIE Corps. Its officers consists of the following:
*[[Combat Operations Officer|Combat Operations Officer (COO)]]: The Combat Operations Officer is the principal officer that is responsible for managing the Combat Operations Office, publishing reports about office activities and ensuring that assigned tasks from the EH Command Staff and TIE Corps Command Staff are completed.
*[[Combat Operations Officer|Combat Operations Officer (COO)]]: The Combat Operations Officer is the principal officer that is responsible for managing the Combat Operations Office, publishing reports about office activities and ensuring that assigned tasks from the EH Command Staff and TIE Corps Command Staff are completed.
**The current Combat Operations Officer is [[Fleet Admiral (TIE Corps)|FA]] [[Miles Prower]]
**The current Combat Operations Officer is [[Rear Admiral (TIE Corps)|RA]] [[Colo Delste]]
*[[Combat Operations Office Assistant|Combat Operations Office Assistants (COOA)]]: A Combat Operations Assistant primarily assists the COO in processing multiplayer matches that are present in the queue. They may also be assigned secondary projects and some may specialise as subject matter experts in particular platforms or operations.
*[[Combat Operations Office Assistant|Combat Operations Office Assistants (COOA)]]: A Combat Operations Assistant primarily assists the COO in processing multiplayer matches that are present in the queue. They may also be assigned secondary projects and some may specialise as subject matter experts in particular platforms or operations.
**Current Combat Operations Office Assistants are [[Vice Admiral (TIE Corps)|VA]] [[Silwar Naiilo]], [[Lieutenant Colonel (TIE Corps)|LC]] [[Taygetta]], [[Lieutenant Colonel (TIE Corps)|LC]] [[EvilGrin]] and  [[Captain (TIE Corps)|CPT]] [[TI-40026]]
**Current Combat Operations Office Assistants are GN Elwood The Brave, COL Highlander, COL Miles Prower, LC Gytheran & FA Silwar Naiilo
Both types of officers are expected to have completed the [[Combat Operations Exam|Combat Operations Exam (COE)]] before placement.
Both types of officers are expected to have completed the COE/2 exam before placement.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Queues & Platforms]]==
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Queues]]==
The Combat Operations Office manages two queues which have several supported platforms:
The Combat Operations Office manages two queues which have several supported platforms:
*[https://tc.emperorshammer.org/submitmp.php Player vs Player (PvP)]: Intended for supported platforms where combat is against other human players or a mixture of human opponents and AI
*[https://tc.emperorshammer.org/submitmp.php Player vs Player (PvP)]: Intended for supported platforms where combat is against other human players or a mixture of human opponents and AI
*[https://tc.emperorshammer.org/submitcoop.php Player vs Environment (PvE aka Co-Op)]: Intended for supported platforms where combat is against AI opponents
*[https://tc.emperorshammer.org/submitcoop.php Player vs Environment (PvE aka Co-Op)]: Intended for supported platforms where combat is against AI opponents
The Administration area where match reports can be generated
The Administration area where match reports can be generated
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The PvE submission page
The PvE submission page
===Match Reports===
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|General Criteria]]==
Match reports must meet the following minimum standards globally:
* Reporting is only for matches that result in victory
*Match reports must be for matches that resulted in victory
* Reports must have accurate pilot and score information for the winning side.
*Match reports must include all applicable TC pilots on the winning team
* Proof is given in the form of a legible post-game scoreboard screenshot that displays player names and score information
*Match reports must include accurate scoring information for each TC pilot on the winning team.
** Specific platform type games may require a specific or additional screenshots
**Qualifying pilots must have achieved at least 1 kill or objective.
* For platforms that do not have specific requirements, qualifying pilots must have achieved 1 kill or objective
**If there has been no kills but an objective has been achieved, a 0 or 1 entry in kills is acceptable.
** For winning matches that have no kills but an objective scored, a 0 or 1 entry is acceptable
*Match reports must include a post-game scoreboard screenshot that displays player names and kills/scores.
* Match reports are for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 or Free For All (FFA)
**Some platforms or custom matches will require an additional screenshot as indicated below.
** Free For All should only have the winner on the winning team
*Match reports may be for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 or FFA
** Information on the losing team should only be reported when the losing team contains at least one EH member
**FFA match reports should only have the winner on the winning team, losers on the losing team
** Kills for non-EH members do not need to be reported except where EH members competed against EH members on balanced teams and non-EH members participated.
*Information for the losing team should only be reported when the losing team contained at least one EH member.
* Matches must be submitted no later than 72 hours from completion
**Kills for non-EH members do not need to reported, except where EH members competed against other EH members on balanced teams (2v2/3v3/4v4/5v5) and non-EH members also participated.
*Match reports that may not fit in the submission form or need special attention should be e-mailed to the COO.
*Matches must be submitted no later than 72 hours from their completion. Anything past a 24 hour allowance period is to be denied.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Platforms]]==
The following platforms are supported for PvP and PvE queues:
===Platform List===
*X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
* Flight
*X-Wing Alliance
** X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
**X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion
** X-Wing Alliance
*Star Wars Battlefront (EA)
** X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion
*Star Wars Battlefront II (EA)
** Star War Squadrons
*Star Wars Squadrons
** Star Conflict
*Star Conflict
** Elite Dangerous
*Empire at War
* Shooters
** Classic Star Wars Battlefront
** Classic Star Wars Battlefront II
** EA Star Wars Battlefront
** EA Star Wars Battlefront II
** Destiny 2
** Star Wars: Hunters
* Strategy
** Star Wars Empire At War: Forces Of Corruption
** Star Wars: The Old Republic
====X-Wing vs TIE Fighter====
Acceptable Match Configurations:
* Free For All (PvP)
** Must be alike craft
** No beam weapons, countermeasures or warheads
** Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
** Must submit with a pre-game match setup screenshot
*Team Battle (PvP)
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
A Star Wars Squadrons PvP match flown by FA [[Miles Prower]], eligible for PvP recognition
*Team Battle (PvE)
**There must be two or more human players present on one team
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
*Missions/Campaigns (PvP)
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
**Training missions are ineligible
FA [[Miles Prower]]'s example match in the PvP submission form, properly formatted
*Missions/Campaigns (PvE)
**There must be two or more human players present on one team
**Training missions are ineligible
Get The Game:
*[https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_xwing_vs_tie_fighter GOG]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/361690/STAR_WARS_XWing_vs_TIE_Fighter__Balance_of_Power_Campaigns/ Steam]
*[https://www.humblebundle.com/store/star-wars-xwing-vs-tie-fighter-balance-of-power-campaigns Humble Store]
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-x-wing-vs-tie-fighter EA Origin]
===Queue Processing===
Connectivity Help:
Queue processing is performed by the COO or a COOA.
* [http://www.gameranger.com/ GameRanger (third party application)] or Direct IP
*The exception is that if the COO or a COOA is in the match report, another member of the office must process the match (i.e if Miles Prower (COO) and Silwar Naiilo (COOA) were reported in the match, the match report would not be visible to them, but could be processed by another COOA such as EvilGrin or Taygetta)
Queue processing is accessible to the COO or a COOA by accessing the Combat Operations Office Administration pages from the Administration section on the TIE Corps website after successful PIN and password authentication. Upon selection of the queue intended for processing, they will be presented with each match report.
The match report will consist of:
*Combat Event ID (if applicable/reported)
*Submitting pilot's name and rank
*Game platform
*Submission date
*Winning team members reported by submitter
*Losing team members reported by submitter
*Kill numbers reported by submitter and calculated team totals
*Each winning pilot with fields for kills, assists, objectives and efficiency (a Star Conflict item)
If the match report meets the standards (both global and platform-based) that indicate the match qualifies for recognition, the processor selects the '''Approve''' bubble and proceeds in the queue.
If the match report does not meet the standard for recognition, the processor selects the '''Deny''' bubble and either selects an appropriate automatic response from the dropdown menu (i.e Duplicate found by the automatic duplicate detection system) or enters the reason for denial into the 'Reason for denying' text box.
*Duplicates are generally automatically flagged by the detection system. However false-negatives and false-positives may present so please scrutinise all duplication reports to ensure they are being flagged properly. Anomalies with the detection system should be reported to the [[Internet Officer]].
If the match report requires further clarification to make a decision, the processor selects the '''Skip''' bubble (which is set by default for all reports). '''Skipping a match report and requesting help from other COOAs and/or the COO is always considered appropriate if a report looks unclear.'''
<gallery mode=slideshow>
An example of a match report that qualifies for recognition
An example of a match report that is denied for being a duplicate
The resulting email from the database alerting the reporter that their submission was denied (Naughty naughty, Miles!)
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Combat Events]]==
Combat Events are multiplayer events tracked by the Combat Operations Office. They are added by the COO or a COOA from the Combat Operations Office Administration page.
Inter-club combat events will also be listed but may also be listed at the third-party [http://battlestats.com BattleStats] website. To be countered in an inter-club combat event that the EH is participating in, you must have a BattleStats account and be a member of the [https://www.battlestats.com/clubs/view/?486 EH Club] (Club ID: 486) in BattleStats.
===Distinguished Flying Cross===
[[image:Dfc.png|Distinguished Flying Cross|right]]
Winning Combat Operations Office approved combat events makes a pilot eligible for the [[Distinguished Flying Cross]].
Multiple DFCs can be awarded on a single combat event if more than one EH/TC member qualifies and they are all tied for 1st place (though likely a rare condition).
Overall though these conditions must be met by default
*You must be the best EH ranking player in the combat event.
**If there is a tie and the other requirements are met, DFCs can be awarded to all tiers.
*You must beat a minimum of three different players on that combat event
*You must have a win-loss ratio of at least +3 (ex. 3 wins/0 losses, 4 wins/1 loss, etc.)
*Any exceptions to these rules must be agreed to by at least one member of the TIE Corps Command Staff or EH Command Staff.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Ratings & Awards]]==
The Combat Operations Office also issues awards for attaining certain levels in the Rating system for [https://tc.emperorshammer.org/stats.php?type=CR PvP/Combat Ratings] and [https://tc.emperorshammer.org/stats.php?type=PVE PvE/Co-Op].
Upon meeting a certain rating, the pilot is recognised with the appropriate medal for that rating by the COO.
===Combat Ratings===
*Tan (5,000 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Gold Star of the Empire]])
*Top Ace 1st (4,000 points)
*Top Ace 2nd (3,500 points)
*Top Ace 3rd (3,000 points)
*Top Ace 4th (2,500 points)
*Ace 1st (2,000 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Silver Star of the Empire]])
*Ace 2nd (1,750 points)
*Ace 3rd (1,500 points)
*Ace 4th (1,250 points)
*Elite 1st (1,000 points)
*Elite 2nd (900 points)
*Elite 3rd (800 points)
*Elite 4th (700 points)
*Veteran 1st (600 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Bronze Star of the Empire]])
*Veteran 2nd (525 points)
*Veteran 3rd (450 points)
*Veteran 4th (375 points)
*Officer 1st (300 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Palpatine Crescent]])
*Officer 2nd (250 points)
*Officer 3rd (200 points)
*Officer 4th (150 points)
*Marksman 1st (100 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Imperial Security Medal]])
*Marksman 2nd (75 points)
*Marksman 3rd (50 points)
*Marksman 4th (25 points)
*Certified (10 points)
*Trainee (1 point)
===PvP/Co-Op Ratings===
*Top Ace Ranger (5,000 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Gold Star of the Empire]])
*Ace Ranger 1st (4,000 points)
*Ace Ranger 2nd (3,500 points)
*Ace Ranger 3rd (3,000 points)
*Ace Ranger 4th (2,500 points)
*Master Ranger 1st (2,000 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Silver Star of the Empire]])
*Master Ranger 2nd (1,750 points)
*Master Ranger 3rd (1,500 points)
*Master Range 4th (1,250 points)
*Ranger 1st (1,000 points)
*Ranger 2nd (900 points)
*Ranger 3rd (800 points)
*Ranger 4th (700 points)
*Campaigner 1st (600 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Bronze Star of the Empire]])
*Campaigner 2nd (525 points)
*Campaigner 3rd (450 points)
*Campaigner 4th (375 points)
*Gunner's Mate 1st (300 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Palpatine Crescent]])
*Gunner's Mate 2nd (250 points)
*Gunner's Mate 3rd (200 points)
*Gunner's Mate 4th (150 points)
*Private 1st (100 points - Pilot is awarded the [[Imperial Security Medal]])
*Private 2nd (75 points)
*Private 3rd (50 points)
*Private 4th (25 points)
*Qualified (10 points)
*Beginner (1 point)
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Connectivity]]==
*X-Wing vs TIE Fighter: [http://www.gameranger.com/ GameRanger (third party application)] or Direct IP
**GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
**GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
**Windows Firewall will need to permit XvT, Balance of Power (BoP) (if included) and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
**Windows Firewall will need to permit XvT, Balance of Power (BoP) (if included) and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
Line 193: Line 116:
**Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
**Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
**Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet ''off''.
**Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet ''off''.
*X-Wing Alliance: [http://www.gameranger.com/ GameRanger (third party application)] or Direct IP
[[XvT Example Screenshots|X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Example Screenshots]]
**GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
====X-Wing Alliance====
**Windows Firewall will need to permit XWA and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
Acceptable Match Configurations:
**May require DirectPlay to be installed in Windows 7/8/10/11 ("Turn Windows features on or off" function > Legacy Components > DirectPlay)
**Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
**Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet ''off''.
*Battlefront (EABF1): Built in matchmaking
**Windows Firewall will need to permit EABF1 to communicate.
*Battlefront II (EABF2): Built in matchmaking
**Windows Firewall will need to permit EABF2 to communicate.
*Squadrons:Built in matchmaking
**Windows Firewall will need to permit Squadrons to communicate.
**Crossplay is enabled by default (PC + XBOX + Playstation)
*Star Conflict: Built in matchmaking
**Windows Firewall will need to permit Star Conflict to communicate.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Acceptable Match Configurations]]==
===X-Wing vs TIE Fighter===
*Free For All (PvP)
*Free For All (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
**Matches eligible for recognition must have a screenshot that displays the pre-game setup
*Team Battle (PvP)
*Team Battle (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
*Free For All (PvE)
*Team Battle (PvE)
**There must be two or more humans present on one team
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
*Team Battle (PvP)
Get The Game:
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
*[https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_xwing_alliance GOG]
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/361670/STAR_WARS__XWing_Alliance/ Steam]
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
*[https://www.humblebundle.com/store/star-wars-xwing-alliance Humble Store]
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-x-wing-alliance EA Origin]
*Missions/Campaigns (PvP)
Connectivity Help:
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
* [http://www.gameranger.com/ GameRanger (third party application)] or Direct IP
**GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
*Missions/Campaigns (PvE)
**Windows Firewall will need to permit XWA and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**May require DirectPlay to be installed in Windows 7/8/10/11 ("Turn Windows features on or off" function > Legacy Components > DirectPlay)
**Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
**Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet ''off''.
[[XWA Example Screenshots|X-Wing Alliance Example Screenshots]]
===X-Wing Alliance===
====X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion====
Acceptable Match Configurations:
*Free For All (PvP)
*Free For All (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
*Team Battle (PvP)
*Team Battle (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
*Free For All (PvE)
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
*Team Battle (PvP)
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
===X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion==
*Free For All (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
*Team Battle (PvP)
**Must be alike craft
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
*Team Battle (PvE)
*Team Battle (PvE)
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**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
**The point total of the opposing team should be at least equal to the player team and the opposing team needs to include at least one starfighter group.
**The point total of the opposing team should be at least equal to the player team and the opposing team needs to include at least one starfighter group.
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
**Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
*Team Battle (PvP)
Get The Mod:
**AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
*[https://www.xwaupgrade.com/ XWA Upgrade]
**AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
*[https://sites.google.com/view/tie-fighter-total-conversion TFTC]
**No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
[[XWA and TFTC Example Screenshots| XWAU and TFTC Example Screenshots]]
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer
Acceptable Match Configurations:
===EA Battlefront 1===
*Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
*Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
===EA Battlefront 2===
*Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
*Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
**For Ewok Hunt: For an Ewok victory, no Stormtroopers can survive and you must have an elimination as an Ewok for qualify for an LoC.
*Standard Dogfight (PvP)
*Standard Dogfight (PvP)
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
Line 306: Line 186:
*Standard Fleet Battles vs AI (PvE)
*Standard Fleet Battles vs AI (PvE)
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
*3PO League Rules (Custom PvP)
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
**Custom matches must also have a screenshot that displays the pre-game setup and must have settings that are either standard or part of an accepted setup (i.e 3PO League).
*Custom Matches - Dogfights (PvP)
**Applies to both sides (Imperial and New Republic)
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots.
**Hull Health (Capital Ships, Cruisers, Frigates): 0.8  
**Must be 10 minutes in length or longer (which means kills should be set to max. The match length should be set to a MINIMUM of 10 minutes)
**Hull Health (Corvette/Raider): 0.6
*Custom Matches - Fleet Battles (PvP or PvE)
**A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
**In matches with 3 or fewer pilots, the community accepted 3PO ruleset may be used.
**If a match starts with 3 or fewer pilots per side, and additional pilots join, modified games are not eligible.
Special Custom Match Rules:
*Custom matches must also have a screenshot that displays the pre-game setup and must have settings that are either standard or part of an accepted setup (Currently accepted setups: 3PO; SCL).
Current 3PO League Rules:
**Imperial Max Hull 1.3
**Auxiliary Count 1.5
**New Republic Flagship Hull 1.2
**New Republic Capital Ship Hull 1.2
**New Republic Corvette Hull 0.8
**Imperial Raider Hull 0.8
*Banned Components
**TIE Bomber cannot run Reinforced Hull
**TIE Fighter cannot run Reinforced Hull
**TIE Defender cannot run Dampener Hull
**Only TIE Reaper can run Scrambler Shields
*Mandated Components
**TIE Defender must run Nimble Shields
Current SCL Rules:
* Modifiers
**New Republic Flagship Hull 1.8
**New Republic Capital Ship Hull 1.8
**New Republic Flagship Shields 1.2
**New Republic Capital Ship Shields 1.2
**Imperial Flagship Hull 1.8
**Imperial Capital Ship Hull 1.8
**Imperial Flagship Shields 1.2
**Imperial Capital Ship Shields 1.2
Get The Game:
*Crossplay Capable
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-squadrons EA Origin]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222730/STAR_WARS_Squadrons/ Steam]
*[https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/star-wars-squadrons Epic Game Store]
*[https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA15080_00-STARWARSQUADRONS/?_url=%2Fps4-maverick Playstation (also available via EA Play and physically in some locales)]
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-squadrons/bv9cwvqwns4p?_url=%2fxb1-maverick&rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
[[SWS Example Screenshots|SWS Example Screenshots]]
===Star Conflict===
====Star Conflict====
*Standard Game Modes (PvP and PvE)
Acceptable Match Configuration:
**No custom matches
*No custom matches
*Any pilot listed in the submission must be part of the EH corporation in-game. Message a CMDR, COM, or COOA for help joining the Corporation.
*Standard Game Modes (PvP)
**Combat Recon where a pilot has played as the Captain and survived is considered to be an objective completion.
*Standard Game Modes (PvE)
**There must be two or more human players to count for PvE
**There must be two or more human players to count for PvE
**Qualifying players in PvE must have attained a minimum of 3 kills and/or objectives or more
**Combat Recon where a pilot has played as the Captain and survived is considered to be an objective completion.
**Combat Recon where a pilot has played as the Captain and survived is considered to be an objective completion.
==Empire At War/Forces Of Corruption==
Get The Game:
**Space Battles or Ground Battles accepted
*[https://star-conflict.com/ Star Conflict website]
**Any faction may be used
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/212070/Star_Conflict/ Steam]
**PvE requires two humans or more present for LoS and AI at Medium or Hard when there are more players than AI
[[SC Example Screenshots|Star Conflict Example Screenshots]]
**Advanced Settings for PvE: No Heroes, No Superweapons, Starting Credits 2000
====Elite Dangerous====
**Advanced Settings for PvP: No Heroes, Superweapons are allowed, free starting units required for fog of war, starting credits 2000
Acceptable Configurations:
**Screenshots required: Setup showing how the game was set up and a screenshot of the results showing the clear winner(s)
*PvE Modes
**Bounty Hunting
***Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the Administration Contact page showing amount at 150k credits or more
**Combat Bonds and Thargoid Activity
***Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the Combat Bonds page
***Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the mission completion screen
***Donation and courier missions are not acceptable to submit for Legions of Skirmish.
*PvP Modes
**FFA Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
***Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill or at least 200 points.
**Capture The Flag
***Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill, objective, or at least 200 points.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Where To Get The Games]]==
Get The Game:
===X-Wing vs TIE Fighter===
* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/359320/Elite_Dangerous/ Steam]
*[https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_xwing_vs_tie_fighter GOG]
* [https://www.humblebundle.com/store/elite-dangerous Humble]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/361690/STAR_WARS_XWing_vs_TIE_Fighter__Balance_of_Power_Campaigns/ Steam]
* [https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/elite-dangerous Epic]
*[https://www.humblebundle.com/store/star-wars-xwing-vs-tie-fighter-balance-of-power-campaigns Humble Store]
[[ED Example Screenshots|Elite:Dangerous Example Screenshots]]
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-x-wing-vs-tie-fighter EA Origin]
====Classic Battlefront/Battlefront II====
Acceptable Configurations:
* PvP Modes
** Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill or objective point.
** Their team must have won, shown by their team having more points at the top of the screen.
** If a custom match is played, you must also include a screenshot of modified settings. The "Game Info" section from the server selector is sufficient.
Get The Game:
* No Crossplay between 2024 and 2004 & 2005 versions
* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2446550/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_Classic_Collection/ 2024 Classic Collection - Steam]
* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1058020/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_Classic_2004/ 2004 Battlefront 1 - Steam]
* [https://www.gog.com/en/game/star_wars_battlefront 2004 Battlefront 1 - GOG]
* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/6060/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_II_Classic_2005/ 2005 Battlefront 2 - Steam]
* [https://www.gog.com/en/game/star_wars_battlefront_ii 2005 Battlefront 2 - GOG]
[[Classic BF Example Screenshots|Classic Battlefront Example Screenshots]]
===X-Wing Alliance===
====EA Battlefront====
*[https://www.gog.com/game/star_wars_xwing_alliance GOG]
Acceptable Configurations:
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/361670/STAR_WARS__XWing_Alliance/ Steam]
*Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
*[https://www.humblebundle.com/store/star-wars-xwing-alliance Humble Store]
*Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-x-wing-alliance EA Origin]
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
===EA Battlefront 1 (No Crossplay)===
Get The Game:
*No Crossplay
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-battlefront EA Origin]
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-battlefront EA Origin]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237980/STAR_WARS_Battlefront/ Steam]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237980/STAR_WARS_Battlefront/ Steam]
Line 346: Line 301:
*[https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA00640_00-SWBULTIMATEPREOR?_url=%2Fswbf-ps4-ultimate Playstation (also available with EA Play and physically in some locales)]
*[https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA00640_00-SWBULTIMATEPREOR?_url=%2Fswbf-ps4-ultimate Playstation (also available with EA Play and physically in some locales)]
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-battlefront-ultimate-edition/c5b4kp2nsclb?SilentAuth=1&wa=wsignin1.0&rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-battlefront-ultimate-edition/c5b4kp2nsclb?SilentAuth=1&wa=wsignin1.0&rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
[[EABF Example Screenshots|EA Battlefront Example Screenshots]]
====EA Battlefront II====
Acceptable Configurations:
*Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
**For Ewok Hunt: For an Ewok victory, no Stormtroopers can survive and you must have an elimination as an Ewok for qualify for an LoC.
**Reports must show the Scoreboard displaying all players and the reporters must be on the side marked 'Victory'
*Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
**There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
**In matches where 2 or more EH pilots participated in the same game, 1 person is to report the match by submitting a screenshot of the "victory pose" screen, as well as their own 'Personal' tab. The submitter should accurately record their eliminations in the "Kills" field, and report 0 for all other players.
===EA Battlefront 2 (No Crossplay)===
Get The Game:
*No Crossplay
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-battlefront-2 EA Origin]
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-battlefront-2 EA Origin]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237950/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_II/ Steam]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237950/STAR_WARS_Battlefront_II/ Steam]
Line 354: Line 320:
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-battlefront-ii-celebration-edition/9n4hxl0qz5tz?rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-battlefront-ii-celebration-edition/9n4hxl0qz5tz?rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
===Squadrons (Crossplay)===
[[EABF2 Example Screenshots|EA Battlefront 2 Example Screenshots]]
*[https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/star-wars/star-wars-squadrons EA Origin]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222730/STAR_WARS_Squadrons/ Steam]
====Destiny 2====
*[https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/star-wars-squadrons Epic Game Store]
Acceptable Configurations:
*[https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA15080_00-STARWARSQUADRONS/?_url=%2Fps4-maverick Playstation (also available via EA Play and physically in some locales)]
* PvE Modes
*[https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/star-wars-squadrons/bv9cwvqwns4p?_url=%2fxb1-maverick&rtc=1 XBOX (also available via EA Play with XBOX/PC Game Pass and physically in some locales)]
**Players must submit the "Match Results" screen showing at least one other human player, with credit for at least one kill.
* PvP Modes
**Players must submit the "Match Results" screen showing at least one kill or objective point. They must be on the winning team, or a winning player in a free-for-all.
**Custom matches must use the default settings.
Get The Game:
*[https://www.bungie.net/7/en/destiny/newlight Destiny 2 website] (includes a directory for all platforms)
[[D2 Example Screenshots|Destiny 2 Example Screenshots]]
====Star Wars: Hunters====
Acceptable Configurations:
* PvP Mode
**Players must submit the scoreboard showing a score of at least 150 points
**They must be on the winning team
**Kills are to be accurately recorded in the submission
Get The Game:
*[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zynga.starwars.hunters Google Play]
*[https://apps.apple.com/au/app/star-wars-hunters/id1549708141 Apple App Store]
*[https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/star-wars-hunters-switch/ Nintendo Switch]
[[Hunters Example Screenshots|Star Wars: Hunters Example Screenshots]]
====Helldivers 2====
Acceptable Configurations:
* PvE Mode
** Only games where the Primary mission objective was completed are eligible for submission
** Players are to submit the screen that shows "Mission Completed" with the XP and Requisition Totals
** The submitter is to enter the amount of XP earned in the "Kills" box. Other team members can be marked with a 0, or the XP amount earned.
Get The Game:
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/553850/HELLDIVERS_2/ Steam (PC)]
*[https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/helldivers-2/ Sony (PC/PS)]
===Role Playing Games (RPGs)===
Acceptable Configurations:
====Star Wars: The Old Republic====
*Flashpoints / Uprisings
**Two screenshots must be taken: one during a flashpoint or operation, as well as at the end. The first screenshot must include the players in the flashpoint, the flashpoint being run, and the time that it is being completed. The second must include the pop-up reward window stating the completed mission, and include the group members from the first screenshot (either in the group or in chat) and the time.
**Two screenshots must be taken: at the beginning of an operation, as well as at the end. The first screenshot must include the players in the operation, and the operation being run. The second must include the lockout after the final boss..
*Warzones (any mode), Galactic Starfighter, and Arenas
**A screenshot must be submitted showing that the match was a victory. The pilot must have at least one kill or objective point.
Get The Game:
*[https://www.swtor.com/ swtor.com]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286830/STAR_WARS_The_Old_Republic/ Steam]
*[https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/star-wars-the-old-republic EA]
[[SWTOR Example Screenshots|Star Wars: The Old Republic Example Screenshots]]
===Star Conflict===
*[https://star-conflict.com/ Star Conflict website]
====Star Wars Empire At War: Forces Of Corruption====
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/212070/Star_Conflict/ Steam]
Acceptable Configurations:
*No vanilla Empire At War matches (blue styled UI)
**Forces of Corruption UI is yellow for scorecard and match setup.
*The Thrawn's Revenge mod may be used. This has a black UI instead of the standard yellow.
*Space Battles or Ground Battles accepted
*Any faction may be used
*PvE requires two humans or more present for LoS. AI settings are as followed: Equivalent number of AI to players or more if playing at Medium AI. Equivalent-1 or more AI if playing at Hard. (i.e 3 human players may face 3+ Medium AI or 2+ Hard AI)
*Advanced Settings for PvE: No Heroes, No Superweapons, Starting Credits 2000
*Advanced Settings for PvP: No Heroes, Superweapons are allowed, free starting units required for fog of war, starting credits 2000
*Screenshots required: Setup showing how the game was set up and a screenshot of the results showing the clear winner(s)
*Match time no shorter than 5 minutes.
*The setup screen must be submitted by a non-host as the "advanced options" window blocks the AI list.
===Star Wars: Empire At War (No Crossplay between GOG and Steam Versions)===
Get The Game:
*No Crossplay between Steam and GOG versions
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/32470/STAR_WARS_Empire_at_War__Gold_Pack/ Steam]
*[https://store.steampowered.com/app/32470/STAR_WARS_Empire_at_War__Gold_Pack/ Steam]
*[https://www.gog.com/en/game/star_wars_empire_at_war_gold_pack GOG]
*[https://www.gog.com/en/game/star_wars_empire_at_war_gold_pack GOG]
Connectivity Help:
*Steam version has a built in match browser
**To play against GOG players, both sides need [http://www.gameranger.com/ GameRanger (third party application)].
*Windows Firewall exception will be needed to permit EAW/FOC to communicate.
[[EaW Example Screenshots|Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Example Screenshots]]
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|COO/COOA Processing]]==
===Queue Processing===
Queue processing is performed by the COO or a COOA.
*The exception is that if the COO or a COOA is in the match report, another member of the office must process the match (i.e if Miles Prower (COO) and Silwar Naiilo (COOA) were reported in the match, the match report would not be visible to them, but could be processed by another COOA such as EvilGrin or Taygetta)
Queue processing is accessible to the COO or a COOA by accessing Combat Operations within Staff Operations on the Management section of Member Account on the TIE Corps website after successful PIN and password authentication.
The match report will consist of:
*Combat Event ID (if applicable/reported)
*Submitting pilot's name and rank
*Game platform
*Submission date
*Winning team members reported by submitter
*Losing team members reported by submitter
*Kill numbers reported by submitter and calculated team totals
*Each winning pilot with fields for kills, assists, objectives and efficiency (a Star Conflict item)
If the match report meets the standards (both global and platform-based) that indicate the match qualifies for recognition, the processor selects the '''Approve''' bubble and proceeds in the queue.
An example of a match report that qualifies for recognition
If the match report does not meet the standard for recognition, the processor selects the '''Deny''' bubble and either selects an appropriate automatic response from the dropdown menu (i.e Duplicate found by the automatic duplicate detection system) or enters the reason for denial into the 'Reason for denying' text box.
*Duplicates are generally automatically flagged by the detection system. However false-negatives and false-positives may present so please scrutinise all duplication reports to ensure they are being flagged properly. Anomalies with the detection system should be reported to the [[Internet Officer]].
If the match report requires further clarification to make a decision, the processor selects the '''Skip''' bubble (which is set by default for all reports). '''Skipping a match report and requesting help from other COOAs and/or the COO is always considered appropriate if a report looks unclear.'''
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Combat Events]]==
Combat Events are multiplayer events tracked by the Combat Operations Office. They are added by the COO or a COOA from the Combat Operations Office Administration page.
Inter-club combat events will also be listed but may also be listed at the third-party [http://battlestats.com BattleStats] website. To be countered in an inter-club combat event that the EH is participating in, you must have a BattleStats account and be a member of the [https://www.battlestats.com/clubs/view/?486 EH Club] (Club ID: 486) in BattleStats.
===Distinguished Flying Cross===
[[image:Dfc.png|Distinguished Flying Cross|right]]
Winning Combat Operations Office approved combat events makes a pilot eligible for the [[Distinguished Flying Cross]].
Multiple DFCs can be awarded on a single combat event if more than one EH/TC member qualifies and they are all tied for 1st place (though likely a rare condition).
Overall though these conditions must be met by default
*You must be the best EH ranking player in the combat event.
**If there is a tie and the other requirements are met, DFCs can be awarded to all tiers.
*You must beat a minimum of three different players on that combat event
*You must have a win-loss ratio of at least +3 (ex. 3 wins/0 losses, 4 wins/1 loss, etc.)
*Any exceptions to these rules must be agreed to by at least one member of the TIE Corps Command Staff or EH Command Staff.
==[[COO:Combat Operations Manual|Ratings & Awards]]==
The Combat Operations Office also issues awards for attaining certain levels in the Rating system for [https://tc.emperorshammer.org/stats.php?type=CR PvP/Combat Ratings] and [https://tc.emperorshammer.org/stats.php?type=PVE PvE/Co-Op].
Upon meeting a certain rating, the pilot is recognised with the appropriate medal for that rating by the COO. These medals can be found in the TIE Corps Pilot Manual.

Revision as of 17:30, 15 October 2024

Combat Operations Manual

The Combat Operations Officer is in charge of all multiplayer activities throughout the TIE Corps and is responsible for organising multiplayer events both within the TIE Corps and with other outside organisations and clubs. The Combat Operations Officer's primary duties are coordination of multiplayer pilots, expanding multiplayer activities and approving multiplayer-oriented awards.

From the TIE Corps Command Staff page

Combat Operations Office

The Combat Operations Office is the organisation that overall handles multiplayer activities throughout the TIE Corps. Its officers consists of the following:

  • Combat Operations Officer (COO): The Combat Operations Officer is the principal officer that is responsible for managing the Combat Operations Office, publishing reports about office activities and ensuring that assigned tasks from the EH Command Staff and TIE Corps Command Staff are completed.
  • Combat Operations Office Assistants (COOA): A Combat Operations Assistant primarily assists the COO in processing multiplayer matches that are present in the queue. They may also be assigned secondary projects and some may specialise as subject matter experts in particular platforms or operations.
    • Current Combat Operations Office Assistants are GN Elwood The Brave, COL Highlander, COL Miles Prower, LC Gytheran & FA Silwar Naiilo

Both types of officers are expected to have completed the COE/2 exam before placement.


The Combat Operations Office manages two queues which have several supported platforms:


The Administration area where match reports can be generated


The PvP submission page


The PvE submission page

General Criteria

  • Reporting is only for matches that result in victory
  • Reports must have accurate pilot and score information for the winning side.
  • Proof is given in the form of a legible post-game scoreboard screenshot that displays player names and score information
    • Specific platform type games may require a specific or additional screenshots
  • For platforms that do not have specific requirements, qualifying pilots must have achieved 1 kill or objective
    • For winning matches that have no kills but an objective scored, a 0 or 1 entry is acceptable
  • Match reports are for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 or Free For All (FFA)
    • Free For All should only have the winner on the winning team
    • Information on the losing team should only be reported when the losing team contains at least one EH member
    • Kills for non-EH members do not need to be reported except where EH members competed against EH members on balanced teams and non-EH members participated.
  • Matches must be submitted no later than 72 hours from completion


Platform List

  • Flight
    • X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
    • X-Wing Alliance
    • X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion
    • Star War Squadrons
    • Star Conflict
    • Elite Dangerous
  • Shooters
    • Classic Star Wars Battlefront
    • Classic Star Wars Battlefront II
    • EA Star Wars Battlefront
    • EA Star Wars Battlefront II
    • Destiny 2
    • Star Wars: Hunters
  • Strategy
    • Star Wars Empire At War: Forces Of Corruption
  • RPG
    • Star Wars: The Old Republic


X-Wing vs TIE Fighter

Acceptable Match Configurations:

  • Free For All (PvP)
    • Must be alike craft
    • No beam weapons, countermeasures or warheads
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
    • Must submit with a pre-game match setup screenshot
  • Team Battle (PvP)
    • AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
    • AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Team Battle (PvE)
    • There must be two or more human players present on one team
    • AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
    • AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Missions/Campaigns (PvP)
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
    • Training missions are ineligible
  • Missions/Campaigns (PvE)
    • There must be two or more human players present on one team
    • Training missions are ineligible

Get The Game:

Connectivity Help:

  • GameRanger (third party application) or Direct IP
    • GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
    • Windows Firewall will need to permit XvT, Balance of Power (BoP) (if included) and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
    • May require DirectPlay to be installed in Windows 7/8/10/11 ("Turn Windows features on or off" function > Legacy Components > DirectPlay)
    • Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
    • Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet off.

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Example Screenshots

X-Wing Alliance

Acceptable Match Configurations:

  • Free For All (PvP)
    • Must be alike craft
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Team Battle (PvP)
    • Must be alike craft
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Team Battle (PvE)
    • There must be two or more humans present on one team
    • AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
    • AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer

Get The Game:

Connectivity Help:

  • GameRanger (third party application) or Direct IP
    • GameRanger may need UDP port 16000 forwarded in some configurations
    • Windows Firewall will need to permit XWA and the DirectPlay Server (dplaysvr.exe) to communicate (and GameRanger if used)
    • May require DirectPlay to be installed in Windows 7/8/10/11 ("Turn Windows features on or off" function > Legacy Components > DirectPlay)
    • Direct IP may require the following ports to be forwarded: TCP 2300-2400 + 47624, UDP 2300-2400 + 6073. Please note doing so is done at your own risk.
    • Paradoxically, works best with network settings having Internet off.

X-Wing Alliance Example Screenshots

X-Wing Alliance Upgrade/TIE Fighter Total Conversion

Acceptable Match Configurations:

  • Free For All (PvP)
    • Must be alike craft
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Team Battle (PvP)
    • Must be alike craft
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
    • AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
  • Team Battle (PvE)
    • There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
    • AI craft must be of equal or better skill than humans
    • AI craft must have equal or better craft type than humans
    • The point total of the opposing team should be at least equal to the player team and the opposing team needs to include at least one starfighter group.
    • Must be 5 minutes in length or longer
    • No beam weapons, warheads or countermeasures

Get The Mod:

XWAU and TFTC Example Screenshots


Acceptable Match Configurations:

  • Standard Dogfight (PvP)
    • A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
  • Standard Ranked Fleet Battles (PvP)
    • A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
  • Standard Fleet Battles vs AI (PvE)
    • There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
    • A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
  • Custom Matches - Dogfights (PvP)
    • A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots.
    • Must be 10 minutes in length or longer (which means kills should be set to max. The match length should be set to a MINIMUM of 10 minutes)
  • Custom Matches - Fleet Battles (PvP or PvE)
    • A minimum of 1 kill or 200 score must be achieved by qualifying pilots
    • In matches with 3 or fewer pilots, the community accepted 3PO ruleset may be used.
    • If a match starts with 3 or fewer pilots per side, and additional pilots join, modified games are not eligible.

Special Custom Match Rules:

  • Custom matches must also have a screenshot that displays the pre-game setup and must have settings that are either standard or part of an accepted setup (Currently accepted setups: 3PO; SCL).

Current 3PO League Rules:

  • Modifiers
    • Imperial Max Hull 1.3
    • Auxiliary Count 1.5
    • New Republic Flagship Hull 1.2
    • New Republic Capital Ship Hull 1.2
    • New Republic Corvette Hull 0.8
    • Imperial Raider Hull 0.8
  • Banned Components
    • TIE Bomber cannot run Reinforced Hull
    • TIE Fighter cannot run Reinforced Hull
    • TIE Defender cannot run Dampener Hull
    • Only TIE Reaper can run Scrambler Shields
  • Mandated Components
    • TIE Defender must run Nimble Shields

Current SCL Rules:

  • Modifiers
    • New Republic Flagship Hull 1.8
    • New Republic Capital Ship Hull 1.8
    • New Republic Flagship Shields 1.2
    • New Republic Capital Ship Shields 1.2
    • Imperial Flagship Hull 1.8
    • Imperial Capital Ship Hull 1.8
    • Imperial Flagship Shields 1.2
    • Imperial Capital Ship Shields 1.2

Get The Game:

SWS Example Screenshots

Star Conflict

Acceptable Match Configuration:

  • No custom matches
  • Any pilot listed in the submission must be part of the EH corporation in-game. Message a CMDR, COM, or COOA for help joining the Corporation.
  • Standard Game Modes (PvP)
    • Combat Recon where a pilot has played as the Captain and survived is considered to be an objective completion.
  • Standard Game Modes (PvE)
    • There must be two or more human players to count for PvE
    • Qualifying players in PvE must have attained a minimum of 3 kills and/or objectives or more
    • Combat Recon where a pilot has played as the Captain and survived is considered to be an objective completion.

Get The Game:

Star Conflict Example Screenshots

Elite Dangerous

Acceptable Configurations:

  • PvE Modes
    • Bounty Hunting
      • Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the Administration Contact page showing amount at 150k credits or more
    • Combat Bonds and Thargoid Activity
      • Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the Combat Bonds page
    • Missions
      • Two screenshots: one for team confirmation (Wingman symbols above Hud), and one of the mission completion screen
      • Donation and courier missions are not acceptable to submit for Legions of Skirmish.
  • PvP Modes
    • FFA Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
      • Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill or at least 200 points.
    • Capture The Flag
      • Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill, objective, or at least 200 points.

Get The Game:

Elite:Dangerous Example Screenshots


Classic Battlefront/Battlefront II

Acceptable Configurations:

  • PvP Modes
    • Players must submit the scoreboard screen showing a win and at least one kill or objective point.
    • Their team must have won, shown by their team having more points at the top of the screen.
    • If a custom match is played, you must also include a screenshot of modified settings. The "Game Info" section from the server selector is sufficient.

Get The Game:

Classic Battlefront Example Screenshots

EA Battlefront

Acceptable Configurations:

  • Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
  • Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
    • There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.

Get The Game:

EA Battlefront Example Screenshots

EA Battlefront II

Acceptable Configurations:

  • Standard Multiplayer Game Modes (PvP - Ground or Space)
    • For Ewok Hunt: For an Ewok victory, no Stormtroopers can survive and you must have an elimination as an Ewok for qualify for an LoC.
    • Reports must show the Scoreboard displaying all players and the reporters must be on the side marked 'Victory'
  • Standard Co-Op Game Modes (PvE - Ground or Space)
    • There must be at least two human players or more to count as PvE.
    • In matches where 2 or more EH pilots participated in the same game, 1 person is to report the match by submitting a screenshot of the "victory pose" screen, as well as their own 'Personal' tab. The submitter should accurately record their eliminations in the "Kills" field, and report 0 for all other players.

Get The Game:

EA Battlefront 2 Example Screenshots

Destiny 2

Acceptable Configurations:

  • PvE Modes
    • Players must submit the "Match Results" screen showing at least one other human player, with credit for at least one kill.
  • PvP Modes
    • Players must submit the "Match Results" screen showing at least one kill or objective point. They must be on the winning team, or a winning player in a free-for-all.
    • Custom matches must use the default settings.

Get The Game:

Destiny 2 Example Screenshots

Star Wars: Hunters

Acceptable Configurations:

  • PvP Mode
    • Players must submit the scoreboard showing a score of at least 150 points
    • They must be on the winning team
    • Kills are to be accurately recorded in the submission

Get The Game:

Star Wars: Hunters Example Screenshots

Helldivers 2

Acceptable Configurations:

  • PvE Mode
    • Only games where the Primary mission objective was completed are eligible for submission
    • Players are to submit the screen that shows "Mission Completed" with the XP and Requisition Totals
    • The submitter is to enter the amount of XP earned in the "Kills" box. Other team members can be marked with a 0, or the XP amount earned.

Get The Game:

Role Playing Games (RPGs)

Acceptable Configurations:

Star Wars: The Old Republic

  • Flashpoints / Uprisings
    • Two screenshots must be taken: one during a flashpoint or operation, as well as at the end. The first screenshot must include the players in the flashpoint, the flashpoint being run, and the time that it is being completed. The second must include the pop-up reward window stating the completed mission, and include the group members from the first screenshot (either in the group or in chat) and the time.
  • Operations
    • Two screenshots must be taken: at the beginning of an operation, as well as at the end. The first screenshot must include the players in the operation, and the operation being run. The second must include the lockout after the final boss..
  • Warzones (any mode), Galactic Starfighter, and Arenas
    • A screenshot must be submitted showing that the match was a victory. The pilot must have at least one kill or objective point.

Get The Game:

Star Wars: The Old Republic Example Screenshots


Star Wars Empire At War: Forces Of Corruption

Acceptable Configurations:

  • No vanilla Empire At War matches (blue styled UI)
    • Forces of Corruption UI is yellow for scorecard and match setup.
  • The Thrawn's Revenge mod may be used. This has a black UI instead of the standard yellow.
  • Space Battles or Ground Battles accepted
  • Any faction may be used
  • PvE requires two humans or more present for LoS. AI settings are as followed: Equivalent number of AI to players or more if playing at Medium AI. Equivalent-1 or more AI if playing at Hard. (i.e 3 human players may face 3+ Medium AI or 2+ Hard AI)
  • Advanced Settings for PvE: No Heroes, No Superweapons, Starting Credits 2000
  • Advanced Settings for PvP: No Heroes, Superweapons are allowed, free starting units required for fog of war, starting credits 2000
  • Screenshots required: Setup showing how the game was set up and a screenshot of the results showing the clear winner(s)
  • Match time no shorter than 5 minutes.
  • The setup screen must be submitted by a non-host as the "advanced options" window blocks the AI list.

Get The Game:

  • No Crossplay between Steam and GOG versions
  • Steam
  • GOG

Connectivity Help:

  • Steam version has a built in match browser
  • Windows Firewall exception will be needed to permit EAW/FOC to communicate.

Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Example Screenshots

COO/COOA Processing

Queue Processing

Queue processing is performed by the COO or a COOA.

  • The exception is that if the COO or a COOA is in the match report, another member of the office must process the match (i.e if Miles Prower (COO) and Silwar Naiilo (COOA) were reported in the match, the match report would not be visible to them, but could be processed by another COOA such as EvilGrin or Taygetta)

Queue processing is accessible to the COO or a COOA by accessing Combat Operations within Staff Operations on the Management section of Member Account on the TIE Corps website after successful PIN and password authentication.


The match report will consist of:

  • Combat Event ID (if applicable/reported)
  • Submitting pilot's name and rank
  • Game platform
  • Submission date
  • Winning team members reported by submitter
  • Losing team members reported by submitter
  • Kill numbers reported by submitter and calculated team totals
  • Each winning pilot with fields for kills, assists, objectives and efficiency (a Star Conflict item)

If the match report meets the standards (both global and platform-based) that indicate the match qualifies for recognition, the processor selects the Approve bubble and proceeds in the queue.


An example of a match report that qualifies for recognition

If the match report does not meet the standard for recognition, the processor selects the Deny bubble and either selects an appropriate automatic response from the dropdown menu (i.e Duplicate found by the automatic duplicate detection system) or enters the reason for denial into the 'Reason for denying' text box.

  • Duplicates are generally automatically flagged by the detection system. However false-negatives and false-positives may present so please scrutinise all duplication reports to ensure they are being flagged properly. Anomalies with the detection system should be reported to the Internet Officer.

If the match report requires further clarification to make a decision, the processor selects the Skip bubble (which is set by default for all reports). Skipping a match report and requesting help from other COOAs and/or the COO is always considered appropriate if a report looks unclear.

Combat Events

Combat Events are multiplayer events tracked by the Combat Operations Office. They are added by the COO or a COOA from the Combat Operations Office Administration page.

Inter-club combat events will also be listed but may also be listed at the third-party BattleStats website. To be countered in an inter-club combat event that the EH is participating in, you must have a BattleStats account and be a member of the EH Club (Club ID: 486) in BattleStats.

Distinguished Flying Cross

Distinguished Flying Cross

Winning Combat Operations Office approved combat events makes a pilot eligible for the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Multiple DFCs can be awarded on a single combat event if more than one EH/TC member qualifies and they are all tied for 1st place (though likely a rare condition).

Overall though these conditions must be met by default

  • You must be the best EH ranking player in the combat event.
    • If there is a tie and the other requirements are met, DFCs can be awarded to all tiers.
  • You must beat a minimum of three different players on that combat event
  • You must have a win-loss ratio of at least +3 (ex. 3 wins/0 losses, 4 wins/1 loss, etc.)
  • Any exceptions to these rules must be agreed to by at least one member of the TIE Corps Command Staff or EH Command Staff.

Ratings & Awards

The Combat Operations Office also issues awards for attaining certain levels in the Rating system for PvP/Combat Ratings and PvE/Co-Op.

Upon meeting a certain rating, the pilot is recognised with the appropriate medal for that rating by the COO. These medals can be found in the TIE Corps Pilot Manual.