Difference between revisions of "DB:Dark Side Compendium Clans and Houses"

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m (Turtle Jerrar moved page Dark Side Compendium Clans and Houses to DB:Dark Side Compendium Clans and Houses: move into protected DB namespace)
(→‎Houses: Aedile -> Praetor: Quaestor)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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Houses are comprised of a House Summit and a number of [[Dark Side Compendium Clans and Houses#Battleteams|Battleteams]]. A House Summit consists of two positions, the Quaestor and the Aedile. The Quaestor is the primary command position of the House, with the Aedile acting as an assistant. The Aedile also serves as acting commander when the Quaestor is on leave. Houses can receive titles through victories in competitions such as a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta. These titles are based upon the House's placing. For example, the first placed house in a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta would receive the title "First House of the Brotherhood". These titles are kept by the unit until another Rite is held and the House is displaced.
Houses are comprised of a House Summit and a number of [[Dark Side Compendium Clans and Houses#Battleteams|Battleteams]]. A House Summit consists of two positions, the Quaestor and the Praetor to the Quaestor, or Praetor: Quaestor. The Quaestor is the primary command position of the House, with the Praetor: Quaestor acting as an assistant. The Praetor: Quaestor also serves as acting commander when the Quaestor is on leave. Houses can receive titles through victories in competitions such as a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta. These titles are based upon the House's placing. For example, the first placed house in a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta would receive the title "First House of the Brotherhood". These titles are kept by the unit until another Rite is held and the House is displaced.
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New Battleteams will only be approved when the other teams in the same House have reached an acceptable level of capacity. This level is normally at around 8 members but is situationally determined by the Master-at-Arms each time. In addition, any changes to the name of a Battleteam must be approved by the Master-at-Arms.
New Battleteams will only be approved when the other teams in the same House have reached an acceptable level of capacity. This level is normally at around 8 members but is situationally determined by the Master-at-Arms each time. In addition, any changes to the name of a Battleteam must be approved by the Master-at-Arms.
[[Category:Dark Side Compendium]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 22 January 2025



Clans are comprised of a Clan Summit and a number of Houses. A Clan Summit consists of two positions, the Consul and the Proconsul. The Consul is the primary command position of the Clan, with the Proconsul acting as an assistant. The Proconsul also serves as the acting commander when the Consul is on leave.


The Clan Summit is charged with the smooth operation of their Clan and maintaining and growing activity. As the link between their Clan and the Dark Council, the Clan Summit is positioned to establish and promote clan wide activities, manage the identity and lore of the Clan and support the success of their Houses.

Duties of the Clan Summit can include:

  • Maintaining a Clan website
  • Ensuring the Clan roster is kept up to date
  • Release Clan reports and events
  • Running competitions within the Clan with with rival Clans
  • Forwarding any communications from higher in the chain of command to House Leaders
  • Working with House Leaders to develop and improve their Houses
  • Reporting to the Dark Council on a regular basis
  • Making promotion and/or award recommendations
  • Setting high standards of both conduct and activity
  • Develop and maintain a Clan "identity" including a House history, list of possessions, etc.
  • Promote other competitions and events within the Dark Brotherhood


The Clan Summit has the power to award medals for activity and recommend medals for outstanding achievements. The Proconsul may award up to the Grand Cross of the Dark Side, while the Consul can award up to and including the Sapphire Blade. In addition, the Summit may award sanctioned medals for approved competitions. Lastly, the Summit may recommend promotion for members of their Clan based upon previous achievements.


The Clan Summit is appointed by the Master-at-Arms. The appointment rank for Proconsul is Jedi Hunter (JH), while the Consul's appointment rank is Sith Warrior (SW).


Houses are comprised of a House Summit and a number of Battleteams. A House Summit consists of two positions, the Quaestor and the Praetor to the Quaestor, or Praetor: Quaestor. The Quaestor is the primary command position of the House, with the Praetor: Quaestor acting as an assistant. The Praetor: Quaestor also serves as acting commander when the Quaestor is on leave. Houses can receive titles through victories in competitions such as a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta. These titles are based upon the House's placing. For example, the first placed house in a Rite of Supremacy Vendetta would receive the title "First House of the Brotherhood". These titles are kept by the unit until another Rite is held and the House is displaced.


The House Summit is charged not only with guiding the activities of their members, but also with integrating their House into the Brotherhood as a whole. As such, these positions are important in mediating between the wills and needs of those above and below in the command of chain.

Duties of the House Summit can include:

  • Maintaining a House website
  • Ensuring the house roster is kept up to date
  • Releasing House reports and events
  • Running competitions within the House and with rival Houses
  • Forwarding any communications from higher in the chain of command to Battleteam Leaders
  • Reporting to Clan Summit on a regular basis
  • Making promotion and/or award recommendations
  • Setting standards of both conduct and activity (i.e. following the Articles of War, participating in competitions, communicating etc.)
  • Develop and maintain a House "identity" including a House history, list of possessions, etc.
  • Promote other competitions and events within the Dark Brotherhood.


The House Summit has the power to award medals for activity. The Aedile may award up to the Star of Eos, while the Quaestor can award up to and including the Steel Cross. In addition, the Summit may award sanctioned medals for approved competitions. Lastly, the Summit may recommend promotion for members of their Battleteams based upon previous achievements.


The House Summit is appointed by the Master-at-Arms if the House is not part of a Clan. The appointment rank for Aedile is Guardian (GRD), while the Quaestor's appointment rank is Sith Knight (SK).


Battleteams (BT) are the basic organisational unit within the Dark Brotherhood and fall under the command of a Battleteam Leader (BTL). These teams are typically placed within a House. The teams normally consist of around eleven (11) Battleteam Members (BTM) and a Leader. Upon completing the Initiates DB Core training new members are assigned to a Battleteam with the rank of Novice. Further ranks and awards can be gained by active participation in the team. Most Members must be in a Battleteam to participate in Vendettas, Feuds and most competitions. If a member is not in a Battleteam or elsewhere in the structure of the Dark Brotherhood, they are placed within the Rogues while retaining their ranks and awards.


Battleteam Leader

The Battleteam Leader is responsible for the overall welfare of his or her team. This includes keeping members motivated and active.

Duties of the Battleteam Leader include but are not limited to:

  • Maintaining a Battleteam website with roster, events, etc.
  • Running competitions within and outside the team
  • Forwarding any communications from higher in the command chain to team members
  • Reporting to the House Summit on a regular basis
  • Making promotion and/or award recommendations for members where appropriate
  • Setting an example, both in conduct and activity (i.e. following the Articles of War, participating in competitions, communicating, etc.)
  • Promoting competitions and other events within the Dark Brotherhood

Battleteam Member

  • Taking part in competitions they have access to (competitions from their Battleteam, House, Clan and DB wide)
  • Staying in contact with and informing BTL of status and activity
  • Replying to Absent without leave (AWOL) checks
  • Reporting in at least once a month to the BTL


The Battleteam Leader may award the Dark Cross medal and the following competition awards: the Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Topaz Star and Crescent with Emerald Star for sanctioned Battleteam competitions.


Battleteam Leaders are appointed by the House Summit with approval from the Master-at-Arms. The suggested appointment rank for Battleteam Leaders is Acolyte (ACO).


New Battleteams will only be approved when the other teams in the same House have reached an acceptable level of capacity. This level is normally at around 8 members but is situationally determined by the Master-at-Arms each time. In addition, any changes to the name of a Battleteam must be approved by the Master-at-Arms.