Difference between revisions of "Jaquel Rainrix"

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Born on Corva Yag, he was adopted by Fujari Pirates. He was captured smuggling spice at 8 years of age and incarcerated in The Spire.
Born on Corva Yag, he was adopted by Fujari Pirates. He was captured smuggling spice at 8 years of age and incarcerated in The Spire.
The pirate crew who raised Jaquel were summarily executed after he had been interrogated at The Spire into giving away their hideout. The holo-feed was shown to him as part of his re-education.
The pirate crew who raised Jaquel were summarily executed after he had been interrogated at The Spire into giving away their hideout. The holo-feed of these events was shown to him as part of his re-education.
Transferred to the Academy of Carida for Forest Trooper training after his re-education.
Jaquel was transferred to the Academy of Carida for Forest Trooper training after his re-education, and learnt how to quick draw a Blurrg-1120 in his spare time by practicing on Ewok captives.
Learnt how to quick draw a Blurrg-1120 in his spare time by practicing on Ewok captives.
He stood next to the door of a ship Grand Moff Tarkin was boarding and overheard talk of fear tactics. This conversation inspired a lifelong obsession with proving the effectiveness of the Tarkin doctrine.
Stood next to the door of a ship Grand Moff Tarkin was boarding and overheard talk of fear tactics.
He spent a month solo in the Shadowlands when his squad was killed on their first deployment, and was transferred to the Verity District following his extraction from Kashyyyk for training in Internal Affairs.
Spent a month solo in the Shadowlands when his squad was killed on their first deployment.
Transferred to the Verity District following his extraction from Kashyyyk for training in Internal Affairs.
Investigated the 181st for plausible sedition. None was found, but he did learn to fly a TIE fighter whilst he was there.
Investigated the 181st for plausible sedition. None was found, but he did learn to fly a TIE fighter whilst he was there.

Revision as of 03:44, 28 June 2023

Jaquel Rainrix is currently assigned as a Flight Member in Rho Squadron, stationed on the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Warrior.


Early Life

Born on Corva Yag, he was adopted by Fujari Pirates. He was captured smuggling spice at 8 years of age and incarcerated in The Spire. The pirate crew who raised Jaquel were summarily executed after he had been interrogated at The Spire into giving away their hideout. The holo-feed of these events was shown to him as part of his re-education. Jaquel was transferred to the Academy of Carida for Forest Trooper training after his re-education, and learnt how to quick draw a Blurrg-1120 in his spare time by practicing on Ewok captives. He stood next to the door of a ship Grand Moff Tarkin was boarding and overheard talk of fear tactics. This conversation inspired a lifelong obsession with proving the effectiveness of the Tarkin doctrine. He spent a month solo in the Shadowlands when his squad was killed on their first deployment, and was transferred to the Verity District following his extraction from Kashyyyk for training in Internal Affairs.


Investigated the 181st for plausible sedition. None was found, but he did learn to fly a TIE fighter whilst he was there. Liked the experience, and went on to learn how to fly a TIE/In at Prefsbelt. Joined the 55th Imperial Navy Fleet's "Spider Squadron". Spent time liaising between the ISB, the 55th, and varied criminal elements as a double agent from 1BBY until 4ABY. Joined the Secret Order of the Empire and nearly fainted when he thought he saw Sheev look at him during his Oath of Allegiance. Got news of the Battle of Endor after his final initiation ceremony. Flitted around serving what he assumed to be "The Emperor's Will" by hunting down known traitors for a few decades as a Sector Ranger. Missing the Battle of Endor left a psychic scar which has resulted in him taking no excuses for Rebel sympathies. His unwavering loyalty allows him to fly a TIE fighter or engage in espionage missions without any fear of death. His belief in the dark side as simple logical truth was one of the primary reasons for his recruitment into the Secret Order of the Empire. The splintering of the Empire left him without a true purpose for decades of his life, and he found himself attempting to intuit the "correct" thing to do when being reduced back to the smuggling and piracy he had been educated out of pre-adolescence. Having spent the prime of his life consistently asking himself "what would Sheev do?", a chance encounter with an emissary of the Emperor's Hammer allowed him to bring the only real friend he had made who also happened to be the best ship engineer he had ever met along with him back into the Empire's service. Having attempted to enact the will of the Empire in the absence of the Emperor himself in the decades following the Battle of Endor, Jaquel jumped at the chance to have superiors give his life purpose again.


Blaster spinning, bonsai, butchery, dejarik, flukebladder pipe balaxan, Growdi harmonique, mantra meditation, mycology, omni-box, quick-drawing, singing bowl, stomp harmonium, swoop racing, vibroblade fighting. Although Jaquel plays many instruments, his preference for making ritual ambient music means that his compositions rarely get played outside of his personal quarters.