Alexandre Morgan

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Alexandre Morgan, or "ossusplayz," his call sign, is currently a Flight Leader for Rho Squadron, stationed on the ISDII Warrior. He began his career as Rho Eight in Flight Two and is now commanding that same flight.


Early Life

Morgan was born on Naboo during 20 BBY to Alachor and Apari Morgan, their only child and sole inheritor of their immense wealth. His privileges were many, and he enjoyed the benefits of his family's fortune. As a child he studied privately, declining to attend any school in favor of private tutors. These instructors taught him many subjects, from studying literature to biology, from politics to swordsmanship and riflery. He mastered every topic presented to him quickly, proving himself a scholar and a gentlemen. He was raised in a household that praised the newly formed Empire, enjoying the benefits of both the newfound security of the galaxy and the economic prosperity it brought the House of Morgan.


When he was 21, Morgan met and engaged Alexis Cusgate, a beautiful girl of his same age from another prominent Naboo family. Their daughter, Ava Morgan, was born the following year, 2 ABY. The bliss, however, did not last long. During 3 ABY, while Morgan was offworld, his parents and family were killed in a Rebel terrorist attack on a residential area of Naboo. This galvanized his anti-Rebel sentiments, and he immediately enlisted in the Imperial Navy. Shortly after he graduated from Skystrike Academy, the second Death Star was destroyed and the Empire fragmented. Morgan sought out and joined the Emperor's Hammer, searching for a tangible way to get revenge for his family and make a difference for the galaxy.

TIE Corps

Initially stationed aboard the SSD Avenger as a cadet, Morgan quickly finished re-training and became Rho Eight aboard the ISDII Warrior. He quickly proved himself, scoring kill after kill in battle after battle, earning himself countless medals, including the Commendation of Bravery. During a rearrangement of Rho, Morgan Shortly before the Imperial Storm wargames, Morgan was promoted to a Flight Leader position as Rho 5, commanding the very flight he began in, Flight Two.