Bounty Hunter's Guild
The Bounty Hunter's Guild was a subgroup of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. It is no longer active.
History of the Bounty Hunter's Guild
The Bounty Hunter's Guild has a long and rich history in the Emperor's Hammer, having been formed just 6 months after the opening of the Emperor's Hammer it has gone through numerous changes over the years. From the original 'Guild' full of Smugglers and Hunters to the current 'Bounty Hunter's Guild' containing just the Hunters it has seen numerous leaders, structures and forms of fun over the years.
History of the Original Bounty Hunter's Guild
The Early Days
"The Wing Commander has reluctantly approved the formation of a Bounty Hunter's Guild for exclusive use with the Emperor's Hammer. Following the Battle of Endor and considering the current state of chaos in the Empire, such individuals will prove invaluable in gathering information, tracking down renegades and performing other "special services" for the Emperor's Hammer."
- "The Wing Commander has reluctantly approved the formation of a Bounty Hunter's Guild for exclusive use with the Emperor's Hammer. Following the Battle of Endor and considering the current state of chaos in the Empire, such individuals will prove invaluable in gathering information, tracking down renegades and performing other "special services" for the Emperor's Hammer.
1.test 2.test "
- — test!
The opening speech of the Fleet Commander upon the official opening of the Guild in June 1995, 6 months after the opening of the Emperor's Hammer. The formation of the Guild marked the start of what was to become one of the largest and most successful Subgroups in the history of the Emperor's Hammer, the Guild although small to start with had great potential and was to evolve greatly over the years to come.
The original Guild revolved around a Caste structure which was very simplistic compared to the complex Kabal structure of the modern Guild.
Position | Minimum Credits | ID Line Designation |
Grand Master | Appointed Position | GMSTR |
Master | 10,000,000 | MSTR |
Journeyman | 5,000,000 | JRNY |
Assistant Journeyman | 1,000,000 | ASST |
Apprentice | 0 | APPR |
The basic idea of the Guild's system was that members gained ranks through earning Imperial Credits by various methods, the basic idea to start with was the idea of a 'hunt'.
The Hunt
What was later to become something unique to the Guild and of a much larger nature, the original 'hunts' were very simple. In the Newsletters the Guild Grand Master would announce a 'target' which people needed to find, it might be a picture, a piece of information or various forms of media - to seek it out they would be given clues by the Grand Master which would slowly help them to hunt out this piece of information. The first person to mail the GMSTR with the target would win ICs, generally 500,000 up to 2,000,000 ICs.
Initial Roster
The Guild started as a small group of members who are long forgotten today, though they are to be memorable for all of them founded what people now enjoy today as the New Bounty Hunter's Guild, for without their efforts in the past we would not enjoy what has evolved over the years:
- Capt Jedi - Grand Master - Credits Not Applicable
- ChrisMcCla - Apprentice - 0 Credits
- Kyyle Eara - Apprentice - 0 Credits
- Jess1007 - Apprentice - 0 Credits - Personal Ship "The Kraken"
- Lord Loss - Apprentice - 0 Credits - Personal Ship "Blackhole Sun"
- KreshNalir - Apprentice - 0 Credits
- SuperGNAW - Apprentice - 0 Credits
Guild Ships
One of the most original ideas the Guild started with, and one of the most substantial in the Guild's history, was the idea of that people could 'build' their own personal craft. An idea which later evolved into the Shipyards of the Guild, the basic idea though simplistic was the heart of todays Stalker Shipyards Ltd.
As taken from NL #19, these were the original specifications for Guild fighters:
- The personal ship specifications must be presented for review to the Wing Commander prior to approved use by the Bounty Hunter.
- The specifications must be presented in a format consistent with the published Star Wars materials (i.e. Use the ship specifications format in the West End RPG or the TIE Fighter game manual).
- The Bounty Hunter Ship MUST be a 1-10 man craft...NO Capital Ships will be allowed for independent use by Bounty Hunters in the Emperor's Hammer, being the unsavory lot that you are...!
- It is prefereable (but not required) to also submit a picture or design for your craft for the Emperor's Hammer records. This may be in either BMP or GIF format. Original computer artwork is welcomed and will be credited in the Newsletter, as are any pictures.
- Feel free to customize your craft with special engines, shields, weapons, gadgets, etc...However, reason must prevail and the Wing Commander and the Guild Grand Master MUST approve ALL Ship Specifications prior to approved use by the Guild Member.
"The Kraken" The Kraken was one of the first personal ships created in the Guild and was the craft of Jess1007.
After the initial activity boom in the Guild things slowed for a few weeks with few new members joining, mention should be given to 'Infernis56' who joind in NL #21 for he was later to become Admiral Ramos, the current Logistics Officer. At the same time the GMSTR took a swap to Bounty Lord for he had gained more credits than the previous Grand Master, CaptJedi. Later Boba Fetts earns more Credits than Bounty Lord for winning Mission #3 thus he becomes the next Grand Master. Very little happens for a while in the Guild's history, though everything runs normally, people are active and missions continue nothing of over important occurs until NL #29 when the Guild's first ever webpage is produced! The webpage at is a great stepping stone in the activities of the Guild for missions can be run on a more regular basis without the need to wait for each Newsletter thus adding a great oppertunity for new BHG operations.
In NL #30 various changes occur to the Guild, the Security Officer takes full control of the Guild rather than the Grand Admiral directly. A new Grand Master, Artcanin Tuz is appointed for earning 3,250,000 ICs and a new rank system is introduced:
Position | Minimum Credits | ID Line Designation |
Grand Master | Appointed | GMSTR |
Master | 10,000,000 | MSTR |
Assassin | 7,500,000 | ASAN |
Marshal | 5,000,000 | MARL |
Journeyman | 2,500,000 | JRNY |
Hunter | 1,000,000 | ASST |
Assistant Journeyman | 500,000 | HUNT |
Apprentice | 0 | APPT |
At 9 months Old a large change comes to the Guild but a welcome one, for it gives people more to aim for and starts to develop the Guild's structure to a system more like the one used today rather than the highly simple one originally used. A new Credit earning system is also added whereby people may earn 200,000 ICs for their first NL submission then a further 100,000 for any other submissions. Thanks should be directed to the Security Officer, Vice Admiral Jac for his excellent achievments in assisting the Guild in its early times. With the resignation of VA Jac a new Security Officer, Zach, is appointed to take command of the Guild. He immediately creates a new webpage at He also adds a new position of Grand Master's Assistant to the ranks structure to serve as the equivalent of a modern "Command Attache". The Grand Master's Envoys are also created to serve as 'assistants/advisors/messengers' for the Grand Master and his Assistant:
- Montare [MON] - Most often the GMSTR's Assistant
- Sentinel [SEN] - The Bodyguard/Assassin for the GMAST who would perform specific tasks for him.
- Kahless [KAH] - These would serve as the GMSTR/GMASTs personal messengers.
- Novacron [NOV] - These were to be the security personel in the Guild.
- ShiKar [?] - The ShiKar were to serve as spies for the Grand Master.
These could be seen somewhat as the first Commission for it is a step towards a level of higher command in the Guild and could have been what later inspired Grand Masters to form the Commission.
The Days of Grand Master Night
As the Guild begins to prepare for its anniversary, currently being 11 months old, Articanin Tuz gets fired for treason and Night accends to the position of GMSTR. Though this is a bad time it is also a key point in the Guild's history for Night is to be one of the most influenctial leaders of the Guild ever, at the time of his appointment he immediately forms the start of the 'Commission' by creating four "Slayers":
- Grand Master (GMSTR)- The grand master is the leader of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. The Grand Master leads all meetings and he has the final say in all issues. The Grand Master can overule any decision made by anyone else in the Bounty Hunter's Guild.
- The Slayer of Initiatives (SI)- It is the duty of the SI to handle all new recruits and to handle the roster. He must send a copy of the roster once a week to the GMSTR and to the SR. He must also answer all the questions of the new recruits and get them oriented in the guild.
- The Slayer of Reticulation (SR)- It is the duty of the SR to maintain the web page and other internet activity. He must browse the web for other Bounty Hunter related sites.
- The Slayer of Discourse (SD)- It is the duty of the SD to handle all IRC matters and to maintain the BHG channel. He must also maintain the bot. Please Note: Neither have been established yet.
- The Slayer of Festschrift (SF)- It is the duty of the SE to make all the art and would send all the medals out. The SF also makes the newsletter
It is also a memorable occasion for the Guild as it becomes one of the few Subgroups to have a membership level of over 100 people.
A great occasion in the history of the Guild as it becomes the largest Subgroup in EH history, thus the Grand Master and Security Officer at the time are to be greatly commended. The 'Commission' also grows to a larger state with more positions:
- Grand Master Night
- Slayer of Executives (medals/NL)
- Slayer of Expedition (create TF/Doom/JK/XW missions)
- Slayer of Initiatives (roster) IG-88
- Slayer of Reticulation (website) Cidco
- Slayer of Discourse (IRC) Ariel
- Slayer of Errantry (creates online missions) TrenchCoat
- Slayer of Festschrift (create medal/banner artwork) Djas Purr
- Slayer of Security (police the BHG) Royal
- Slayer of Virtuosity (contact with CD to create ships)
- Slayer of Ballistics (FWD announcements to members)
- Slayer of Inquiry (Look for ways to expand)
The joining of Trench (then TrenchCoat) to the Guild is also a memorable occasion for he of course was later to become the longest serving Dark Prince in modern history.
As taken from the NL #34:
The Bounty Hunter's Commision is comprised of the most elite bounty hunters. all of the positions are appointed by the Grand Master except for the Grand Master which is appointed by The Emperor's Hammer Security Officer. The Grand Master holds the rank of Grand Master while the rest of the commisioners hold the rank of Master. Being a commisioner is the highest honor a guild members could ever have. 1. Grand Master (GMSTR)- The grand master is the leader of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. The Grand Master leads all meetings and he has the final say in all issues. The Grand Master can overule any decision made by anyone else in the Bounty Hunter's Guild. The Grand Master also makes the BHG Newsletter. The GMSTR is first in command of the guild. 2. The Slayer of Executives (SX)- The SX handles the medal board for the Newsletter. He also assists the GMSTR. The SX is second in command. 3. The Slayer of Expedition (SE)- It is the duty of the SE to create some of and supervise all of the offline BHG missions. This means that he will be supervising the creation of Dark Forces, Tie Fighter, X-Wing, Doom etc. missions. The SE is third in command. 4. The Slayer of Initiatives (SI)- It is the duty of the SI to handle all new recruits and to handle the roster. He must send a copy of the roster once a week to all the Commisioners. He must also answer all the questions of the new recruits and get them oriented in the guild. The SI is fourth in command. 5. The Slayer of Reticulation (SR)- It is the duty of the SR to maintain the BHG web page. He must also supervise any of the Cohort's web pages. The SR is fifth in command. 6. The Slayer of Discourse (SD)- It is the duty of the SD to handle all IRC matters and to maintain the BHG channel. He must also maintain the bot. The SD is sixth in command. 7. The Slayer of Errantry (ST)- It is the duty of the ST to create all of the online missions for the BHG. He must then send the missions to the SR for posting on the BHG web site. The ST is seventh in command. 8. The Slayer of Festschrift (SF)- It is the duty of the SF to make all the medals, banners etc. He must also send out the medals etc. to the recipients. The SF is eight in command. 9. The Slayer of Security (SS)- It is the duty of the SS to handle member to member conflicts and to maintain order in the BHG. The SS is ninth in command. 10. The Slayer of Virtuosity (SV)- It is the duty of the SV to maintain close contact with the CEOs in the corperate Division. Together, they will make ships for commisioners and other BHG members. The SV is tenth in command. 11. The Slayer of Ballistics (SB)- It is the duty of the Slayer of Ballistics to send the newsletters and other fleet wide messges out to all the mentors and procurators who will in turn, send the NLs and messages to the bounty hunters under them. The SB is eleventh in command. 12. The Slayer of Inquiry (SQ)- It is the duty of the SQ to scour all of cyberspace in pursuit of the expansion of the Guild. He must also find all other sites related to the BHG. The SQ is twelth in command.
In Newsletter #36, 1 year and 4 months since the creation of the Guild the College is created by Grand Master Night.
Dean Chief Mentor Chief Cabal Mentor Cabal Non-Assistants Assistants
This time also marks the introduction of a new structure of orders and cadres. The basic structure was designed so taht each Cadre will have around 10-15 members, run by a Cabal who belongs to an Order, the Order of the Cabals is then commanded by the Chief Cabal who reports into the College Dean. The plan was to have Apprentices who would earn credits, then once they had enough would take the position of Cabal and remove the other from office. This however clearly had its faults when we look back at it for it means people go into administrative jobs through being the most active which may not always be what they had actually wanted. However as was to occur soon afterwards things would be sorted out by High Inquisitor Paladin.
The Days of Grand Master Royal
Part 1 - Basic Problems with BHG Structure
1) The BHG has by and large too many Command Officer-type positions. There are 12 "Slayers" on the Commission, and this number is wholly too large for the size of the club. 2) The BHG lacks a coherent middle management structure. 3) The BHG lacks a coherent platform for its members. 4) The BHG needs significantly more missions available for members. 5) The BHG needs a bi-weekly NL to keep members informed. 6) The BHG needs a solid fictional basis.
Part 2 - Suggestions and Revisions
1) The BHG Commission will be revised to reflect the following changes to incorporate a 4 member commission (BHG titles to follow pending BHG manual revision):
a) Grand Master (GMSTR) - Responsible for overall administration of the BHG, roster maintenance and placement of new members. b) Executive Officer - Responsible for the publication of NL c) Tactical Officer - Responsible for On and Off line Missions d) Operations officer - Responsible for pics, medals, etc.
2) The above officers will have one-two CA-type assistants each.
3) The BHG structure of Cabals will be revised to reflect a middle management. Members will be divided into "Guilds" as fictionally portrayed in the Galaxy Guide to Bounty Hunters. Members will fall into one of three broad categories (as set forth in the GG:BH)
a) Imperial Hunters - Those that work only for Imperial authorities. b) Guild Hunters - Those that take assignments from a guild. c) Independents - Those that are neither Guild nor Imperial hunters.
4) Members could work alone, in pairs, or in teams, with the team that captures the prey determining how the ICs are divided up. Certain hunts would be limited to certain types of Hunters (see A, B, and C above) but the ability to work in teams would mean that this does not exclude members from all hunts.
5) Four types of hunts will be provided for members.
a) IRC Hunts - With a live Commission member to run a free form mission for a large number of hunters. This would involve solving some sort of puzzle which members of guilds or teams could work on together. b) AOL MB hunts - Fairly obvious. This is how things used to be done, with clues sending members from board to board. c) WWW Hunts - As on AOL but with web sites and puzzles.
6) A Bi-Weekly NL ("Bounty Postings" or somesuch) should be published as soon as is convenient. Also, medals and insignia should be designed for the BHG based on existing graphics.
7) Using the GG:BH Sourcebook, a solid fictional basis should be created for the BHG.
In the Service of the Empire, JEDGAR PALADIN
After the appointment of Royal to Grand Master the High Inquisitor Paladin conducts his report of the Guild and as is clear there are numerous faults found. However these ideas soon become the stepping stones towards the modern Guild and are the heart of many of the great things which form the activities of the New Bounty Hunter's Guild. It is also a time of change in various aspecfts for we see Trench becoming Tactician, Havikoog Chief Mentor, Whafro CA:GMSTR and Darth to Dean. However though much has changed the Guild is slowly evolving from its initial stages to a far more structured and modernized guild, also the Smuggler's Guild is created around this time, something which later is to be fused with the Bounty Hunter's Guild to form The Guild. The Guild itself is doing well at this time having risen from its 100 members all the way up to 881 members, although many are AWOL, it is still a considerable achievment of an EH Subgroup during this time.
Grand Master Royal ( 2. X - Executor High Master Havikoog ( 3.TACT - Tactician High Master Trench ( 4.SP - Specialist High Master Ariel ( 5.K - High Master Jade 'oh' Pi ( 6.GR - High Master Andrew (
Commission Armed Guard Positions CAG:GMSTR Master Whafro ( CAG:X Master LSky ( CAG:TACT Master Darkon ( CAG:SP Master Flame ( CAG:K Assassin VectorX (
Mentors Temple ( Chief Mentor : Master Ishtar (
Nideavoot Tsayad Bounty Hunter College Dean of the College: Master Darth ( The Commission at the time of GMSTR Royal.
The Merge
Little change visably occurs during the coming weeks and months, the Commission changes a few times (further details on this can be found on the timeline). However the Smuggler's Guild begins to grow old and 'The Merge' becomes seen as more of a possibility, however it is still not public at this time. But when it comes to September 1997, 2 years, 3 months since the formation of the original BHG Grand Master Royal unveals the truth of the Merge and the EH realises that the SG has little life left in it even though it is only 11 months old.
Up until February 1998 little occurs other than further developments of "The Merge", there are of course various staff changes but these can be seen on the timeline. The details involved the Smuggler's Guild and the Bounty Hunter's Guild merging to form a new group which would resemble the Black Sun, thus it would be in charge of all illegal and semi-legal activity in the Emperor's Hammer. This comprises of things such as hunting, smuggling, casinos and the activities that the current SG and BHG perform, along with some new ones. The groups structure would be very similar to the BHG and the SG: A college for new members, organisations semi-independant like the Smuggler's Guild and a high ranking member in charge of is similar to what modern Dark Brotherhood Clans/Houses are like. The credits would be accumulated from the BHG and SG and the general system would remain the same where you could be promoted or gain equipment from your Imperial Credit count. Also the idea of a shipyard joined between the BHG and SG was proposed - the future Stalker Shipyards Ltd. Lastly the proposal had the head of the Smuggler's Guild as the new 'XO' of the Bounty Hunter's Guild and the Grand Master, Royal at the time, would become the new leader of the formed group - the first Dark Prince.
The last activity of the original Bounty Hunter's Guild comprised of the formation of a project to create Stalker Shipyards Ltd. - one of the most imaginative and unique things which exists in the current Bounty Hunter's Guild. The following team is assigned to work on the project:
Kal-Ket (Team Leader), Tactician Trench (Overseer), CAG2:TACT Menalaus, Drakkar, Frenzy, Morgana, Stalker, Starlin, Tuss, and Xerokine.
Finally the merge however is completed and the BHG is no more, nor is the SG. The group formed was to be known simply as The Guild and was the final step before the BHG evolved to the New Bounty Hunter's Guild a year or so later on.
History of the Smuggler's Guild
History of The Guild
History of the New Bounty Hunter's Guild
The Early Days
Though they can hardly be viewed as the 'Early' Days of the NBHG for it is already a mature subgroup and simply an evolution of the Guild, the BHG returned to a new life.
Immediately Dark Prince Trench started the NBHG with the first Kabal Authority Games and created a new Guild website up at
Daich ended up winning the first Kabal Authority Games through coming first in the JK event, trivia event, TIE competition, graphics competition and the IRC hunts:
- First Kabal - Daichi
- Second Kabal - Dragon
- Third Kabal - Thunder
- Fourth Kabal - Legion
- Fifth Kabal - Arm of Cernun
- Sixth Kabal - Requiem
- Seventh Kabal - Omega
- Eighth Kabal - Shadow
A great shock when Underlord Thedek retires from the BHG, he was a fine Internet Officer and member of the Dark Brotherhood and known throughout the fleet. This was a great hit on the Commission and left some large shoes to be filled, as his replacement Koral, once Chief of Cyclone, is chosen. The position of Marshal is also created by Nealaus for registry keeper of the SSL. Having gotten over these shocks, and having gained a new website at the Bounty Hunter's Guild gets back to its regular working schedule and runs another Kabal Authority Game.
Soon after this Kal-Ket retires form the Judicator position and the BHG as a whole, this is another great shock to the BHG and for his work he is awarded the Order of the Dark Prince by Trench, becoming one of only four to hold the medal at that time (Trench, Royal, Menalaus and now Kal-Ket). Ehart Dak`wind takes his place as the new Judicator. At the same time Marshal Andrew is fired for going AWOL, Drakkar takes his place. So as usual the Guild has its good times and its bad times, but things are soo to get working nicely again as some major developments occur in the new millenium, especially with Stalker Shipyards!
A New Millenium
Though it is nothing of true importance, the coming of a new millenium is a rare occasion and thus is a time for change. But little changes directly, the NBHG is already growing strong and as of such things continue to simply get better.
The end of the largest Kabal Authority Games yet comes and the results are as follows:
- Dragon = 283
- Omega = 247.5
- Daichi = 165
- Thunder = 123
- Shadow = 114
Having been a tight game throughout eventually there had to be a winner, having just pulled ahead at the end the victory went to Dragon. Nothing of great significance now occurs during the year 2000, there are various new appointments and changes in command which can be seen on the timeline.
- Thunder: 805
- Daichi: 514
- Phoenix: 354
- Omega: 246
- Skylla: 218
- Dragon: 137
- Results of the Kabal Authority Games - 3.2.2001
- Thunder: 818
- Daichi: 634
- Phoenix: 435
- Omega: 235
- Skylla: 234
- Dragon: 208
- Results of the Kabal Authority Games - 16.3.2001
The Commission Dark Prince - DP Trench Underlord - DUKE Tad Taliesin Tactician - BRN 376hab Specialist - BRN Lord Oxxider Executor - MSTR Trisix "Angelseed" Fallen Judicator- DUKE Ehart Dark `wind
Commission Assistants Proctor - HMSTR Zsinj Adjunct - MSTR Chabaol The Commission 1.7.2001
The New Ranking System
Abbreviation Name Credits TRN Trainee 0 APPR Apprentice 50,000 BLD Blade 100,000 MRC Mercenary 200,000 ASST Assistant Journeyman 500,000 JRNY Journeyman 1,000,000 VEN Venator 1,750,000 ASAN Assassin 2,500,000 ELT Elite 5,000,000 MSTR Master 8,000,000 HMSTR High Master 12,000,000 BRN Baron/Baroness 18,000,000 COUNT Count/Countess 25,000,000 DUKE/DUCH Duke/Duchess 50,000,000 CDNAL Cardinal 80,000,000 PRM Primarch N/A DP Dark Prince N/A
The Commission
The Commission changed quite a lot from how it was at the end of the Guild, though strangely it changed to a system far more like the one it was like at the start of the Guild. The Commission is headed by teh Dark Prince still whos job has remained the same since the position was created, the Dark Prince still has no salary for he has an unlimited supply of credits. The second in command of the NBHG is the Underlord, U, who retains his old task of running the roster however also runs the medal board now and processes new recruits, the Underlord earns 5,000,000 ICs per month. The Tactician, TACT, is in charge of missions and approving/running games and/or disputes. The Tactician is also in charge of overseeing Stalker Shipyards Limited and handling tactical or security problems within the shipyards. The Tactician is 3rd in command and earns 3,500,000 per month. The Specialist, SP, is in charge of internet matters such as the WWW or IRC. The Specialist maintains the webpage for hte BHG and the IRC channel aswell as runs things such as web hunts, the Specialist earns 3,500,000 ICs per month. The Judicator, JUD, is in charge of the Kabal Authority and is responsible for its maintenance. The Judicator answers any questions the Kabal Chiefs cannot answer and sorts out any problems, the Judicator also helps out Chiefs and has the final say on all matters concerning the Kabal Authority...the Judicator earns 3,500,000 ICs per month. The Executor, X, is in charge of the Nideavoot Tsayad College on Planet Drezo. The X creates tests, grades them and answers the questions any recruit might have and is also responsible for doing the BHG Newsletter, the Executor also earns 3,500,000 ICs per month. There are three support positions to accompany the main Commission, these are the Marshal, MARL, Proctor, PR and Adjunct, AJ. The Marshal is responsible for maintaining the SSL Registry - the huge record of all SSL purchases. The Marshal also takes orders from the TACT and informs buyers of the processing of their order, the Marshal earns 1,500,000 ICs per month. The Proctor answers directly to the Judciator and will assist the JUD in matters regarding the Kabal Authority. The Proctor has no set tasks other than those which the Judicator decides to assign to him, the Proctor earns 1,500,000 ICs per month. The Adjunct answers to the Specialist and assists the SP in whichever projects the Specialist thinks the Adjunct could assist him in, the Adjunct is also in charge of MB Credits and earns 1,500,000 ICs per month.
Position | Name |
Dark Prince | Trench |
Underlord | Tad Taliesin |
Tactician | 376hab |
Specialist | Lord Oxxider |
Judicator | Ehart Dak `wind |
Executor | Trisix "Angelseed" Fallen |
Marshal | None |
Proctor | Zsinj |
Adjunct | ChaBaol |
The Commission at the time of writing
The Kabals
The majority of the Guld is contained within the group known as the Kabal Authority. A Kabal is a group of Hunters tightly bound together by a common goal, and this goal is to be the greatest Kabal in the Guild. The Kabal Authority Games begin on the 1st of every month and run for the duration of the month, the idea othe Kabals is that people participate and they gain points for their Kabal in order to achieve the position of the top Kabal in the Guild. All Kabals are run by a Chief (CH) who is responsible for everything that happens in his/her Kabal - this includes AWOL checks, web sites and organising the Kabal for KAGs. The Kabals also have a CRA, the Chief's Right Arm who is second in command of a Kabal and serves as his assistant, the Chief gets a salary of 500,000 ICs a month and the CRA gets 250,000 ICs per month.
Stalker Shipyards Ltd. (and Kahn Industrial Weaponry)
The greatest achivement in the history of the Guild has to be Stalker Shipyards. It is a massive project of collossal proportion, uniqueness and potential. The shipyards have brought many new members to the Guild and have constantly been a key area of the Bounty Hunter's Guild even from the original Bounty Hunter's Guild way back 6 years ago. The effort placed into the current automated Stalker Shipyards is huge and the creators should be congratulated greatly for their efforts for it truely has brought a new torch to the EH and a new form of activity through the introduction of something truely different from what is offered everywhere else in the Emperor's Hammer.
The Shipyards are headed by the Marshal, to whom Hunters can place their orders for various ships and tems so long as they are in stock and the member has enough credits. The system works so that you gain Credits to determin your rank, then as you buy things from the SSL this is deducted from your earnt Credits - however it does NOT deduct from the rank thus ensuring people remain at their rank despite what they buy. The Shipyard also allows for 'trade-ins' which means you can give something in to get credits back. The idea also is used as an incentive for new Trainee (-T)s to get active by enforcing that you cannot enter a Kabal until you have purchased a ship (therefore participated in an event).
Thus we come to the end of the History of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, the Guild has a rich and interesting history, it is full of highs and lows and is always changing. The initial Guild was somewhat unstable with a very varying structure until 'The Guild' was formed which was essentially the heart of the modern Bounty Hunter's Guild from which only minor changes have occurred. As one of the original groups of the Emperor's Hammer is has prospered far beyond its predicted levels over the years to become one of the most varied groups in the history of the organization. But it is not just the group, or the leaders that make the group it is the members for they are truly 'the group', so members of the Bounty Hunter's Guild remember what you have read here and I hope it assists you to avoid making the same faults as those before you may have done. As the old saying goes "Only though conquering ourself can we overcome our enemy" and that is true here, for before we can make new approaches to the development of the group we must understand what already has happened to it before.