Alexandre Morgan

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 08:00, 12 June 2023 by Ossusplayz (talk | contribs) (Added references to Cam, and references as to where one could read more details.)

Alexandre "ossus" Morgan is currently assigned to Rho Squadron, stationed on the ISDII Warrior. He is currently the Squadron Commander, along with serving as the Command Attaché to the Recon Office.


Early Life

Morgan was born on Naboo during 1 ABY to Alachor and Apari Morgan, their only child and sole inheritor of the wealth and legacy of the House of Morgan. His privileges were many, and he enjoyed the benefits of his family's fortune.

As a child he studied privately, his family hiring private tutors. These instructors taught him many subjects, from literature and biology to politics and swordsmanship. He mastered every topic presented to him quickly, especially piloting. Morgan developed a particularly close relationship with one particular tutor named Balain, who eventually became his sole instructor per Morgan's request. Balain took special enjoyment in Morgan's interest in piloting, and eventually him gifted an Imperial simulation pod and a TIE pilot helmet, with which he honed his talent.

The House of Morgan

The House of Morgan is an ancient family dating back to the beginning of complex human civilization on Naboo, with its wealth originating from asserting control over hyperspace routes, newly forged by explorers hired by the House. By pressing tolls on ships entering exiting the forged hyperspace lanes, the House's ancestors amassed a huge fortune, which was passed down from generation to generation, still growing as the family maintained their influence in the exploring economic ecosystem.

The members of the family traditionally have names starting with the letter 'aurek,' often making their initials an 'aurek' and a 'mern.' Members of the family have held assorted levels of power in politics for many generations, with many members being involved in local, planetary, sector, and even galactic government. The rise of the Empire proved another opportunity to gain wealth and prestige by cooperating with the new regime. The House contracted out many of its explorers to forge new hyperlanes for the exclusive use of the Empire, and was well compensated for its efforts.

When the Empire began to collapse with the death of the Emperor, the House harbored Imperial Intelligence officers in their estate, turning their mansion into a secret Imperial base of operations, defying the Naboo government's acceptance of the New Republic. The Intelligence agents staged operations out of the estate, with Alachor's collaboration and the family's funding. At the time, Morgan, due to his age, didn't fully grasp the consequences and implications of harboring active Imperial agents on a New Republic controlled planet, but just regarded the officers as another entity in the mansion. As the officers mostly stayed hidden in their area of the house, it wasn't hard to selectively forget them.


When he was 21, Morgan met and fell in love with Alexis Cusgate, a beautiful girl of his same age from another prominent Naboo family. They became engaged shortly after, and their daughter, Ava Morgan, was born the following year, 23 ABY. The bliss, however, did not last long. During 24 ABY, while Morgan was offworld, his parents and family were killed in a New Republic attack on the Morgan's estate. The Republic had uncovered the Imperial agents and were targeting them, but the attack not only killed the hiding officers but also the Morgans. This galvanized Morgan's anti-Rebel sentiments. He scoured the remains of his house, looking for anything that could provide him with a direction, or a new purpose. He eventually found a a message from one of the officers alongside a holo-map pointing him in the direction of the Emperor's Hammer. The message was recorded right before the attack, the officer desperate to complete his personal goal of getting Morgan into an active group to help the fight against the New Republic. The map proved outdated, however, and Morgan spent years searching after the intentionally elusive battlegroup. When he finally traced and encountered the group in 29 ABY, he declared his intent to join and fly for the Empire.

TIE Corps

Initially stationed aboard the SSD Avenger as a cadet, Morgan quickly finished re-training and became Rho Eight aboard the ISDII Warrior. He quickly proved himself, scoring kill after kill in engagement after engagement, earning himself countless medals, including the Commendation of Bravery. During a rearrangement of Rho, Morgan briefly became Rho 2. Shortly before the Imperial Storm wargames, Morgan was promoted to a Flight Leader position as Rho 5, commanding the very flight he began in, having proven his ability to fly and lead by example. Shortly before the Warrior's triumphant victory in the wargames, he was promoted to Rho's Executive Officer position.

While contributing to Rho Squadron's massive victory in the inter-fleet Chalquila Cup, flying beside other members of the squadron and sweeping the competition with a 13-1 victory, and while the Imperial Storm storm wargames waged on, Morgan found CAM-9 while inspecting a derelict freighter on a routine recon mission. Cam, as he began to call them, was a highly sophisticated droid, with complex personality, immense skill sets, and the unique ability to adapt their appearance using holographic emitters that create tangible and identical mimics of real or fictional people. Nobody knows what Cam as a droid looks like, because they are always wearing someone's appearance. They often use this skill to pull humorous pranks: several crewmates or pilots aboard the ISDII Warrior have been ambushed by surprise inspections from General Frown just to learn after the fact that Frown was in fact off on vacation and that they had been pranked by Cam.

After Imperial Storm, Morgan took a ten-day leave to go with his new friend CAM-9 and reassure himself of the facts of his family's death, quashing uncertainty prompted by a remark from an Intel officer. He discovered that the Imperial officers had in fact intentionally exploded the house to destroy evidence and themselves, preventing the approaching Rebels from capturing anything. By doing this, they also killed the Morgans. This, obviously, caused immense turmoil in Morgan. He had based his life off of vengeance against a partial lie, and was confused about what was the proper course of action.

Morgan did decide to return to the EH at the end of his leave, reasoning that the EH was not the Empire, and the entirety of the Empire cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few officers. He let his hate mellow, even naming the new ship he acquired upon returning to the TIE Corps (as Rho Squadron had switched from TIE Interceptors to Avengers due to its success in Squadron ReMobilization) 'Skira Naasad,' a phrase taught to him by Balain. In Mandalorian, it meant 'Vengeance Sated.' These events were covered in full in Morgan's first autobiographical narrative, The Chronicles Of Morgan (see below).

During the events of Raise the Flag of 30 ABY, Morgan and Cam had another misadventure, culminating in being chased through subterranean city tunnels by a massive screaming insect beast (found in the contents of Morgan's second narrative, The Chronicles of Morgan: The Return of the Ishtari). With the enemy race of the Ishtari posing a threat, the two were separated more often, as Morgan's duties had him in a cockpit more often than not, and Cam's behind a desk helping out the war effort on the logistical and administrative side. Their friendship was not neglected, however, as the two routinely took whatever time they could have together and made the most of the brief escape from the war, of the opportunities to relax and goof off, pranking pilots left and right.

Right before the end of 30 ABY, Morgan joined the Emperor's Hammer Recon Office as an Assistant, eager to find new ways to support the TIE Corps and the Emperor's Hammer while outside the cockpit. Shortly after, in the second month of 31 ABY, Morgan became Rho Squadron's commander, continuing the large legacy left to him. Continuing his assumption of increased duties, he became the Command Attaché to the Recon Officer, further supporting the TIE Corps' expansion efforts and recruitment. This sudden burst of position gaining caused his efforts to double down, focusing on both supporting the pilots under his command and creating the best squadron and the outreach of the Emperor's Hammer and the TIE Corps to local systems, recruiting and bolstering the healthiness of the entirety of the Corps.

Created Works

Morgan, in an attempt to catalogue his emotions and relationship with his past, began to write down his stories, his adventures and misadventures and thoughts and worries, as well as composed Rho Squadron's official anthem. Below is a list of his long-form works, and the titles he assigned.

[The Morgan Chronicles]
[The Morgan Chronicles: Return of the Ishtari]

In addition, he has several other shorter-form fictions he written, which follow below. Some are autobiographical, and some are not.

[Respite Interrupted]
[The Trenches of the Sky]

And finally, the music he composed, the Rho Anthem. This work was in partnership with Westric Davalorn, also of Rho Squadron.