EH:General Campaign Medal

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 19:23, 25 October 2023 by Roberthogan (talk | contribs) (Added nonuniform ribbon for the Assurian Halo campaign medal/clasp.)

The General Campaign Medal (GCM) is a campaign medal of the Emperor's Hammer. It is awarded to members who participate in certain named Campaigns as designated by the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer.


The General Campaign Medal is awarded to all Emperor's Hammer members who participate in approved named Campaigns. The base medal is issued with a unique ribbon and clasp to represent the Campaign for which the medal was awarded.

The current list of approved Campaigns and GCM clasps can be viewed at

Award Authority

The General Campaign Medal is awarded administratively through the Campaign Management interface by an authorized officer; it is not recommended and processed through the approval queue like most other awards. The approval authority for award of the GCM is a Subgroup Commander. This authority may be further delegated to a member of the respective subgroup command staff.

The approval authority for the establishment of an Emperor's Hammer Campaign is the Fleet Commander or Executive Officer.

Additional Notes

Awards of the General Campaign Medal are displayed on member personnel records (web site profiles) only. The award is not displayed on the uniform.


General Campaign Medal - Assurian Halo