
From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 22:35, 8 February 2025 by EH Andrew (talk | contribs) (Updated photo, intro section)

Juggernaut Andrew is a House Member of House Palpatine in the Secret Order. He also serves as the Magistrate to the Master-at-Arms. Andrew holds the title of Vendetta Champion.

"Only through control can order be restored, only through power can peace endure."

Early Life

Andrew joined the Emperor's Hammer as a mere child into the society known then as the Dark Brotherhood. Its members fostered his growth and strengthened his connection to the Force, but he wasn't mature enough to truly advance in the Dark Side, so he chose to leave and pursue his service to the Empire in other ways.

Andrew was originally led to a small Imperial-funded university back on his home planet of Kalee. During his time there he studied mechanical engineering and took additional courses in starfighter technology. He was always fascinated with how machines work and knew that with an intrinsic understanding of mechanical systems, he could use the Force to more readily manipulate them to his advantage.

During his course of study, practical experience was a cornerstone of the curriculum, and students were assigned to a new facility every six months. This strengthened the topics they learned in class and served as inexpensive labor to the businesses. By the time he had graduated, Andrew had worked in eight different technical roles throughout the materials manufacturing and defense industries.

The Secret Order

Return to the Order

After spending some time in industry, Andrew began to see the corruption and greed that plagued his planet first-hand. Not only that, but it seemed to affect all of those who visited from far away lands as well, if not worse. He began to recognize the galaxy would be on a path to self-destruction without the order and control imposed upon it by the Empire. While not needlessly cruel, he saw strict governance as a necessity, valuing structure over individual freedoms.

By the year 34 ABY, Andrew made the decision to bring his extensive educational background and evolving views on the chaotic nature of the galaxy to the Secret Order. He saw the Order as a means to apply his technical expertise toward a greater good, and his since felt an undeniable spark in his connection to the Dark Side.

Magistrate: Master-at-Arms

In early 34 ABY, Andrew was selected to become the Magistrate to the Master-at-Arms. This position was opened to help lighten the load of the growing office of the MAA.


The Path to Knighthood: Part I Posted Jan. 29, 2025

Operation Phantom Shadow Part II Posted Nov. 27, 2024

The Pursuit of the Shard of Nihilus Posted Nov. 24, 2024

Operation Phantom Shadow Posted Nov. 5, 2024

Training Saber Construction Posted Sep. 16, 2024

Career Standings

Secret Order

start date rank/position time held
02/03/2025 Magistrate to the MAA current
11/06/2024 Juggernaut 2 months, 28 days
09/01/2024 Marauder 2 months, 5 days
07/26/2005 Rouges 18+ years