Tau Squadron

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The history of Tau Squadron

In the beginning...

Originally, Tau Squadron was a part of the Imperial Navy, and not the Hammer specifically. Its pilots were incorporated into the Emperor’s Hammer (Newsletter 2), and Tau was disbanded as a separate fighter squadron.
It was later resurrected (Newsletter 15) and deployed on the SSD Avenger. GN Murtha (DK LRD VDR) was appointed as its first Commander. General Exar (Vader 96) was its first flight member.
By Newsletter 16, GN Murtha had been replaced as Squadron Commander by General Paladin (Mstr Jdi). Trainee Stone (Q tip 22), later to be recognized as General, also joined the squadron at this time. However, due to the small number of recruits assigned to Tau, it has remained officially inactive.
With Newsletter 20, Kreeayt Havok BG Havok (Gen Havok) assumed command. The squadrons new home was aboard the INT Harpax II. A sweeping restructuring of the Emperor’s Hammer Fleet on 25 July, 1995 necessitated, once again, the relocation of Tau. The squadron was placed aboard the ISD Colossus, and GN Melan Pyr (formerly FLT LDR of Pi-2) succeeded the recently promoted Brigadier General Havok, as the new commander of Tau Squadron.
By late August of 1995, the Grand Admiral, the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, and the Dark Council decided that Tau should be moved once again. This time it was relocated aboard the Dark Brotherhood's Dungeon Ship Lichtor V, thus making Tau the de facto combat arm of the DB.
On 9/1/95, CMDR Melan Pyr was promoted to Commodore of the DGN Lichtor V, and LG Sths Tor, Commander of Lambda Squadron was chosen to be Tau's new commander. CMDR Sths Tor was favored for this position due to his rank of Master within the Dark Brotherhood. These moves further solidified the link between Tau and the DB.

Tau and the A-9

A close association between Tau Squadron and the Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi, had been rumored for sometime. Tau was to be the first squadron to get the proposed A-9 Vigilance Interceptor, the first custom built fighter used by the EH. On 8/1/95, the Fleet Commander ordered the delivery of the A-9 prototypes to the squadron for testing. CMDR BG Melan Pyr reported to the FC :"I have tried out the A-9. It's working fine. With lasers off, its closing speed is just under 200, which IS quite fast. It should serve well as a light interceptor" The final improved version was delivered to Tau a few days later. The A-9 was given to Tau since its members are usually Dark Jedi as well. The A-9 allows a Jedi to use the Force in combat.

Elite Status

After Melan Pyr left the Squadron, it became one of the least active Squadrons in the fleet. Most pilots thought (and think) of Tau as a weak Squadron, flying old, unshielded craft. A while ago (end 1995, begin 1996) Crona was promoted to the COM position of the Lichtor V.
Melan Pyr, who was(is) the FO at that time, changed the status of Tau Squadron to Elite, which meant that only active Dark Brotherhood pilots may enter the Squadron. The inactive pilots were transferred out, and new, active pilots were placed in on their request (Pyr and Crona began asking pilots to join Tau).
Deathwatch entered the squadron when he requested the Tau Squadron Commander position. Crona and Pyr wanted Deathwatch to make the Squadron truly elite, and the most active squadron in the fleet. Crona left the Lichtor V after 2 weeks when Deathwatch joined Tau, and MG Murtha became the new COM. After a short period, Deathwatch had contacted all of his pilots, and began to get them active. Most pilots, such as Curraalt, were very active, and were keeping the Squadron active. Deathwatch also started a contest between the other elite squadron, Omega, and Tau. (Omega lost when they didn't get any TFRs)
He changed the nickname of Tau to Dark Avengers and changed the flight names:

  • Flight 1: Demon Knights
  • Flight 2: Death Bringers
  • Flight 3: Black Death

He requested the Squadron to name their A9, just to show what bond exists between the ship and pilot. "You know that the ship is one of the thing a pilot must trust, so why not give it a name" Deathwatch said to Melan Pyr. Deathwatch also recruited the Squadron Commander of Theta Squadron, because he wanted to be in an active Squadron, so he didn't mind to be a Flight Member again.
The whole Squadron got an envoyship ranking from the Grand Master. Tau keeps getting flooded by requests of pilots to join when a position opens up. The squadron has started a mailing list. Mailing lists get around 100 to 300 mails per day. Tau takes on several other EH squadrons, and takes a CompuServe Squadron on, and wins all contests.
In March of 1996, Deathwatch was promoted to COM of the Lichtor V. Curraalt was promoted to Tau Squadron Commander.

End of the old Tau

A lot of transfers in Tau at this time. Tau has no problem getting new pilots, though. Tau Squadron was purged not long after Fleet Admiral Crona was executed. After some rough cantina fights and some problems with higher officers, a lot of the Tau pilots, including Deathwatch, left the EH.

Deathwatch had a second squadron which he was taking to elite status, Rage. After Tau was purged, all Rage pilots were transferred to Tau.

Beginning of a NEW Tau

The former Rage Squadron Commander, Kaerner, took command of Tau after it was reactivated. CMDR Kaerner started recruiting a whole new crew of elite pilots. With the transfer to Tau, it also became the new envoy squadron of the Dark Brotherhood.

The former notorious active mailinglist was reactivated and instantly became very active with nearly 100 emails a day! Alot of people disbelived in this new Tau, and said that the squadron was not really elite. After winning the global IWATS Fleet Competition with over 20,000 points ahead of the EH CO's, these voices suddenly became quiet. Tau was back where it belongs, as #1.

Golden Age

Over the next 6 years Tau's reputation grew notoriously under the now General Kaerner. The squadron racked many victories against other squadrons, as well as turning the tide of entire operations (Imperial Shield/Storm Operations). As a gift for their achievements, the Grand Master gave the squadron it's own ship, the M/CRV Tripidium.

Even during lulls of activity there was always a handful of pilots wreaking havoc in WoW or EH multiplayer nights, retaining the Tau tradition. It was also during this time that Lieutenant Reinthaler introduced Lt. Commander Abbey Danger as the squadron's Nurse/Morale Officer during the release of a new squadron website. The image Tau had once again set the mark.

At the height of Tau's activity during the winter of 2002 the squadron was totaling over 100 Legion of Combats a week. Tau's popularity had grown so much that the Avenger Task Force eagerly opened its arms to the squadron, ending the somewhat isolated position Tau had as the "bastard child" of the Brotherhood and TIE Corps.

End of the new Tau

In the Spring of 2003 it seemed as if Tau was unstoppable. The name was spoke with fear and honor among the other battlegroups...

During the Brotherhood's Great Jedi War a dispute arrupted between the DB's leadership and EHXO Astatine. As a result from these events a huge chunk of the Brotherhood split from the EH's control. Due to strong ties to both sides, many Tau pilots chose to take a break and retire, including General Kaerner and Colonel's Reinthaler and Hades.

The remains of Tau were held together by Major Adren Silvori. Under his command Tau was once again divided into SP and MP Flights and stringent minimal activity standards were held. For six months new pilots came and went within the squadron, never achieving any great historical victories, however Silvori's command was marked with consistancy and dedication.

Revival of Honor

Due to personal issues Major Silvori had to step down as commander. An already weakened Tau was in desperate need of leadership. In October of 2003, after speaking with Grand Master Rapier, General Kaerner returned to command the squadron. With him, many of the former pilots returned to Tau, and vowed to bring forth an age dedicated to the Revival of Tau's Honor.

In Janurary 2004, the squadron was once again making a name for itself. After leading the EH in both XvT and XWA WoWs the Combat Operations Officer named Tau the First Multiplayer Squadron of the Month. On top of that, Colonel Von Reinthaler was promoted to General (the first ever FL/GN in EH History) and was named the first COO MP Pilot of the Month. The squadron had also recieved its 5th EH Site of the Week, largely due to the ever-so-lovely Captain Abbey Danger.

In the following months Commander Rax Von-Klug went on to win pilot of the month three consecutive times (Jan 04-Mar 04) largely due to his outstanding victories in XvT WoW. In the summer months (Jul 04-Aug 04) Tau continued to demonstrate its superiority by being directly responsible for the EH's taking 2nd and then 1st place in XvT WoW (never done before) respectively. Captain Tek placed 1st in both months, the second by a margin of almost 10 points. This was a feat unheard of in the EH. Both pilots were promoted for their outstanding efforts.

Squadron Commanders

# CMDR Took office Left office Time in office Location Promotion
1 Murtha NL15 NL16 - SSD Avenger General
2 Paladin NL16 NL18 - SSD Avenger Brigadier General
3 Kreeayt Havok NL19 NL21 - M/INT Harpax II Lieutenant General
4 Melan Pyr NL22 NL23 - ISD Colossus General


Originally compiled by CMDR/Melan Pyr/Tau-1/ISD Col and COM/RA Deathwatch [SW]/DGN Lichtor V
Appeared in Dark Voice V 4/1/96
Updated by CMDR/General Kaerner
Additions by FL/General Von Reinthaler