Squadron Commander (IW)

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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Squadron Commander is the key command position in the Infiltrator Wing; the quality of the whole club rises and falls with its CMDRs
as the Commander is the link from the administrative Flag and Command Staff Positions to the backbone of the Fleet, the Flight Leaders and Flight Members.
Squadron Commander is a position not to be taken lightly.
It is demanding and can be frustrating at times. A Commander cannot be allowed to get lazy about his duties, as too many people depend on him directly.

Important duties of a Commander are:
- maintaining an up-to-date roster of his Squadron
- motivating and inspiring his Flight Leaders and Flight Members to participate in the IW
- running competitions for his squadron (IWTOC approval is needed for flying competitions!)
- having an up-to-date squadron page online
- keeping in constant public and private contact with his Squadron members
- leading his members by personal example and activity
- sending out a weekly public report to his whole Wing

Minimum Rank: Commander (IW)
Maximum Rank: Brigadier (IW)
Medal Awarding Authority: IW Merit Medals up to the Exemplary Service Cross, IW Combat Medals up to the War Cross.
Promotional Authority: IW Ranks up to Major, IW Positions up to Flight Leader.

Preceded by
Infiltrator Wing Line Rank
Succeeded by
Wing Commander