Corvette Group Greed

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The three Assassin Corvettes of group Greed make up the three command ships for the Hetaeria of Validus. The three M/CRV's often travel in alternate areas of Validus, and EH Fleet Space, raiding any others to obtain what they desire. Each group is built up of Modified Corvettes Greed One, Greed Two and Greed Three.

Obtaining the M/CRV Greed

Upon the apointment of Blade to the Dux of Validus Grand Master Czulvang saw it fit to also grant a gift of his blessing to the Validus Hetaeria. He moved the Assassin Corvette Group 'Greed' to support the Validus in their future with the Dark Brotherhood. With no objections to the gift, Blade departed from Eos with her new M/CRV group under her command. After the crowning of the three Pirate Lords of Validus, the group of Assassin Corvettes was divided three ways between the three lords, where they could split apart and venture to explore the Pyrath System as they pleased. Each of the Assassin Corvettes are equipped stock with one flight of the Hetaeria's fighter squadron, Zero Squadron. Each flight consist of four TIE Advanced star fighters which like the Assassin Corvettes, have been custom painted to the liking of the pilots. The full squadron is usually only deployed in cases of emergency as a flight alone is more than most enemies can handle.

When in a matter of Brotherhood or Hetaeria importance arises, the command of the group returns to the Dux and Vicarius. Each of the Greeds is capable of carrying 80 personell, usually divided up between crew, pilots, officers, security, and droids. Each Greed has its own Captain, though the Pirate Lord upon the ship may take the wheel at any time they choose. With the nature of Validus operations, the three Corvettes have been more tuned towards what would be needed in a pirate ship. Speed, Power, and Element of Suprise. Each ship has heavily modified engines that help propell the ship faster than the ordinary Corvette, and is also equiped with more cannons and torpedo launchers. Given the size of the Greeds 1, 2, and 3, the Validus can quickly enter a section of space to pick off their prey, and not being to bulky to escape back into the nothing from which they came if the need arise.

Greed Staff Positions

-(Ship Command)-

x1 Pirate Lord x1 Ship Captain


x2 Knight of Validus x1 Security Officer x5 Security Staff


x1 Communications Officer x3 Communications Staff x2 Protocol Droid x1 Intelligence Officer x4 Intelligence Staff x2 Tactical Officer x5 Tactical Staff x2 Navigational Officer


x1 Chief Engineer x2 Engineer x5 Engineering Staff x4 Astromech Droid x3 Power Droid


x1 Ship Doctor x3 Ship Medical Staff x2 Field Medical Staff x4 Medical Droid


x1 Flight Leader or Squadron Commander x4 Pilots x2 Battle Team Commander x12 Infantry or Pirates x6 Ship Gunners

You will notice that the staff serving upon any of the Greeds is divided up into six different sections of duty. These being Ship Command, Security, Operations, Medical and Combat. Each of these sections plays a vital role to the ship, and without them around to help maintain and defend the vessel, the ship would become useless in a matter of days. A majority of the positions allow shift changes, others are 'On-Call' jobs aboard the ship making their job a 'round the clock duty on the vessel.

Ship Layout


The bridge is located at the very front of the Assassin Corvette and is shaped like a hammer head. It is here that the Greed Command staff is located, as well as some of the Greed Operations staff. Most always present on the bridge is the Pirate Lord, and the Captain of the ship these are the two minds that lead the vessel when not under direct control of the Dux and Vicarius. On the bridge nearly as much as the Ship Captain is the entire Communications staff with a protocol droid to assist, one Security staff member, a Tactical Officer, and Navigational Officer, are most always at work here to keep the operations of their respective fields at a exquisite level.

-(Deck One)-

Deck One is starts at the beginning of the 'neck' of the Assassin Corvette and stops midway into it. On deck one you will find the offices of the Ship Captain, Ship Tactical Officer, Ship Security, Ship Intelligence, Flight Leader or Squadron Commander, and both Battle Team Commanders. In addition to this you will find the Restrooms, Kitchen, Dining Room and a small Officer's Lounge. The combination of rooms lines the straight hallway which leads from the the bridge and and stops at the blast door leading to deck two. Also in deck one, there are three Gunnery Bays where the Turbo Lasers may be manually controlled.

-(Deck Two)-

Deck Two is the most liveliest part of the ship because most of the crew aboard the ship works and lives here. On deck two you will find the Ship Hangar, Staff Bunks, Medical Bay and Droid Maintenance areas. The Ship Doctor's office, Chief Engineer Office, two briefing rooms, It is also here that the Ships Armory, a small crew bar, and Restrooms are located as well. Deck two begins at the blast door connecting it to deck one, and ends at the blast door leading the the engine bay. Also in deck two, there are three Gunnery Bays where the Turbo Lasers may be manually controlled.

-(Engine Bay)-

The engine bay is the hear beat of any of the ships, without the engines the ship would be lifeless and useless. The Engine Bay not only holds the internal mechanics of the engines, but also four Escape Pod Ports, where VIP could evacuate the ship, and the 'Warhead Room' since the the single warhead launcher is located near the engines.

Ship Statistics

Manufacturing Information

[Manufacturer] Corellian Engineering Corporation [Model] CR90-M/CRV [Class] Corvette

Technical Information

-(Length)- 139.25 Meters -(Width)- 58.95 Meters -(Height/Depth)- 16.97 Meters -(Hull)- 224 RU -(Armaments)- Duel Turbolaser Turrets(6), Warhead Launcher(1), Concussion Missles(10) -Standard Load- -(Crew)- 60-150 Depending on modifications