New pilot resources

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Club Tips

Managing TIE Corps E-mail

We highly recommend setting up rules or filters to move the messages you receive from the TIE Corps to labels or folders. This will help keep the mailing list and database e-mails from completely taking over your Inbox.

Instructions for Gmail:

  1. Gear icon in the top-right gets you to Quick Settings, click on “See all settings”
  2. The settings are grouped into tabs, one of them is “Filters and Blocked Addresses”
  3. If you don’t have any filters already, you probably won’t have to scroll down to “Create a new filter”
  4. Creating a new filter prompts you first for what to look for, which for all of these is a From where you’ll plug in an email address. This filter will do what you’ll tell it to do anytime you receive a message from that email address.
  5. Once you’ve entered the From address, click “Create filter” at the bottom
  6. You’ll get a bunch of options of what to do with messages from that address you specified. “Skip the Inbox” is one you want so that the message doesn’t appear in the Inbox as well. “Apply the label” is another one you want to give the message a label to go to. Labels are basically folders in Gmail, you’ll see your list of labels in the left-hand column in the main Gmail window. There’s a “Choose label” dropdown where you can pick an existing label or create a new one. “Never send it to spam” is another good one in case Gmail might otherwise have thought it was spam. “Never mark it as important” is the last one I choose because I don’t care about Gmail’s “importance” flagging. The last checkbox is “Also apply filter to X missing conversations” is also a good one to toggle if there are some messages you’ve already received from that email address you’d like to move out of your Inbox and into your new label.
  7. With those set, you can click on the “Create filter” button and then your new filter is live

One exception to the above: The mailing list filter works best with “Has the words list:(<>)“ instead of using the From field.

Converting Screenshot Format for Submission

Screenshots submitted for match credit (PvP/PvE) must be submitted in PNG, JPG/JPEG, or GIF formats. The native TIE/XvT/XWA screenshot functionality takes screenshots in BMP that should be converted.

  • File Converter; shows up as an option in right click on file. Select multiple, convert to png, job done.
  • You can also use Greenshot. As their website states: "Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer; Easily annotate, highlight or obfuscate parts of the screenshot; Export the screenshot in various ways: save to file, send to printer, copy to clipboard, attach to e-mail, send Office programs or upload to photo sites like Flickr or Picasa, and others."

Common Acronyms

A guide to common acronyms is available.

Technical Tips (Game Platforms)

TIE Corps ZIP Installation Guide

The TIE Corps Zip Installation Guide provides information on how to manually copy custom SP missions and play them.

Ports and Protocols

For pilots consistently experiencing problems connecting to multiplayer games in X-Wing Alliance and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, forwarding the following ports may help.

  • TCP 2300-2400
  • UDP 2300-2400
  • TCP 47624
  • UDP 6073
  • Gameranger: UDP 16000

XWA - Alternative DDraw.dll

An alternative DDraw.dll for XWAcan be found at

XWA - HOSAS and Joystick Gremlin

About external remapping on XWA (though you don't have to complicate too much on this regard, be efficient and remember most of the time you'll just be shooting).

XWA - XWAUP/Mods Graphics Issues

XWAUP forums thread on common issues. Check it first (it is a long thread, be warned!) if experiencing issues.

XvT - Mouse to Joystick

There's a new version of the mouse to joystick program that uses vjoy joystick driver:

Update @08/07/2020: This creates a virtual joystick whose input comes from the mouse. So far, if you add input from other devices, mouse input "dissapears". Will continue testing.

Star Wars: Squadrons - Playing on Windows 7

Star Wars: Squadrons - Thrustmaster TPR Axis Fix