Isabis Kamaria

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Isabis Kamaria is currently assigned to Rho Squadron, stationed on the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer Warrior. She is currently the Flight Leader of Flight III.


Early Life[edit]

Isabis is the eldest of four children. She has three brothers. Vizzan and the twins, Robi and Tal. Her parents are former Imperial military, both incarcerated by the New Republic for war crimes. She has various other relatives scattered across the known galaxy, but the fall of the Empire shattered the family both corporeally and ideologically.

After the founding of the New Republic, the previously quiet Outer Rim world her parents were garrisoned on became a target for liberation. With the help of an outlaw who was being held for trial, her mother and another officer managed to evacuate Isabis, her brothers, and several other children of garrisoned officers safely off-world. Isabis has not seen or heard from her parents since that night. These children eventually ended up in refugee camps on Bakura where they quickly learned to do whatever was necessary to survive.


Having lived in relative poverty since arriving on Bakura, Isabis and her brother, Vizzan, worked a wide variety of simple jobs as children and young teens in order to keep the family fed and sheltered. However, when Vizzan cut all ties and changed his name to join the New Republic military, Isabis found her income alone wasn’t enough to provide for her and the twins. She reconnected with the outlaw that helped them get to Bakura in the first place and began taking on more lucrative and distinctly illegal work. It was good money. Enough that she eventually had the resources to get the twins off Bakura permanently.