Flight Leader (IW)

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A Flight Leader's insignia

A Flight Leader assists his Commander in his duties and keeps contact with his Flight Members.
Although having no administrative power (i.e. promotion or medal awarding authority), Flight Leaders are an important factor in a Squadron's activity.
The Flight Leader of Flight 2 (i.e. FL 2-1) is normally the Squadron's Executive Officer although some Commanders have their XO's as FL 3-1.
The XO is usually the senior one of the two Flight Leaders will always take over command of the Squadron as A-CMDR when the Commander is away on leave.
During this time, his promotion and medal awarding authority is not the same of the CMDR. If he wishes promotions or medals to be awarded then he must ask his Wing Commander to request them for him.

The main duties of a Flight Leader are:
- maintaining constant contact with his Flight Members
- participating in competitions
- sending a weekly report to his Flight and his CMDR

Minimum Rank: First Lieutenant (IW)
Maximum Rank: Lieutenant Colonel (IW)
Medal Awarding Authority: None
Promotional Authority: None

Preceded by
Flight Member
Infiltrator Wing Line Rank
Succeeded by
Squadron Commander