Star Conflict

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
Revision as of 14:47, 18 March 2014 by Plif (talk | contribs) (Added 24/7 LoC section)









Combat Recon


Beacon Hunt


Submitting Screenshots for 24/7 LoCs

When submitting a screenshots for Star Citizen, there are a few guidelines:

  • The number of kills must be always '1' for all winning team members and '0' for those on the losing team.
  • Each EH pilot on the winning side must have at least one kill. If a winning EH pilot does not have a kill according to the screenshot, enter them as having '0' kills on the form. This supersedes the rule about entering a '1' for all winning team members.
  • Don't submit a screenshot for a 24/7 LoC that you will be using as a competition submission. You'll receive the LoC for that screenshot as part of the resolution of the competition.
  • When flying with a group, it's a good idea for everyone to take the screenshot but have one person say that they'll submit the screenshot to the database. In case that person ends up not being able to submit the screenshot, another pilot should still have their own copy to submit.