With the Back Against the Wall

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"With the Back Against the Wall"

By CPT Deacan

Aboard the Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer "Sovereign" Wing Commander Gallows sat in his office, staring at a newly arrived order from Commodore Kramer. He couldn't believe what he'd just read. Rereading the message in the dim gleam from his antique lamp, Gallows leaned back while taking a deep breath. He looked out of the window. The black space with the millions of bright dots always calmed him.

Kappa Squadron was flying back to the Sovereign from an escort mission. Deacan always enjoyed looking at the Sovereign. It was massive, 15 km long, it lit up in space like millions and millions of small beacons. It was unbelievable to look at even though he'd seen the Sovereign hundreds of times before. They prepared to dock doing the usual radio communications and password clarification.

Gallows picked up his pet scorpion, which he had named "Redeemer." Looking at it always reminded him of the Empire's current state opposing to the New Republic. With the back to the wall a scorpion always fought to the death, like the Emperor's Hammer.

Gallows knew that he might not live for long anymore and that he would have his back against the wall in the upcoming campaign. He put Redeemer back in his cage.

Gallows turned on his computer and logged on to the Imperial holonet and shortly afterwards he sent a message to Wing II's doctor, and the squadron commanders under him. He told them to report to his office the next morning a 07:00 AM. He turned off the computer and went to bed shortly afterwards although he could feel the adrenaline starting to flow through his body with all the rest of the pre-combat jitters any pilot gets.

Inkwolf, the Wing II doctor, had been busy with sorting out and storing the new medical supplies she had received. She knew this wasn't supposed to happen at this time of the month and a feeling that something big was up made her skin creep. Her data-pad made a loud beep, and Inkwolf went to it to check the e-mail. An icon was blinking on the screen indicating that she had e-mail. As soon as she saw the order to report to wing commander Gallows' office the next morning she knew that her hunch was confirmed. She slept uneasily that night tossing forward and back. The thoughts went through her mind all night "It might be nothing. Yeah it was just a coincidence that they had received an extensive medical supply" and the fact that she had orders to report to Gallows' office the next morning was properly just because she'd done something like offending a superior officer again. Inkwolf couldn't shake the thought even though she had an overshadowing, and creeping feeling telling her the next few days were going to be hell.

Deacan prepared to land his missile boat in the Wing II hangar bay. The familiar jolt when the runway-hocks grabbed the craft felt assuring. Soon after he could exit the cockpit and join the rest of the squadron on the flight deck. The sweat tickled down his face, hitting his flight gear. He though "Mann do I need a bath, I don't think that little sweet thing up in the Combat Operations Office would find me too attractive looking like this." But the CM Hawkins broke Deacan's daydreaming brutally by ordering him to follow the new additions to the squadron, to Kappa's quarters as they didn't know the Sovereign well enough yet, and would probably get lost while trying to find their way.

Deacan wondered what Hawkins was up to. It didn't seem like him to disappear right after a mission. Deacan frowned his eyebrows wondering. All he saw was Hawkins turning off his data-pad looking worried and rushing off in the direction of the squadron commanders quarters.

Deacan walked through the seemingly never-ending passages to his quarters along with the rest of the squadron. They were tired after a 6-hour escort mission with hordes and hordes of pirates attacking them J .

The next morning Gallows' front office was filled with nervous officers, as it was always in important cases that all commanders were summoned to his office. Hawkins stood nervously talking to the other commanders. He didn't like not knowing what was going on. Although it was early he wasn't tired. All the signs were clear. All squadron commanders were summoned and the fact that the doctor was here, was the clearest sign of an upcoming campaign.

The Hammer had been harassing the New Republic less and less for Hawkins' taste the last few months. Now he knew why.

A young female lieutenant opened the door to Gallows' office and told them to enter. Hawkins couldn't help noticing her. She was beautiful and he though he might ask her out after the briefing. Hawkins gave her his special sweet smile and the look with his eyes with that special glance. The young lieutenant was captured by this gesture. When walking by her he quickly said hello.

Gallows sat at his desk. The only light was from the antique lamp. The gleam cast a shadow over Gallows but not a real one. It just cast enough shadow so that you were able to see him dimly.

They saluted, Gallows told them to stand at ease. He started" Gentlemen, ladies." He paused. " We've been ordered to strike deep into New Republic territories." Gallows stood up, and planted his fists on the desk while leaning forward the dim light cast a shadow over the clearly nervous officers. A holo map appeared. "Our target: The Outer Rim. A large rebel taskforce is operating in sector H254. A sector which has plenty of asteroids which makes it difficult to determine their full size and strength." Gallows walked away from the desk. Neither Hawkins nor any of the other Commanders had ever seen him this serious. Not even Inkwolf, who somehow always gets her superiors in a state of seriousness. Gallows continued while walking towards the holomap "Sector H254 is also known as Ambush Alley. You are to get your squadrons combat ready because this time it's going to be a battle to the death! We (Wing II) will be the first wave, and thereby take the hardest punches but we will have to make room for the other waves." Hawkins swallowed one time. Then he asked "Sir, what is the purpose of this campaign? I mean, if we're going to die shouldn't we at least know what it is we're going to die for, Sir?" Gallows started to think, totally ignoring his anticipating pilots. Finally he came to a decision, and replied "That's classified." He paused. "For now. I'll see to it that you'll get the relevant information you need in due time. Dismissed!" continued Gallows. Inkwolf and the commanders saluted and turned around to leve as Gallows said "Oh, Inkwolf! Could you stay for a moment?" She stayed. The Wing Commander walked up to her. Standing right in front of her he began to speak "Ink, I hope that you know the odds for Wing II. You'll be onboard the medical transport "Abandon Hope" "Why!" replied Inkwolf and she continued "I want to be with my squadron in this battle!"

Her fury was obvious to Gallows. He leaned towards Inkwolf. His massive body cast a shadow over her. "Lieutenant Commander Inkwolf! The odds are bad! Really bad! I need you onboard the medical transport so that you can attend to our wounded pilots that dock with you or those you pick up in their escape pods." Roared Gallows. Inkwolf felt tiny and frightened. She had never seen WC Gallows this upset. Inkwolf replied "Sir! yes Sir! I understand Sir! You can count on me Sir!" She saluted and walked out.

Outside Gallows' office Inkwolf took a deep breath. She was happy to be out of there. The fear was still with her. The doctor walked back to her quarters.

Hawkins opened the hatch to kappa's quarters. Deacan called out while getting up "Attention!" The pilots stood at attention. Hawkins said "At ease gentlemen. Now to our current orders, Wing II are going to be the first wave in a full-scale assault on a rebel taskforce in the sector known as Ambush Ally in the Outer Rim." Deacan smiled, Talamius joined him The two sub-lieutenants Moniax and Astarosta followed their fellow comrades nervously with a smile that quickly turned into a desperate, frightened look in their faces. After Hawkins left Deacan told Moniax and Astarosta to relax and stay cool. In his own words "Relax guys, It's gonna be ok. You'll survive."

It was hectic in the massive, multi level Wing II hanger bay. Mechanics working overtime, sparks from welting gear flying everywhere, pilots checking their crafts, rechecking, and triple checking. Transports landed with warheads, food, and medical supplies. Stormtroopers from the Hammers Fist arriving with full combat gear. Deacan and Hawkins stood and watched the Stormtroopers get off the transport. Deacan said "What are they doing here. I thought this was gonna be a Hit `n Run opreation." "Relax" said Hawkins "They are probably just routine rotation. I've never been told anything otherwise. It's a flying campaign all the way. The troopers are nothing to worry about."

Hawkins' data-pad made a loud beep. He switched it on. A message read "New orders: Take out the two Mon Calamari cruisers "Revenge" and "Dagger" but cripple the "Blockade's" shield and disable, the "Blockade" and protect assault transport group Alpha while they board and capture it." "Deacan!" yelled Hawkins.This outburst always reminded Deacan of his Danish teacher in grammar school. Deacan jumped down from his Missile Boat behind him and landed with a loud metal noise caused by his military boots. "New Orders. We're to take out two Calamari Cruisers "Revenge" and "Dagger" and disable the "Blockade." Stormtroopers from assault transport group Alpha will board and capture it." Deacan nodded with a "kill frenzy"-smile. He climbed back up and continued to mess around with some wires.

In the Kappa section of the massive hanger bay Kappa squadron were working hard with their crafts. Hawkins (the Commander of Kappa squadron) was worried. Kappa had just been assigned two Sub-Lieutenants that had just completed their basic training and flight school. He didn't doubt their abilities but they were inexperienced in real combat. He didn't care how much time they had spent in the combat simulator it was nothing compared to the real thing. They had become cockier than what was good for them by hanging around with Deacan and Talamius, but then who wouldn't.

Deacan was washing his missile boat. He washed it and polished it. "Viking" looked as good as new or at least it shined as one. Dacan helped the two new Sub-Lieutenants with preparing their missile boats for the campaign and getting them in the right fighting spirit.

The day of the attack had come and Wing II prepared to launch. Hawkins walked over to the other Squadron Commanders to wish them good luck and shake their hands because it could be the last time he saw them alive.

The tension was high. Gallows could feel it from the controlroom. Gallows knew he couldn't keep his men here for much longer. But he needed the go ahead signal from Commodore Kramer.

A lieutenant came up to Gallows and told him that Commodore Kramer was on a video-link and waited for him in his office.

Gallows sat down in front of the screen "Commodore" he said while giving him a nod. "Gallows" started Kramer with saying "It's time to launch. You'll have the Imperial-class Star Destroyers "Immortal" and "Relentless" and the medical ship "Last Hope" with the medical transport "Abandon Hope" with to support you. Good luck. Kramer out!" Thanks said Gallows sadly to the black video-link screen. He got up well aware that he was gonna need the Last Hope because that was what it was to wing II if things went wrong. Gallows grabbed the P.A. system microphone and said "Pilots! It's a glorious day for a glorious attack. Be careful and check your six! Stay alive! Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen."

Inkwolf stood and heard this with a sorrow in her heart. She entered the transport "Abandon Hope" and launched from the hangar bay to dock with medical ship "Last Hope" and hyper into battle with it.

Hawkins gave Deacan a pad on the back and told him to look out after Astarosta as he was Deacan's flight member and an inexperienced pilot. He shook hands with the rest of the squadron before ordering them to their cockpits.

The battle raged for hours. From a distance it looked beautiful, the flickering lights, explosions looked like big flashes of light in different colours. Inkwolf stood on the bridge of the medical ship and saw this. But looking at the beautiful looking battle and listening to the radio communications between the pilots she knew that this beautiful vision would only last for a while. As the "Last Hope" approached the heart of the battle Inkwolf didn't stand on the bridge any more. She was in the Hangar bay soaked in blood from stormtroopers and pilots either brought in by the medical transport or entering the hangar in their own crafts. One moment she was standing over a badly wounded trooper panicking and gasping for air while grabbing her in the collar, in a desperate attempt for help before turning lifeless and the grasp in the collar loosened. The next moment a pilot was brought out of the medical transport. An orderly cried out for a doctor. Inkwolf ran to the transport dodging blood pools, dead troopers, and wounded personnel. The pilots face was covered in blood the same was the chest. Inkwolf didn't recognise him. She thought that this looked bad while taking a short look at the open transport hatch. A large blood pool lay on the floor. The orderlies put him down. One of them told her that he had lost a lot of blood. "He saved us from a flight of x-wings, please save him" said the orderly with a begging gleam in his eyes mixed with a bit of hope. Inkwolf yelled "medical team! On the double!" She pressed her hand hard against the pilot's chest-wound. The pilot lay apparently lifeless on the cold hangar floor. His arms were spread out, the head leaned to one side with a little bit of blood coming out of the mouth. The medical team arrived. Internal bleeding and multiple fractures were detected by a scanner. Heart and pulse monitors were attached to his body. As they carried the lifeless pilot to an operating theatre Inkwolf began to open his uniform a bit more. She ripped off the bloody dog tag and looked at it. She froze. "Shit! Damm! God damm! Not him!" Inkwolf leaned against the wall for a moment. She returned to the hangar bay with the medical team, which brought Deacan to surgery.

The battle continued. Gallows watched it on the tactical overview board while listening to the battle communications over the radio. Gallows knew that he was winning. Several Mon Calamari Cruisers were destroyed, assault transport group Alpha had succeeded in their mission. All Gallows knew was that they had retrieved some kind of information that Intelligence apparently thought would be of some use. The battle wouldn't continue much longer. It had been a success with not too grave losses. According to the commanding officer onboard the medical ship many pilots and stormtrooper's lives were saved by the fact that medical attention was near by.

Back on the Sovereign the wounded Wing II had returned to the hangar. It was clear that it was a battle with the back against the wall. Although it was a victory the pilots of Wing II were not happy. They had suffered the losses of many comrades and even more were badly hurt. Astarosta felt guilty for not being at his flight leader's side but Hawkins said comforting to him "Well it's not your fault and at least he's gonna survive according to the doctors. You did good out there." Hawkins put his hand on Astarosta's shoulder as a sign of trust. "You'll make a great pilot some day and Deacan is lucky to have such a good flight member as you in his flight."

Deacan survived thanks to the effort made by doctor Inkwolf and he was able to return to normal duty two months later.