Scoring in TIE Fighter

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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This article explains how mission scores are calculated in TIE Fighter.

Points for Goal Completion

Primary Goals

All Primary Goals must be completed to earn these points.

Easy Medium Hard
2500 5000 7500

Secondary Goals

All Secondary Goals must be completed to earn these points.

Easy Medium Hard
2500 5000 7500

Bonus Goals

Each individual Bonus Goal has its own point value set by the mission creator. Unlike Primary and Secondary Goals, not all Bonus Goals have to be completed in order to earn points for completing Bonus Goals.

Additional Points

If the mission was flown with collisions on, add 250 points as well as an additional 12.5% bonus to all points earned for units destroyed or captured.

Points for kills or captures are reduced by 25% on Easy and increased by 25% on Hard.

If invulnerability is turned on, or unlimited ammo is turned on at any time during a mission, your score is reduced by 90%. The Empire is tough on cheaters!

Points for Weapons Fire

Each laser fired causes the player's score to be reduced by one point. This is per laser, not per pull of the trigger. For example, a TIE Defender firing four lasers at once would deduct four points. Ion cannon blasts do not deduct any points.

Each warhead fired causes the players score to be reduce by 50 points. As with lasers, if you fire two warheads at the same time, your score would be reduced by 100 points.

Each laser hit adds three points to the player's score. Ion cannon blast hits do not add any points.

Each warhead hit adds 100 points to the player's score.

Points for Destroying Units (Non-Friendly)

The player's craft must make the final hit in order for these points to be awarded. There are no partial points for assists.

Unit Points
Satellites, mines, and probes 50
Tug 200
Z-95 320
TIE Fighter 400
Y-Wing 400
Heavy Lifter 600
TIE Bomber 600
TIE Interceptor 600
Transport 600
X-Wing 600
A-Wing 800
Assault Gunboat 800
B-Wing 800
Container 800
Shuttle 800
Assault Transport 960
TIE Advanced 1000
Freighter 1200
Modular Conveyor 1200
Cargo Ferry 1600
Container Transport 1600
Corvette 1600
Escort Shuttle 1600
TIE Defender 1600
Corellian Transport 2000
Modified Corvette 2000
Patrol Craft 2400
Escort Carrier 4000
Nebulon-B Frigate 4000
Modified Frigate 4000
Carrack Cruiser 5000
Dreadnaught 5000
Victory-class Star Destroyer 5000
Platform 5200
Interdictor Cruiser 5600
Strike Cruiser 6000
Imperial-class Star Destroyer 8000

Points for Captured Units

Capturing a unit awards five times the number of points that destroying the unit would have. Unlike kills, the player's craft does not have to perform the capture operation.

Other Point Deductions

Losing your spacecraft -5,000
Destroying friendly craft -10,000
Successfully calling for reinforcements -5,000 (no points are deducted if the mission has no reinforcement units)
Losing friendly craft 0 (no points are deducted when friendly craft are destroyed or captured)

Achieving In-game Ranks

Based on how many points the player has accrued, the game will assign them a rank in the Imperial Navy.

Rank Points
Flt. Cadet 0
Flt. Officer 10,000
Lieutenant 50,000
Captain 150,000
Commander 250,000
General 500,000

Based on how many points from secondary and bonus goals the player has earned, the game will give them ranks in the Secret Order of the Emperor.

Level Points
First Initiate 100,000
Second Circle 200,000
Third Circle 250,000
Fourth Circle 450,000
Inner Circle 600,000
Emperor's Hand 1,000,000
Emperor's Eyes 1,400,000
Emperor's Hands 1,700,000
Emperor's Reach 2,000,000


Scoring in TIE Fighter