Senate Titles

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia
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As written in the Senate Handbook, version 3.02.

The Imperial Senate has a system of Titles that allow Senators to advance in stature. Some titles are given upon promotion, while others are given after a certain amount of time and persistence. Upon a position promotion, some Senators may keep their current title until they have proved themselves worthy of the minimum title of their position. The maximum title is given as a guide, and some exceptional Senators in various positions may be promoted higher than the titles their position allows.

Upon resignation from a position, members are permitted to keep their title, i.e. if a Party Leader resigns and he has earned the title Premier, he is allowed to remain as an Premier, rather than being demoted to the position he had prior to appointment. However, if a Senator or higher resigns having only held their position for under four months, they will revert back to the rank they held prior to their position promotion. For High Councilors, if they’ve resigned within that four-month period but demonstrated a clear amount of effort, they may be given the title of Exarch.

The Minister of Records approves all promotions for Exarch and below, while the Chancellor handles all promotions of Vizier or higher.


  • Page (PAG) - New members, who haven't completed their Senate training.
  • Delegate (DEL) – New Representatives.
  • Candidate (CND) – Representatives eligible for promotion to Senator.
  • Advocate (ADV) – Senators.
  • Legate (LEG) - Senators, Appointment rank for Party Whip.
  • Magistrate (MAG) - Senators, Party Whip, Appointment rank for Deputy Party Leaders.
  • Arbiter (ARB) – Party Whip, Deputy Party Leaders, appointment rank for Aides/Vice Ministers.
  • Provost (PRV) - Appointment rank for Party Leaders, Deputy Party Leaders, Aides/Vice Ministers.
  • Premier (PRM) – Party Leaders, Aides/Vice Ministers.
  • Exarch (EXH) - Party Leaders, Aides/Vice Ministers.
  • Vizier (VIZ) - Party Leaders, Appointment rank for High Council.
  • Archon (ARC) - High Council.
  • Magnate (MGN) - High Council, Appointment rank for Deputy Chancellor.
  • Regent (RGT) - Deputy Chancellor.
  • Draco (DRC) – Chancellor.

Position Titles[edit]


  • Minimum Title: Page
  • Maximum Normal Title: Page
  • May Recommend: None


  • Minimum Title: Delegate
  • Maximum Normal Title: Advocate
  • May Recommend: None


  • Minimum Title: Advocate
  • Maximum Normal Title: Magistrate
  • May Recommend: Candidate

Party Whip

  • Minimum Title: Legate
  • Maximum Normal Title: Arbiter
  • May Recommend: None

Deputy Party Leader

  • Minimum Title: Magistrate
  • Maximum Normal Title: Provost
  • May Recommend: None


  • Minimum Title: Arbiter
  • Maximum Normal Title: Exarch
  • May Recommend: None

Party Leader

  • Minimum Title: Provost
  • Maximum Normal Title: Vizier
  • May Recommend: Arbiter

High Council

  • Minimum Title: Vizier
  • Maximum Normal Title: Magnate
  • May Recommend: Exarch

Deputy Chancellor

  • Minimum Title: Magnate
  • Maximum Normal Title: Regent
  • May Recommend: Vizier


  • Minimum Title: Draco
  • Maximum Normal Title: Draco
  • May Recommend: Any