Crimson Lightning

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

The "Crimson Lightning" is the personal craft of KEBLAOMEGA.


The ship is technically the "Crimson Lightning II", as the original Crimson Lightning was the nickname for a red swoop bike used for racing competitions by KEBLAOMEGA in his youth. After completing his training at the academy, KEBLAOMEGA spent about two years as a freelance mercenary pilot. He obtained the ship at the start of this period of time, though the specific details are unclear. It was originally close to standard-issue specifications when he obtained it. However, using much of his earnings from the many mercenary missions he completed, as well as with winnings he earned from competitive flying and racing events, KEBLAOMEGA customized the ship greatly over time.

During his time in the TIE Corps, and shortly after joining the Secret Order, KEBLAOMEGA discovered a Sith amulet which he later mounted in the cockpit of the Crimson Lightning. During a battle against an overwhelming force of pirates, the amulet was briefly seen to seemingly help augment maneuverability of the ship. However, after that particular battle ended, this effect was not seen again (for further details, see KEBLAOMEGA's Graduate of the Dark Arts capstone thesis Flight and Dark, in [Proceedings, issue 1]).


  • Craft: Crimson Lightning
  • Type: Custom TIE/IN interceptor
  • Color: Red
  • Engine: Twin Microthrust Engine
  • Hull: Sienar Dampener Hull
  • Shield: Sienar Ray Shield addition
  • Countermeasures: Chaff Particles
  • Auxillaries:
    • Repair System
    • Targeting Jammer
  • Weapons:
    • Quad augmented-output Sienar L-s1 Laser Cannons
    • Single Gimballed Ion Cannon underneath cockpit
    • Eight Anti-Starfighter Missiles