Dagger Squadron

From Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia

Dagger Squadron is a Escort squadron attached to Wing IX of the ISD-II Relentless. It operated as an active squadron between 1996 through 2001, as well as a brief period in 2004.

Brief History[edit]

Around February 1996, the ISD Relentless was officially commissioned, with Dagger Squadron being the second squadron (after Sword Squadron) opened onboard the ISD Relentless. Its first commander is believed to be Sarkis. While it was initially assigned under "Wing VI", that wing would soon be renumbered to Wing IX, which Dagger Squadron has belonged to ever since.

Dagger operated onboard the ISD Relentless from February 1996 until it was closed in July 2001. At the time of its closure, most pilots transferred to Hammer Squadron. It was briefly reopened in 2004 when the Immortal was closed, and then-Demon Squadron commander Mosh decided to move the remaining pilots of Demon Squadron to Dagger. However, it was not long before Dagger was closed again, with Mosh assuming command of Hammer Squadron and all remaining pilots transferring with him. It has not been reopened since.

Dagger Squadron remains assigned to Wing IX and the Relentless, which has since been re-assigned to Battlegroup II.

Dagger was originally commissioned as an Escort Squadron, with flights of TIE Advanced, Gunboats, and TIE Bombers for Flights I, II, and III respectively. Flight I would eventually replace their TIE Advanced for TIE Defenders, with Flight III swapping out TIE Bombers for TIE Advanced.

Mottos and Nicknames[edit]

At the time of its closure, Dagger Squadron's mottos and nicknames were as follows:

  • Squadron Nickname: Cauterizing Slashers
  • Squadron Motto: Don't ever turn your back on us...
  • Flight I Nickname: Dark Angels
  • Flight I Motto: Only through death shall you understand us!
  • Flight II Nickname: Slashing Fire
  • Flight II Motto: The fires of hell shall purify your sins!
  • Flight III Nickname: Backstabbers
  • Flight III Motto: The skeletons will soon be your peers!